This document analyzes the failure of a drive shaft in a cement plant bucket elevator. The objectives were to determine shaft stresses analytically and numerically, and assess fatigue failure. Analytical models assumed three load scenarios, while numerical models used different mesh qualities. The analysis found that stress distribution depends on load distribution. Numerically, maximum stress occurred near bearings, and finer meshes showed higher stresses. The shaft was found to have infinite life and no yielding, but numerical results did not match analytical findings. This suggests mesh quality and parameters affect stress distribution calculations.
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1. 4-4- Result-AnalyticalResult-Analytical4-4- Result-AnalyticalResult-Analytical
2- objectives2- objectives2- objectives2- objectives
3- MethodsMethods3- MethodsMethods
1- Introduction1- Introduction1- Introduction1- Introduction
1- To determine the stresses distribution along the
shaft analytical.
2- To assess the stresses distribution along the
shaft by using Finite Element method (numerical
computation analysis)
3- To determine the fatigue failure of the shaft
The used methods are; 1/analytical analysis(three
scenarios were assumed)
2/ Numerical analysis(Different mesh qualities
were built)
5-5- Result-Result-
5-5- Result-Result-
- Stress distribution is based on the loads
- Endurance Limit is 157MPa and yield strength
is 280 Mpa.
- Numerically, the maximum stress occurred
either around or at the edge of the bearings.
- Bearings set-up affect the level of stress.
- Numerically, Finest mesh give highest value of
- The design of the bucket elevator is mainly
based on the design of the shaft.
- Shaft has infinite life and no yielding on the
first cycle.
- Mesh quality& set-up parameters affect the
stress distribution.
- The numerical analysis results are not
compatible with the analytical results.
Analysis of the failure of a drive bucket elevator wheel
shaft in a cement plant
- This project tries to analyse the reasons behind
the failure of the drive bucket elevator shaft
- The bucket elevator is one of the conveyor
systems that used for conveying material
vertically in engineering fields.
- The main component of bucket elevator are
buckets, belt, take-up pulley and drive pulley.
- Failure mechanisms are the physical process
by which stresses can result in damaging the
a MSc Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Environment
T. Ibrahim, Master student
Dr. A. Daadbin, Supervisor