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12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine 
How schools are bringing mobile under control 
District Administration, December 2014[1] 
Whether devices are tablets or laptops, or owned by the school or the student, they all 
require IT support. 
Recent support developments include bundling digital learning applications and the 
physical device with the cost of mobile device[2] management (MDM) software. Apple, 
meanwhile, has made changes that make it easier to automate control of iPads. 
Districts supporting BYOD can manage students instructional software through virtual 
containers and clouds while relying on MDM software to manage security. Whatever 
strategy a district chooses, the end goal is to take device management out of the hands 
of teachers and students, so they can focus on learning. 
Ilwaco Middle School in the Ocean Beach School District in Washington chose a package 
this year that not only gives them MDM software, but also tablets loaded with 
instructional content. The district wanted the interactivity of a tablet, but iPads were 
too expensive. BYOD was not an option for the district where about 70 percent of 
students receive a free or reduced-price lunch. 
Bring your own technology sounds wonderful, but it creates issues of equity, says 
Ilwaco Principal Marc Simmons. You have kids thinking, My tablet isnt as good as 
someone elses. We want to increase equity through technology. It makes us all feel like 
we are on the same page. 
Managing school-owned iPads 
Cherry Hills Christian School in Colorado combined an MDM solution with district-owned 
iPads. Every one of its 700 students in grades 1 through 8 is assigned an iPad 
while its 60 kindergarten students use the tablets in the private schools computer 
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12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine 
Cherry Hills, which has a fairly affluent population, attempted a BYOD program with 
student-owned iPads by establishing requirementslike 16 gigabytes of memory so that 
the devices could support the classroom software. Still, students were using iPads with 
varying degrees of memory and processing speeds. 
The mix of devices got in the way of learning, says Mike Scheid, Cherry Hills 
technology manager. There are more things we can do with a device we own versus 
what we dont own. We can customize every piece of district-owned devices. 
The district uses MDM and learning management system software from Lightspeed 
Systems. Scheid applies security features to limit the websites that students can access 
and to blacklist Instagram, ChatNow and other apps. The security filters identify users 
when an inappropriate buzzword or website domain has been entered on a device. 
Scheid also can push out instructional learning apps relevant to each student. 
Information about students grade levels and classes are automatically sent from the 
student information system to the MDM software. 
Managing the iPads is a little easier now thanks to two changes Apple made to its Device 
Enrollment Program last year, says Scheid. The district can automatically take control of 
all the devices through its MDM software during the initial setup. Before, tech staff had 
to manually enroll each device. 
The second change gave the district, rather than individual users, control over app 
licenses. The district can easily revoke access if a student leaves the district or a teacher 
is no longer using the app in the classroom. In those cases, the license is returned to the 
district. Students have the option of purchasing the app if they want to continue using 
it. Scheid says this capability keeps the district from paying for apps that it is no longer 
Keeping track of licensed apps and subscriptions for instructional content is an 
important feature of MDM software. It helps districts stay in compliance with their 
licensing agreement, and not overspend, says Bill Odell, vice president of marketing for 
Dell KACE, an MDM appliance. Districts can do a deep inspection of every software 
application on each device. They might see that a lot of students arent using a piece of 
software, and then discontinue the subscription or move it over to another class that 
wants it. 
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12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine 
Supporting BYOD 
Eastern Lancaster County School District in Pennsylvania supports BYOD and a 1-to-1 
program with a mix of district-provided tablets and laptops. Rather than pushing 
software out to each device, the district directs students to a desktop in the cloud where 
they access all their instructional applications and classroom files. 
This route lets us open up our 1-to-1 program to use tablets or any other devices, says 
Lotsie D. Wooten, supervisor of technology infrastructure at the district. It also helps 
with managing passwords for digital content, which had become a big problem. The 
software has a password locker where we can store passwords for all those different 
systems so students dont have to memorize them all. 
The cloud software, from ClassLink, also gives students with tablets access to the full 
features of large applications like Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshopwhich are 
usually available only on laptops with larger hard drives. Students and teachers also can 
share and edit files in the cloud, rather than store them on their tablets. 
Security settings and software are pushed out to all school-owned devices through the 
Microsoft System Center. The settings remain no matter where students have access to 
the internetwhether its at home, the library or McDonalds, says Wooten. 
With most MDM software, districts also can set time-based policies. For instance, they 
can block students access to Facebook during school hours, but restore it when they get 
ClassLink CEO Berj Akian says BYOD will be the prevalent model in the future. In a 
survey done by the company in February, 87 percent of the 67 districts that responded 
stated that BYOD was either underway or being considered. Cloud-based is the model 
for instructional content today, and there is an ever wider range of devices that students 
want to use, Akian says. Parents and grandparents are buying devices for children and 
expect them to be used for education. 
Virtual containers are another management option for BYOD districts. Whereas an 
entire library of educational materials might reside in a cloud, a container is a device-centric 
concept that helps to separate out resources. In addition, apps and material in a 
container can be subject to different security policies and parameters. 
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12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine 
When users enter their credentials, they will only have access to materials in the 
library that are relevant to them, says Sundhar Annamalai, executive director of 
product marketing management and advanced mobility solutions at AT&T Mobility & 
Business Solutions. 
Power to the teachers 
Content on district-owned devices can be customized for each teacher and student. For 
example, one student in tenth grade may have instructional software for an elective 
finance class in addition to applications for core classes. Another student may have 
access to an application for a music elective. 
The MDM software also gives teachers tools for tighter classroom management. A 
teacher whos in control of all devices can lock an applicationsuch as a writing blog 
when time for that lesson is up. Teachers can then push a document, such as a PDF of an 
article, to all devices for immediate discussion. 
However, there is no way to block applications that are on a students personal device. 
And students cant be prevented from checking out Facebook during class time. You 
cant stop the student from doing something with their own device. There are only so 
many things you can control with BYOD, says Annamalai. 
But teachers can adjust districtwide web filter settings. YouTube is normally blocked at 
Cherry Hill; however, teachers can open the settings for a limited time to let their class 
watch a pertinent video, such as one on a chemistry experiment. Access is automatically 
blocked again after a set time, such as the class period, preventing the possibility that a 
teacher will forget to change the settings back. 
The cloud approach lets teachers at Eastern Lancaster access apps on the fly, says 
Wooten. When an unexpected topic, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, comes up during 
a class discussionor teachers want to go deeper on a subjectthey can quickly search 
for secure, approved content on the district cloud. Some of the instructional resources 
available to East Lancaster students through their ClassLink cloud include Compass 
Learning, Discovery Education and BrainPOP. 
Both approaches can provide assessment tools that let teachers do a quick survey of 
students understanding of a subject. If most students indicate poor comprehension, the 
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12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine 
teacher could review the concept the following day. Also, MDM software used with 
personal or district-owned devices can generate reports telling educators how much 
time students spent using different digital content. Eastern Lancaster routinely emails 
parents reports on what websites their child has accessed, says Wooten. 
When a device is damaged 
MDM solutions can manage software, but students have to take care of the hardware. At 
Eastern Lancaster, parents pay a $100 fee for any item broken that costs more than $100 
to repair. But only about 7 percent of the laptops get damaged annually, says Wooten. 
About 10 percent of Cherry Hills 700 tablets get damaged per year, with cracked screens 
accounting for about 99 percent of the breakage. The district splits the $100 
replacement cost with the students family the first time. The family pays the full cost if 
it happens again in a single school year. Students must purchase a district-approved 
case before they can take the iPads out of school. 
Ilwaco Middle School pays $29 per tablet per year for insurance to cover breakage on its 
Amplify tablets. 
All the schools expect students to have their devices charged and ready to use each day. 
Cherry Hill gives each of its students a charger and cable. Those who forget can check 
out one of the schools three battery packs for $5 per day. Some districts have charging 
stations for students to use during the school day, says Josh Hartmann, chief technology 
officer at Amplify Access. Responsibility for charging the devices should be put on the 
students. Its part of teaching them digital citizenship, he says. 
Occasionally, a device gets misplaced, bringing the role of MDM software back full 
circle. A school administrator can send a signal from the software to the device, which 
sends back its location if it is turned on. The software also helps districts track 
inventory, including the devices ages, serial numbers and who they are assigned to. 
My advice to districts is never do mobile deployment without MDM software, says 
Scheid. You dont want to give a device to students that you cant manage in terms of 
web content and filtering. And you dont want to hand them a device that is a 
distraction. With the right parameters, mobile devices can be tools for learning. DA 
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12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine 
Katie Kilfoyle Remis is a freelance writer in upstate New York. 
1. http://www.districtadministration.com/issue/district-administration-december-2014 
2. http://www.districtadministration.com/topic/mobile 
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District Administration Magazine - Dec 2014 Feature - Simmons

  • 1. 12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine How schools are bringing mobile under control District Administration, December 2014[1] Whether devices are tablets or laptops, or owned by the school or the student, they all require IT support. Recent support developments include bundling digital learning applications and the physical device with the cost of mobile device[2] management (MDM) software. Apple, meanwhile, has made changes that make it easier to automate control of iPads. Districts supporting BYOD can manage students instructional software through virtual containers and clouds while relying on MDM software to manage security. Whatever strategy a district chooses, the end goal is to take device management out of the hands of teachers and students, so they can focus on learning. Ilwaco Middle School in the Ocean Beach School District in Washington chose a package this year that not only gives them MDM software, but also tablets loaded with instructional content. The district wanted the interactivity of a tablet, but iPads were too expensive. BYOD was not an option for the district where about 70 percent of students receive a free or reduced-price lunch. Bring your own technology sounds wonderful, but it creates issues of equity, says Ilwaco Principal Marc Simmons. You have kids thinking, My tablet isnt as good as someone elses. We want to increase equity through technology. It makes us all feel like we are on the same page. Managing school-owned iPads Cherry Hills Christian School in Colorado combined an MDM solution with district-owned iPads. Every one of its 700 students in grades 1 through 8 is assigned an iPad while its 60 kindergarten students use the tablets in the private schools computer center. chrome足extension:// iooicodkiihhpojmmeghjclgihfjdjhj/js_in_isolation/reformat.html 1/6
  • 2. 12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine Cherry Hills, which has a fairly affluent population, attempted a BYOD program with student-owned iPads by establishing requirementslike 16 gigabytes of memory so that the devices could support the classroom software. Still, students were using iPads with varying degrees of memory and processing speeds. The mix of devices got in the way of learning, says Mike Scheid, Cherry Hills technology manager. There are more things we can do with a device we own versus what we dont own. We can customize every piece of district-owned devices. The district uses MDM and learning management system software from Lightspeed Systems. Scheid applies security features to limit the websites that students can access and to blacklist Instagram, ChatNow and other apps. The security filters identify users when an inappropriate buzzword or website domain has been entered on a device. Scheid also can push out instructional learning apps relevant to each student. Information about students grade levels and classes are automatically sent from the student information system to the MDM software. Managing the iPads is a little easier now thanks to two changes Apple made to its Device Enrollment Program last year, says Scheid. The district can automatically take control of all the devices through its MDM software during the initial setup. Before, tech staff had to manually enroll each device. The second change gave the district, rather than individual users, control over app licenses. The district can easily revoke access if a student leaves the district or a teacher is no longer using the app in the classroom. In those cases, the license is returned to the district. Students have the option of purchasing the app if they want to continue using it. Scheid says this capability keeps the district from paying for apps that it is no longer using. Keeping track of licensed apps and subscriptions for instructional content is an important feature of MDM software. It helps districts stay in compliance with their licensing agreement, and not overspend, says Bill Odell, vice president of marketing for Dell KACE, an MDM appliance. Districts can do a deep inspection of every software application on each device. They might see that a lot of students arent using a piece of software, and then discontinue the subscription or move it over to another class that wants it. chrome足extension:// iooicodkiihhpojmmeghjclgihfjdjhj/js_in_isolation/reformat.html 2/6
  • 3. 12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine Supporting BYOD Eastern Lancaster County School District in Pennsylvania supports BYOD and a 1-to-1 program with a mix of district-provided tablets and laptops. Rather than pushing software out to each device, the district directs students to a desktop in the cloud where they access all their instructional applications and classroom files. This route lets us open up our 1-to-1 program to use tablets or any other devices, says Lotsie D. Wooten, supervisor of technology infrastructure at the district. It also helps with managing passwords for digital content, which had become a big problem. The software has a password locker where we can store passwords for all those different systems so students dont have to memorize them all. The cloud software, from ClassLink, also gives students with tablets access to the full features of large applications like Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshopwhich are usually available only on laptops with larger hard drives. Students and teachers also can share and edit files in the cloud, rather than store them on their tablets. Security settings and software are pushed out to all school-owned devices through the Microsoft System Center. The settings remain no matter where students have access to the internetwhether its at home, the library or McDonalds, says Wooten. With most MDM software, districts also can set time-based policies. For instance, they can block students access to Facebook during school hours, but restore it when they get home. ClassLink CEO Berj Akian says BYOD will be the prevalent model in the future. In a survey done by the company in February, 87 percent of the 67 districts that responded stated that BYOD was either underway or being considered. Cloud-based is the model for instructional content today, and there is an ever wider range of devices that students want to use, Akian says. Parents and grandparents are buying devices for children and expect them to be used for education. Virtual containers are another management option for BYOD districts. Whereas an entire library of educational materials might reside in a cloud, a container is a device-centric concept that helps to separate out resources. In addition, apps and material in a container can be subject to different security policies and parameters. chrome足extension:// iooicodkiihhpojmmeghjclgihfjdjhj/js_in_isolation/reformat.html 3/6
  • 4. 12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine When users enter their credentials, they will only have access to materials in the library that are relevant to them, says Sundhar Annamalai, executive director of product marketing management and advanced mobility solutions at AT&T Mobility & Business Solutions. Power to the teachers Content on district-owned devices can be customized for each teacher and student. For example, one student in tenth grade may have instructional software for an elective finance class in addition to applications for core classes. Another student may have access to an application for a music elective. The MDM software also gives teachers tools for tighter classroom management. A teacher whos in control of all devices can lock an applicationsuch as a writing blog when time for that lesson is up. Teachers can then push a document, such as a PDF of an article, to all devices for immediate discussion. However, there is no way to block applications that are on a students personal device. And students cant be prevented from checking out Facebook during class time. You cant stop the student from doing something with their own device. There are only so many things you can control with BYOD, says Annamalai. But teachers can adjust districtwide web filter settings. YouTube is normally blocked at Cherry Hill; however, teachers can open the settings for a limited time to let their class watch a pertinent video, such as one on a chemistry experiment. Access is automatically blocked again after a set time, such as the class period, preventing the possibility that a teacher will forget to change the settings back. The cloud approach lets teachers at Eastern Lancaster access apps on the fly, says Wooten. When an unexpected topic, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, comes up during a class discussionor teachers want to go deeper on a subjectthey can quickly search for secure, approved content on the district cloud. Some of the instructional resources available to East Lancaster students through their ClassLink cloud include Compass Learning, Discovery Education and BrainPOP. Both approaches can provide assessment tools that let teachers do a quick survey of students understanding of a subject. If most students indicate poor comprehension, the chrome足extension:// iooicodkiihhpojmmeghjclgihfjdjhj/js_in_isolation/reformat.html 4/6
  • 5. 12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine teacher could review the concept the following day. Also, MDM software used with personal or district-owned devices can generate reports telling educators how much time students spent using different digital content. Eastern Lancaster routinely emails parents reports on what websites their child has accessed, says Wooten. When a device is damaged MDM solutions can manage software, but students have to take care of the hardware. At Eastern Lancaster, parents pay a $100 fee for any item broken that costs more than $100 to repair. But only about 7 percent of the laptops get damaged annually, says Wooten. About 10 percent of Cherry Hills 700 tablets get damaged per year, with cracked screens accounting for about 99 percent of the breakage. The district splits the $100 replacement cost with the students family the first time. The family pays the full cost if it happens again in a single school year. Students must purchase a district-approved case before they can take the iPads out of school. Ilwaco Middle School pays $29 per tablet per year for insurance to cover breakage on its Amplify tablets. All the schools expect students to have their devices charged and ready to use each day. Cherry Hill gives each of its students a charger and cable. Those who forget can check out one of the schools three battery packs for $5 per day. Some districts have charging stations for students to use during the school day, says Josh Hartmann, chief technology officer at Amplify Access. Responsibility for charging the devices should be put on the students. Its part of teaching them digital citizenship, he says. Occasionally, a device gets misplaced, bringing the role of MDM software back full circle. A school administrator can send a signal from the software to the device, which sends back its location if it is turned on. The software also helps districts track inventory, including the devices ages, serial numbers and who they are assigned to. My advice to districts is never do mobile deployment without MDM software, says Scheid. You dont want to give a device to students that you cant manage in terms of web content and filtering. And you dont want to hand them a device that is a distraction. With the right parameters, mobile devices can be tools for learning. DA chrome足extension:// iooicodkiihhpojmmeghjclgihfjdjhj/js_in_isolation/reformat.html 5/6
  • 6. 12/1/2014 How schools are bringing mobile under control | District Administration Magazine Katie Kilfoyle Remis is a freelance writer in upstate New York. 1. http://www.districtadministration.com/issue/district-administration-december-2014 2. http://www.districtadministration.com/topic/mobile chrome足extension:// iooicodkiihhpojmmeghjclgihfjdjhj/js_in_isolation/reformat.html 6/6