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 Newsweek editors refused to publish story on Lewinski

 Drudge Report breaks story instead

 Voted #2 in 10 Web Moments That Changed The World

 Paved the way for political blogs

 But is the Drudge Report considered a political blog?

 Became popul ar after 9/11

 Original l y an outl et of
  comments and thoughts on
  national , col l ectiv e trauma

 Main stream media was
  prov iding information,
  discuss i on outl et was needed

 Perfect combinati on: pol itics of
  post-9/11 and increas ed
  technol ogy

 I ncreased civ ic awarenes s of
  worl d and pol itical forces
  prov ided ampl e audience

     Then Sen. Trent Lott praising
      Sen. Strom Thurmond on his
      100 th birthday

     Sen. Lott said almost same
      words in 1980  no

     Blogs, led by Talking Points
      Memo, kept the story
      circulating, eventually
      leading Lott to resign

 Can political blogs be on YouTube?

 Dan Rather, on 60 M inutes
  Wednesday, broadcast
  documents regarding George
  W. Bushs mil itary service

 A s soon as it was aired, bl ogs
  pointed out typographical

 Dan Rather/CBS stood by
  documents as authentic

 Experts, and ev en the son of
  the purported author cl aimed
  they were forgeries5

 Under pressure, CBS stated
  they coul d no l onger v ouch
  for the accuracy of the

 One of the first blogs to cry fowl over documents
  broadcast by CBS

 Started by Minneapolis lawyer John Hinderacker on his
  laptop on a random weekend

 First post, This is a new blog dedicated to current
  events and any topics that are of interest to me.6

 By simply posting his thoughts after the CBS story, he
  helped keep the momentum than ended with Dan
  Rathers resignation

 By the 2008 election, political blogs had reached their
  teenage years

 When Sarah Palin was announced, blogs began to
  circulate rumors about her recently born son, Tripp

 The rumors, that Palin had faked her pregnancy to
  cover up her daughters pregnancy, became vicious
  and violent on some blogs

 Did those jump the gun, or did they shoot themselves in
  their foot with their anger?

 Political blogs have been growing over the past
  decade  what will they look like in the future? How
  much influence will they have?

 What defines a good political blog? I.e., acceptable
  amount of ideology, subjectivity, etc.

 Do you, or would you be willing to read a political blog
  not aligning with your politics? Why, or why not?

 http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp -dyn/A37288-
 Lessig , Larry (2004). Free Culture: How Bi g Medi a Uses
  Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control
  Creativity. I SBN 1594200068.
 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1009913 -
 http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/183609 -1

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  • 2. DRUDGE REPORT / MONICA-GATE Newsweek editors refused to publish story on Lewinski Drudge Report breaks story instead Voted #2 in 10 Web Moments That Changed The World Paved the way for political blogs But is the Drudge Report considered a political blog?
  • 3. THE BIRTH OF THE POLITICAL BLOG Became popul ar after 9/11 Original l y an outl et of comments and thoughts on national , col l ectiv e trauma Main stream media was prov iding information, discuss i on outl et was needed Perfect combinati on: pol itics of post-9/11 and increas ed technol ogy I ncreased civ ic awarenes s of worl d and pol itical forces prov ided ampl e audience
  • 4. TRENT LOTT Then Sen. Trent Lott praising Sen. Strom Thurmond on his 100 th birthday Sen. Lott said almost same words in 1980 no controversy Blogs, led by Talking Points Memo, kept the story circulating, eventually leading Lott to resign
  • 5. TRENT LOTT Can political blogs be on YouTube?
  • 6. DAN RATHER Dan Rather, on 60 M inutes Wednesday, broadcast documents regarding George W. Bushs mil itary service A s soon as it was aired, bl ogs pointed out typographical inconsistencies Dan Rather/CBS stood by documents as authentic Experts, and ev en the son of the purported author cl aimed they were forgeries5 Under pressure, CBS stated they coul d no l onger v ouch for the accuracy of the documents
  • 7. POWERLINE BLOG One of the first blogs to cry fowl over documents broadcast by CBS Started by Minneapolis lawyer John Hinderacker on his laptop on a random weekend First post, This is a new blog dedicated to current events and any topics that are of interest to me.6 By simply posting his thoughts after the CBS story, he helped keep the momentum than ended with Dan Rathers resignation
  • 8. SARAH PALIN By the 2008 election, political blogs had reached their teenage years When Sarah Palin was announced, blogs began to circulate rumors about her recently born son, Tripp The rumors, that Palin had faked her pregnancy to cover up her daughters pregnancy, became vicious and violent on some blogs Did those jump the gun, or did they shoot themselves in their foot with their anger?
  • 9. FINAL QUESTIONS Political blogs have been growing over the past decade what will they look like in the future? How much influence will they have? What defines a good political blog? I.e., acceptable amount of ideology, subjectivity, etc. Do you, or would you be willing to read a political blog not aligning with your politics? Why, or why not?
  • 10. SOURCES http://www.webbyawards.com/press/webby_top_10.php http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcR9K66UjkI http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp -dyn/A37288- 2002Dec10 Lessig , Larry (2004). Free Culture: How Bi g Medi a Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity. I SBN 1594200068. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/09/10/politics/main64272 9.shtml http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1009913 - 1,00.html http://www.c-spanvideo.org/program/183609 -1 http://maulofamerica.blogspot.com/2008_01_01_archive.html http://undergroundvelvet.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/talkingpo intsmemo2.png http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,20010914,00.html