Presentation from Django User Group London, June 2017
How to run Django on AWS Lambda - with demo of getting a hello world deployed in less than 10 minutes
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DJUGL - Django and AWS Lambda
1. Django and AWS
Malcolm Box
Sometimes: @malcolmbox
Very occasionally:
2. About me
Working with Django since 2009 (Django 1.1)
CTO of Tellybug where we made apps for TV
shows and a very scalable platform using Django
Recently started building a new project using
Consulting CTO working with startups
3. AWS Lambda is a compute service that
lets you run code without provisioning or
managing servers
11. Asynchronous Task
from flask import Flask
from zappa.async import task
app = Flask(__name__)
def make_pie():
""" This takes a long time! """
ingredients = get_ingredients()
pie = bake(ingredients)
def order_pie():
""" This returns immediately! """
return "Your pie is being made!"
12. Going further
Database - can use RDS, Dynamo, Redshift etc
GeoDjango & binary libraries - issues if they get
too big
Python 3 - now supported
Static files - use Whitenoise
#4: Serverless is the architectural pattern
Google Cloud Functions and AWS Lambda are (two) examples
Runs Python, Java or Javascript code in response to events
No servers...
#5: Not permanent
Not managed by you
Not paid for unless *doing* something for you
#6: Hey, I wanna serve a web page
1990s - build a data centre
2000s - Hosting
2006 - AWS
2013 - Docker
2014 - AWS Lambda
#7: Serverless Python Web Services
Django or Flask on Lambda
#11: Scheduled tasks running as AWS lambda functions
#13: VPC wrangling for RDS + API Gateway - you need two VPCs with Internet gateways. This is not well documented!