The document discusses binary parallel adders. It explains that a half adder adds two binary digits and produces a sum and carry out, while a full adder accepts two inputs and a carry in and produces a sum and carry out. A parallel adder connects two or more full adders to add binary numbers in parallel, producing a sum and carry output. Specifically, it presents 4-bit and 8-bit parallel adders, showing their logic diagrams, how carry outputs are connected to carry inputs between full adders, and providing an example truth table.
? A half adder is used to add two binary digits together, A and B. It produces S, the
sum of A and B, and the corresponding carry out Co.
? Although by itself, a half adder is not extremely useful, it can be used as a building
block for larger adding circuits (FA).
? One possible implementation is using two AND gates, two inverters, and an OR gate
instead of a XOR gate .
? A full adder accepts two inputs and an
output carry and generates a sum
output and as an output carry.
? The basic difference between a half
adder and a full adder is that the full
adder accepts a input carry
two or more full adders
Are connected to form
parallel binary adder
A binary parallel adder is
a digital function that
produces the arithmetic
sum of two binary
numbers in parallel.
A circuit, consisting of n
full adders, that will add
n-bit binary numbers.?
The output consists of n
sum bits and a carry bit.?
COUT of one full adder is
connected to CIN of the
next full adder.