19. Something happened in 1984!!!
Kane Baccigalupi
Source: NPR, Planet Money + above attribution
20. Math/Science Aptitude Men vs. Women
Kane Baccigalupi
science aptitude slide
Source: Teri Oda, Web Security Researcher at Carleton University
24. Herein lies the problem:
In a recent article disentangling what researchers
have learned over the past 50 years, Margaret A.
Neale finds that diversity across dimensions, such
as functional expertise, education, or personality,
can increase performance by enhancing creativity
or group problem-solving. In contrast, more visible
diversity, such as race, gender, or age, can have
negative effects on a groupat least initially.
Stanford Business
Kane Baccigalupi
25. Herein lies the problem:
Actual Dimensional
Kane Baccigalupi