Jacco Valkenburg is one of a growing band of recruiters who is looking to move his clients career sites from a traditional website to a Facebook career page, utilising Facebook technology, search and targeting. Others are strongly opposed to this view, believing the career site to be the number one venue for applications.
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Ditch the Career Site
1. Ditch
The Career Site
iRecruit Expo 2013
Jacco Valkenburg
WARNING: this presentation may not be suitable for Internet Agencies, Employer Branding Agencies,
Analytics Experts, SEO/SEA Specialists, Wordpress Pros or RINOs.
5. www.recruit2.nl
Updating the recruitmentsite?
1.Re-design of WWW-site
2.Needs to be suitable for mobile devices
3.New CMS
4.New internet agency (probably)
5.ATS integration
6.Webhosting, security, maintenance
8.Project team
9.Align with Marcom, Internet agency, Management
10.Time 3-9 months
12. www.recruit2.nl
Facebook Page vs Recruitmentsite
PRO Facebook (Career) Page:
Tabs can include all functionality of a traditional site
50+% of internet population is familiar with FB
No need to have a FB account, everything is accessible
(only commenting on status updates requires a login)
13. www.recruit2.nl
Facebook Page vs Recruitmentsite
CONTRA Facebook (Career) Page:
A lot of misunderstandings regarding Facebook
Tabs cannot be accessed with a mobile device*
News updates are not always shown in timeline
* 9% of internet traffic on the www-site comes from mobile
14. www.recruit2.nl
1. Employees were afraid that they, and their updates
become visible to anyone (its not)
2. Facebook is temporary (a recruitment site too)
3. Not SEO (are your vacancies on top of Google?)
4. A Facebook account is required (no)
5. People dont apply via FB (please tell?)
6. Privacy issues (no recruitment-data is shared with FB)
7. Facebook is private (its a web-page!)
8. It takes a lot of work (picking up the phone is also work)
9. You always need new content (really?)
10. Its a big scary step (or is it a smart thing to do?)
18. www.recruit2.nl
Old school adverteren Social recruiting
Kostbaar Gratis
Snel tot langzame reactietijd Direct resultaat (realtime)
Reactief, korte termijn Proactief, langetermijn relaties
Actieve werkzoekenden Passievere kandidaten
Beperkt inzicht Veel inzicht
Eenrichtingsverkeer zenden Sociaal en interactief
Beperkter bereik met veel verspilling Doelgericht en betrokken
Gemiddelde kwaliteit Hogere kwaliteit
Old school vs Social Recruiting