Lecture objectives
1. Define : distributed system, networked system, decentralized system.
2. Recall the key design goals for distributed systems.
3. Identify common pitfalls associated with designing and deploying distributed
4. Describe the role of networked systems in enabling distributed functionalities.
5. Analyse the trade-offs between different design goals for distributed systems.
6. Explain the potential consequences of each pitfall associated with distributed
2. Course Presentation I
General objectives
• Understand design goals and challenges associated with building distributed
• Analyse different communication mechanisms and their suitability for various
• Explore techniques for coordinating processes and maintaining consistency in a
distributed environment.
• Identify and understand the purpose of naming services in distributed systems.
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3. Course Presentation II
• Operations systems and networking fundamentals
• System Programming (Shell, C, C++)
• Virtualisation (Virtualbox, Docker)
• Commitment
• An operational laptop having virtualisation enabled
• Internet access
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4. Lecture objectives
1. Define : distributed system, networked system, decentralized system.
2. Recall the key design goals for distributed systems.
3. Identify common pitfalls associated with designing and deploying distributed
4. Describe the role of networked systems in enabling distributed functionalities.
5. Analyse the trade-offs between different design goals for distributed systems.
6. Explain the potential consequences of each pitfall associated with distributed
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7. Generalities
Networked systems I
• Devices communication
• What could be a device ?
• Topologies, architectures
• Wired vs Wireless
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9. Generalities
Needs before distributed systems
Integrative view
• Several network computer systems providing different services
• Giving access to entities that were not thought before
• Example: in organisations
Expansive view
• Existing system in need of additional computers
• Expanding a system with computers to hold resources close to where those
resources are needed
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10. Generalities
• Single point of processes and resources
• Processes and resources are necessarily spread across multiple computers
• Necessary means required
• Processes and resources are sufficiently spread across multiple computers
• Sufficient means enough
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12. Design goals
Resource sharing
• Easy access to remote resources
• Peripherals, storage facilities
• Data, files, services, and networks
• Economic
• Exchange of information
• Collaboration
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13. Design goals
Transparency I
• Hide the fact that its processes and resources are physically distributed across
multiple computers, possibly separated by large distances.
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15. Design goals
Transparency III
Types of transparency Description
Hide differences in data representation
and how an object is accessed
Location Hide where an object is located
Hide that an object may be moved to
another location while in use
Hide that an object may move to another
Replication Hide that an object is replicated
Hide that an object may be shared
by several independent users
Failure Hide the failure and recovery of an object
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16. Design goals
Openness I
• An open distributed system is essentially a system that offers components that
can easily be used by, or integrated into other systems
• Services
• Interface Definition Language for syntax and semantics
• Completeness and neutrality of specifications
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17. Design goals
Openness II
• Two implementations of systems or components
• Merely relying on each other’s services
• A and B are two distributed systems
• An app for A runs on B
• No modifications should be applied for the app to run
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19. Design goals
Dependability I
• The degree that a computer system can be relied upon to operate as expected
Fault tolerance
• Availability: a system is ready to be used immediately
• Reliability: a system can run continuously without failure
• Safety: no catastrophic event happens
• Maintainability: how easily a failed system can be repaired
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20. Design goals
Dependability II
• Mean Time To Failure (MTTF): The average time until a component fails
• Mean Time To Repair (MTTR): The average time needed to repair a component
• Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): Simply MTTF + MTTR.
• Failures
• Errors
• Faults: transient, intermittent, permanent
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21. Design goals
Security I
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Authorization
• Authentication
• Trust
Key elements
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23. Design goals
Scalability I
• Size: we can easily add more users and resources to the system without any
noticeable loss of performance
• Geographical: the users and resources may lie far apart, but the fact that
communication delays may be significant is hardly noticed
• Administrative: can still be easily managed even if it spans many independent
administrative organizations
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24. Design goals
Scalability II
• Scaling up : more capacity by replacement
• Scaling out : more devices
• Hiding communication latencies
• Partitioning and distribution
• Replication
• Caching
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26. Pitfalls
False assumptions
Network state
• Reliable
• Secure
• Homogeneous
Network properties
• Latency is zero
• Topology is static
• Bandwidth is infinite
• No transport cost and one administrator
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28. Assignment: interprocess
Using the command line...
1. Write a C program that takes as input an integer n and creates n processes.
2. Each process has a number (from 1 to n)
3. All the process should display their identity (PID) and their parent’s identity (PPID)
4. In addition to the previous requirement, even processes should initialise a large
size array and create p threads, each counting the number of occurrences of
each value of the array.
5. The generated array should be written in a file.
6. The work of each thread should be saved in a distinct file specifying the portion
of the file, the thread was working on.
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29. Assignment: interprocess
Useful resources
• https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/fork-system-call/
• https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/basics-file-handling-c/
• https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/multithreading-in-c/
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