The document discusses natural disasters in Venezuela including a 1999 mudslide in Vargas, Miranda y Falc坦n states that killed between 1,500-3,000 people, left 94,000 homeless, and caused 130,000 to evacuate. It also mentions a nuclear accident in Fukushima in 1999 and compares natural disasters caused by nature versus those caused by humans such as chemical spills. The document lists countries that provided help to Venezuela after the mudslide including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia and the United States.
Argelia Egipto Argentina
Antillas Neerlandesas Aruba
Barbados Bolivia Brasil
Canad叩 Colombia Costa Rica
Cuba Chile Eduardo Frei Ruiz-
Tagle Ecuador Jamil Mahuad El
Salvador Estados Unidos
7. Example of Technologycal dissaster.
What countries help to Venezuela?
Who cause the Natural dissasters?