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Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Goals
Creating an
for Current
and New Team
Build Strategies
and Processes for
Diversity and
Inclusion at
Provide a
Roadmap to Help
Other Businesses
Become More
Diverse and
 I m p l i c i t B i a s T r a i n i n g
 N a r r a t i v e R e c i p e B o o k
 D i v e r s i t y i n I m a g e r y
 C a l e n d a r A w a r e n e s s U p d a t e s
Implicit Bias Training
This is a half-day training session to understand individual biases.
Every person has some unconscious biases, and most of our daily decisions and actions
are made unconsciously. This can sometimes result in stereotyping, prejudice, or behavior
that may make a person or group of people uncomfortable. Implicit bias training can help
individuals identify their own unconscious biases and inform their actions in the workplace.
Narrative Recipe Book
Individuals submit family recipes and can share the story behind them. These are collected into
a booklet that can be shared with the entire team.
This is a simple opportunity to share and celebrate everyone's unique background, culture, and
Diversity in Imagery
We are striving to include more diverse imagery in blog posts, newsletters, video, social
media posts, website pages, etc.
Our branded content should promote the type of diversity we support and hope to achieve.
Imagery should resonate with both our team and our audience.
Calendar Awareness Updates
We are updating our online, all-team calendar with multicultural holidays, cultural awareness
days, and other events along with informational resources to learn more about them.
These resources give individuals the opportunity to learn more about the holidays and events
that other staff members, our clients, vendors, and community members are celebrating and
 I m p l i c i t B i a s T r a i n i n g
 D i v e r s i t y a n d I n c l u s i o n T r a i n i n g
 E q u a l S t a r t i n g P a y f o r S a m e - T i t l e J o b s
 C o n s c i e n t i o u s R e c r u i t m e n t
New Employee Training
All new employees at LaFleur will be provided with an overview handout and other
resources that relate to diversity and inclusion at LaFleur.
From an employee's first day, we want to emphasize the culture of inclusion on our team,
and it will help new employees feel welcome and included from the start of our professional
Equal Starting Pay for Same-Title Jobs
LaFleur will offer the same starting salary for all incoming employees with the same job title.
Wage gaps exist across multiple demographics, and we want to ensure that as our team
grows, we offer the same starting salary for individuals with the same job title. While job
performance may affect the salary trajectory of individuals, equality in starting salaries is an
important first step toward closing wage gaps.
Conscientious Recruitment: Job Postings
We will add language about diversity, accessibility, and inclusion to future job postings.
Being proactive about diversity, accessibility, and inclusion will help attract inclusive team
members, communicate our values as an organization, and more clearly establish
requirements and accommodations for applicants.
Conscientious Recruitment: Increase
We will establish flexible working arrangements for any employees living with disabilities,
including accessible interview locations, accommodating work schedules, and opportunities to
regularly work with team members in person.
LaFleurs current office location is not accessible. As we grow and strive for an increasingly
inclusive environment, we will need to not only provide options for individuals living with
disabilities while we occupy our current space. We will also want to take our diversity and
inclusion goals into account as we search for new space.
Conscientious Recruitment: Cultural Inclusion
For future new hire searches, LaFleur will strive to ensure that multicultural candidates will
be considered and interviewed for open positions by posting jobs via a variety of media and
within diverse localities.
Multicultural candidates are often underrepresented in the workforce despite having
relevant skills and experience. Also, diverse teams outperform non-diverse teams by 35%.
 E v e n t P a r t i c i p a t i o n
 R e s o u r c e C r e a t i o n
 V o l u n t e e r i n g
Event Participation
At least once per year, LaFleur will identify a community event related to diversity and
inclusion that we can host, sponsor, or attend.
Along with our internal efforts to become more diverse and inclusive, we want to find
opportunities to externally promote diversity and inclusion. By participating in community
events, we can contribute, meet new candidates for our team, and encourage other
organizations to get involved.
Resource Creation
LaFleur will continue to create resources that can be used both internally and externally to
promote diversity and inclusion.
The top reason companies are not implementing diversity initiatives is time. In fact, being
too busy is the excuse 41% of managers give. By providing resources, LaFleur hopes to
not only build our internal culture of diversity and inclusion, but also help other organizations
create a more positive, diverse, and inclusive culture as well.
LaFleurs volunteering initiatives are meant to make a positive impact on our community.
We want to continue promoting inclusion at LaFleur by allowing employees to submit ideas
for volunteering related to causes that matter to them. Similarly, as we build a more diverse
team at LaFleur, we hope to broaden the types of causes that we can contribute to within
our wider community.

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Diversity and Inclusion at LaFleur

  • 1. D I V E R S I T Y A N D I N C L U S I O N P L A N
  • 2. Diversity and Inclusion Initiative Goals Creating an Inclusive Environment for Current and New Team Members Build Strategies and Processes for Increasing Diversity and Inclusion at LaFleur Provide a Roadmap to Help Other Businesses Become More Diverse and Inclusive
  • 3. P L A N N E D I N I T I A T I V E S I m p l i c i t B i a s T r a i n i n g N a r r a t i v e R e c i p e B o o k D i v e r s i t y i n I m a g e r y C a l e n d a r A w a r e n e s s U p d a t e s CURRENT TEAM MEMBERS
  • 4. Implicit Bias Training What? This is a half-day training session to understand individual biases. Why? Every person has some unconscious biases, and most of our daily decisions and actions are made unconsciously. This can sometimes result in stereotyping, prejudice, or behavior that may make a person or group of people uncomfortable. Implicit bias training can help individuals identify their own unconscious biases and inform their actions in the workplace.
  • 5. Narrative Recipe Book What? Individuals submit family recipes and can share the story behind them. These are collected into a booklet that can be shared with the entire team. Why? This is a simple opportunity to share and celebrate everyone's unique background, culture, and family.
  • 6. Diversity in Imagery What? We are striving to include more diverse imagery in blog posts, newsletters, video, social media posts, website pages, etc. Why? Our branded content should promote the type of diversity we support and hope to achieve. Imagery should resonate with both our team and our audience.
  • 7. Calendar Awareness Updates What? We are updating our online, all-team calendar with multicultural holidays, cultural awareness days, and other events along with informational resources to learn more about them. Why? These resources give individuals the opportunity to learn more about the holidays and events that other staff members, our clients, vendors, and community members are celebrating and commemorating.
  • 8. P L A N N E D I N I T I A T I V E S I m p l i c i t B i a s T r a i n i n g D i v e r s i t y a n d I n c l u s i o n T r a i n i n g E q u a l S t a r t i n g P a y f o r S a m e - T i t l e J o b s C o n s c i e n t i o u s R e c r u i t m e n t NEW TEAM MEMBERS
  • 9. New Employee Training What? All new employees at LaFleur will be provided with an overview handout and other resources that relate to diversity and inclusion at LaFleur. Why? From an employee's first day, we want to emphasize the culture of inclusion on our team, and it will help new employees feel welcome and included from the start of our professional relationship.
  • 10. Equal Starting Pay for Same-Title Jobs What? LaFleur will offer the same starting salary for all incoming employees with the same job title. Why? Wage gaps exist across multiple demographics, and we want to ensure that as our team grows, we offer the same starting salary for individuals with the same job title. While job performance may affect the salary trajectory of individuals, equality in starting salaries is an important first step toward closing wage gaps.
  • 11. Conscientious Recruitment: Job Postings What? We will add language about diversity, accessibility, and inclusion to future job postings. Why? Being proactive about diversity, accessibility, and inclusion will help attract inclusive team members, communicate our values as an organization, and more clearly establish requirements and accommodations for applicants.
  • 12. Conscientious Recruitment: Increase Accessibility What? We will establish flexible working arrangements for any employees living with disabilities, including accessible interview locations, accommodating work schedules, and opportunities to regularly work with team members in person. Why? LaFleurs current office location is not accessible. As we grow and strive for an increasingly inclusive environment, we will need to not only provide options for individuals living with disabilities while we occupy our current space. We will also want to take our diversity and inclusion goals into account as we search for new space.
  • 13. Conscientious Recruitment: Cultural Inclusion What? For future new hire searches, LaFleur will strive to ensure that multicultural candidates will be considered and interviewed for open positions by posting jobs via a variety of media and within diverse localities. Why? Multicultural candidates are often underrepresented in the workforce despite having relevant skills and experience. Also, diverse teams outperform non-diverse teams by 35%.
  • 14. P L A N N E D I N I T I A T I V E S E v e n t P a r t i c i p a t i o n R e s o u r c e C r e a t i o n V o l u n t e e r i n g COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT
  • 15. Event Participation What? At least once per year, LaFleur will identify a community event related to diversity and inclusion that we can host, sponsor, or attend. Why? Along with our internal efforts to become more diverse and inclusive, we want to find opportunities to externally promote diversity and inclusion. By participating in community events, we can contribute, meet new candidates for our team, and encourage other organizations to get involved.
  • 16. Resource Creation What? LaFleur will continue to create resources that can be used both internally and externally to promote diversity and inclusion. Why? The top reason companies are not implementing diversity initiatives is time. In fact, being too busy is the excuse 41% of managers give. By providing resources, LaFleur hopes to not only build our internal culture of diversity and inclusion, but also help other organizations create a more positive, diverse, and inclusive culture as well.
  • 17. Volunteering What? LaFleurs volunteering initiatives are meant to make a positive impact on our community. Why? We want to continue promoting inclusion at LaFleur by allowing employees to submit ideas for volunteering related to causes that matter to them. Similarly, as we build a more diverse team at LaFleur, we hope to broaden the types of causes that we can contribute to within our wider community.