2. Science
without Borders
http://csf.headnet.dk (midlertidig adresse)
Vi har k淡bt dom脱nerne sciencewithoutborders.dk og cienciasemfronteiras.dk, der
aktiveres, s奪 snart det besluttes, hvordan hjemmesiden skal hostes.
De kortere csf.dk og swb.dk var desv脱rre allerede i brug/opk淡bt.
3. Oph脱ng
Administrative Services Agreement between Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education and the Danish Universities
B. Obligations of the eight Danish universities
I. Inform about the program in Denmark
II. Create a dedicated website for the program with information on the participation of the eight Danish
universities and contact information for applicants;
III. Participate in the selection of candidates. The final decision on whether a particular candidate isa good fit
and admissible under the program is up to the internal rules of the host university;
IV. Provide admission and academic supervision in Denmark in accordance with the national rules and
V. Provide administrative support and advice considering the EC Code of Conduct for Recruitment of
VI. Use the administration costs provided by CAPES in accordance with the purpose of the program;
VII. Authorize a technical secretariat to carry out the following:
i. Act as the Danish contact point for CAPES;
ii. Coordinate financial aspects between the eight Danish universities and distribute the administrative costs
provided by CAPES;
iii. Provide the necessary accountability reports;
iv. Maintain the Danish website for the program.
The eight Dansih universities authorize the Universities Denmark, Fiolstr脱de 44, 1th floor, DK-1171
Copenhagen to act as technical secretariat.
4. Oph脱ng
Administrative Services Agreement between Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education and the Danish Universities
B. Obligations of the eight Danish universities
I. Inform about the program in Denmark
II. Create a dedicated website for the program with information on the participation of the eight Danish
universities and contact information for applicants;
III. Participate in the selection of candidates. The final decision on whether a particular candidate isa good fit
and admissible under the program is up to the internal rules of the host university;
IV. Provide admission and academic supervision in Denmark in accordance with the national rules and
V. Provide administrative support and advice considering the EC Code of Conduct for Recruitment of
VI. Use the administration costs provided by CAPES in accordance with the purpose of the program;
VII. Authorize a technical secretariat to carry out the following:
i. Act as the Danish contact point for CAPES;
ii. Coordinate financial aspects between the eight Danish universities and distribute the administrative costs
provided by CAPES;
iii. Provide the necessary accountability reports;
iv. Maintain the Danish website for the program.
The eight Dansih universities authorize the Universities Denmark, Fiolstr脱de 44, 1th floor, DK-1171
Copenhagen to act as technical secretariat.
5. Om sitet
Bygger p奪 en studyindenmark.dk-skabelon for at kunne g淡re det billigt, nemt og
hurtigt at bygge og for at kunne skabe genkendelighed.
Informationsstruktur og forsideopbygning er inspireret af det tyske Science without
Plads til 5 hovedindgang - indtil videre fordelt p奪 PhD, PhD Sandwich, PostDoc, Coming
to Denmark, Danish institutions
Bruger uniforkortelser for at kunne skelne mellem enslydende opslag (e.g. PhD in
Crystallography (AU) og PhD in Crystallography (DTU))
Kan udbygges til ogs奪 at rumme undergraduate degrees
Ligger pt. i et testmilj淡, men skal 鍖yttes til en hurtigere server
Sitet er etableret med hj脱lp fra Headnet Aps (headnet.dk) og bygget p奪 opensource-
CMS'et, Plone.
Frem til 1. december bist奪r Styrelsen of Universiteter og Internationalisering i
begr脱nset omfang med assistance til hjemmesiden. Herefter vil administration,
udvikling og kontakt omkring hjemmesiden varetages af Danske Universiteter.
23. Eksponering
- linkbuilding (partnere)
- on-line annoncering (adwords)
- s淡gemaskineoptimering (to sprog)
- off-line markedsf淡ring/omtale (blad
og word of mouth)
- Nemt at navigere/f奪 klik
- Nemt at kontakt
- Nemt at f奪 og 鍖nde hj脱lp
Lad markedsf淡ringsindsatsen afspejle, hvad
en konvertering er v脱rd for universitetet
(淡konomisk, fagligt og omd淡mmem脱ssigt)
Markedsf淡ring og eksponering
Med s奪 mange SwB-partnere til r奪dighed, hvorfor skal brasilianske studerende v脱lge lige
netop Danmark?
24. Vigtige datoer for anvendelse af
F淡rste ans淡gningsrunde hos CAPES: 1. oktober 2012 -31. januar 2013
Hjemmesidens testfase udl淡ber og Danske Universiteter overtager
administration og kontakt vedr. hjemmesiden: 1. december 2012
Anden ans淡gningsrunde hos CAPES: 1. februar-31. maj 2013
Tredje ans淡gningsrunde hos CAPES: 1. juni-31. september 2013
25. Beslutningsoversigt
Hvad skal sitet hedde? Indtil videre er de to dom脱ner, sciencewithoutborders.dk og
cienciasemfronteiras.dk reserveret, men normalt anbefaler man noget kort. nskes
ogs奪 swbdenmark.dk ?
Hvordan skal hjemmesiden/programmet markedsf淡res?
Hvilken type effektm奪linger skal der etableres?
Hvilke retningslinjer skal g脱lde for konverterings鍖owet, b奪de p奪 og uden for sitet.
Hvilke redaktionelle rammer skal g脱lde for beskrivelse af de enkelte degrees
Hvordan h奪ndteres den redaktionelle proces b奪de f淡r og efter den 1. december? I
forhold til sitets indhold vejledningsmateriale, sitebeskrivelse, sektionen coming to
Denmark etc.. Varetager dk.uni denne del, laves en f脱lles redaktionsgruppe,
genbruges indhold fra studyindenmark.dk eller udliciteres opgaven?
Hvilken kontakt og eksponering skal indg奪 hos brasilianske partnere og, hvilke netv脱rk
kan man aktivere for at f奪 de otte danske universiteter til ikke at tabe terr脱n i forhold
til programmets 淡vrige internationale spillere.
26. Kontaktpersoner hos Styrelsen for Universiteter
og Internationalisering
Web og on-line markedsf淡ring Jes Folden Hyldig
tlf. 7231 8908
Policy og internationale relationer
Helle Damgaard Nielsen