Deborah L. Sprague is a creative visionary with over 15 years of experience in marketing, project management, and non-profit work. She has a proven track record of leading large collaborations involving multiple partners and designing integrated social media campaigns. Sprague is passionate about using her skills to create positive change and bring people together around important causes.
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1. Deborah L. Sprague
A vision without action
is a daydream.
Japanese Proverb
A Creative Visionary
Proven Project Management Skills
3. Creative Thinking = Success
hard working
Project Management
collaboration, team leader
workflow, protocols,
grants, grassroots campaigns
Always pay attention to the details
Creative Thinker
creator, producer and host of television program
database design
print, online & social media marketing
There is always a way to solve a problem
4. Experience
Marketing and Public Relations campaign design and development
for both profit and non-profit organizations
Technology social media, database design, web management
Project Management grants and state-wide initiatives and
Grassroots Development federal and state advocacy campaigns for
social change
Finance grant oversight, budget management, reporting and
investment management
Volunteer Management recruitment, training, engagement and
5. Strengths
Creating collaborations and understanding each
partners unique contribution to the project.
Example: led project with partners for iParticipateNH, a
state-wide collaboration celebrating and promoting
community service.
Usingsocial media to design integrated marketing
Example: created iParticipateNH - Facebook, twitter,
blog and public service announcements (PSAs)
6. What I Bring to the Table
15 years experience - excellent work ethic
Passion and creativity
Leader and self-starter
Great sense of humor
Confidence rise to the challenge
Exceed expectations and always looking for
new learning opportunities
7. Projects
9 state-wide community partners,
integrated social media components and
community outreach
creator, executive producer and host of
Volunteers in Action Advocacy campaign to include
grassroots, marketing, outreach for
social change
state-wide grant oversight with partners
PBS and Department of Education state lead includes public relations,
social media, volunteer engagement,
Its really been a pleasure working with Your contributions
you! Your vision and dedication has have been enormous.
help to propel Create the Good in the -R. Hoffman,
NE. -B. Finkel, Regional VP, AARP
Sr. Manager Programs & Services, AARP
"Deborah did an amazing job Your dedication to AARP will be greatly
launching AARP Create The Good missed. There are big shoes that will
in New Hampshire. By leveraging remain empty for quite some time.
the iParticipate partnership, she -M. Scott, Volunteer, Hooksett, NH
was able to build partnerships and
garner earned media to achieve
our goals of engaging more people
in volunteer opportunities at the You brought great energy
community level." and an endless stream of
T. Gordon, Communications encouragement to many volunteers.
Advisor, AARP -W. Eddy, Volunteer, Manchester, NH
9. Interests
Social Media
Creating Art
My Summer Girl Motorcycle Touring
10. Im ready for the next career step using
my experience, passion and creativity
to bring about change in a new
Currently But will also relocate to:
working/living in:
11. Deborah L. Sprague
Contact Information
A Creative Visionary
Proven Project Management Skills