Following Citrix's design prompt of "improve the membership experience," my DMBA Experience Design team set out to help college students from China feel like they belong at their American university.
5. Why Chinese Students?
Shifting US Classrooms - 235,000 enrolled in US colleges (+26%)1
Hungry for intervention - Poor existing services and monopolies
Huge market - 78 Million Secondary Students2
1: US News!!? 2: Wikipedia
7. 7
Who did we talk to?
Nearly 60 Interviews
Students in China
Chinese Undergrad and Graduate students in the US
Non-Chinese Students
International Student Affairs Department
12. In the College Classroom
American classroom paradigm is a struggle
Lectures are often hard to follow
Little voluntary participation
Obvious separation from student body
13. Problem Area:
How do you help better
integrate Chinese students
into college life at CCA
20. So we wanted to go for broke and
swing for the fences. It wouldn t be a
piece of cake, and we didn t want to
put lipstick on a pig so we huddled up
and decided not to beat a dead horse
with basic vocab and took a stab at
creating something kick-ass.
21. Our Goal
Help Chinese students feel more
connected to their American peers
by improving their knowledge of
American idioms by leveraging
their cultural desire to achieve.
22. 20
Meet Feng Jin
Interior Design Freshman at CCA
Bright, demure, driven, stressed
Feng moved from Chengdu in July and has seen
her English skills improve quickly, but still doesn t
feel that confident starting casual conversations.
She mostly understands the mechanics of the
language, but hasn t had enough exposure to the
indirect phrasing and complex metaphors her
American peers use on a regular basis. She wishes
she didn t have to feel so lost all the time.
24. Wall Posters
People are willing
to fill in the blanks
People like the
surprise and
Want more
context, see it
used in a
Digital App
People still want
to compete with
25. Not just a Chinese problem
Applicable for any non-native speakers
And even for native speakers
Dime a dozen
26. Signs we were on to something
Lean Forward Draw Others In
45. Business Case
Freemium Approach:
Ads and unlimited solo random terms play
Upgrade to remove ads and earn 3 themes
Themes store to add category specific idioms
46. Business Case
Freemium Approach:
Ads and unlimited solo random terms play
Upgrade to remove ads and earn 3 themes
Themes store to add category specific idioms
47. Business Case
Freemium Approach:
Ads and unlimited solo random terms play
Upgrade to remove ads and earn 3 themes
Themes store to add category specific idioms