This document discusses how to structure effective group discussions. It recommends that teachers clearly define the purpose and topic of discussions to focus the conversation. Teachers should also establish ground rules, provide supplementary materials, and highlight key points. When assigning tasks, teachers should ensure they involve logical thinking processes like analysis or synthesis and have a clear outcome. Tasks should be simple, preparation should be minimal, and they must facilitate interaction. Activities like role plays, dialogues and debates can make discussions more interesting.
2. Givingthediscussion a purpose: thetaskGroup work is one pedagogical strategy that promotes participation and interaction. It fosters a deeper and more active learning process, and it also provides instructors with valuable demonstrations of the degree to which students understand particular topics or concepts.2
3. Whenthegroupisgiven a tasktoperformthrough verbal interaction, allspeechbecomespurposeful, and interesting.Therefore, teachersshouldbeclear in whatisthepurpose and whatisthetopic of thepresentationtheyhaveto do.3
4. Establish clear ground rules for discussion. Provide electronic supplementary course/discussion materials. Give clear descriptions of visual materials. Paraphrase questions and answers and highlight key points throughout discussions. Create options for electronic discussions. Tipstomanagethediscussions4
7. 7RESULTEachtaskconsists of a thinkingprocess and itsoutcome in theform of a tangible result.<First, itfocuses and defines whatthe speaker has to do.<Secondly, itprovides a clearsignalthatthespeakers has finished.< Thirdly, itprovides a basisforfeedback.TICK OFF
8. 8LANGUAGE-PRACTICE EFFICIENCYTeachershavetobecareful in thetype of speechthey set. Itisimportanttocheckthestimulusfortalking. Also, the time use tospeakmustbe control fortheteacher in ordernottobeexcesstheparticipation of otherstudentswhenworking in groups.USE OF LANGUAGE
9. SIMPLICITYThesimplerthetask, the more chance it has of sucess. Themainpointisthatthe final aimshouldbesufficiently simple tobecleartoparticipants at allstages.9
10. PREPARATIONThetaskshouldbe simple fromtheteacher卒spoint of view as wellas itshouldbe simple to prepare. Time consumingkillsinspiration and effectiveness in preparingspeech as studentshavetotype, duplicate, correct and finallythepresentationcouldbetoolongthatitisnotfinishedorally.10