The human brain has an amazing ability to understand written language even when letters are jumbled within words, as long as the first and last letters are in the right place. This is because the brain does not read each letter individually but recognizes words as a whole. Optical illusions can confuse the eyes and brain by creating visual phenomena that appear to move, change, or be impossible through the use of patterns, shapes, and colors that trick visual perception in interesting ways.
Grails is a web application framework built on Groovy that aims to eliminate much of the boilerplate code required by traditional Java/Spring/JPA applications. It utilizes conventions over configuration, embedded Tomcat, and the Groovy Object Relational Mapper (GORM) to provide a full stack for rapid development of web applications. The document argues that Grails allows developing applications with substantially less code while maintaining the benefits of technologies like Spring and Hibernate, and provides examples of how simple domain classes and basic CRUD operations are in Grails compared to traditional Java approaches.
The human brain has an amazing ability to understand written language even when letters are jumbled within words, as long as the first and last letters are in the right place. This is because the brain does not read each letter individually but recognizes words as a whole. Optical illusions can confuse the eyes and brain by creating visual phenomena that appear to move, change, or be impossible through the use of patterns, shapes, and colors that trick visual perception in interesting ways.
Grails is a web application framework built on Groovy that aims to eliminate much of the boilerplate code required by traditional Java/Spring/JPA applications. It utilizes conventions over configuration, embedded Tomcat, and the Groovy Object Relational Mapper (GORM) to provide a full stack for rapid development of web applications. The document argues that Grails allows developing applications with substantially less code while maintaining the benefits of technologies like Spring and Hibernate, and provides examples of how simple domain classes and basic CRUD operations are in Grails compared to traditional Java approaches.
Three Digital Trends for the New Decade: (Indonesia) by Steve RubelEdelman Digital
Three Digital Trends for the New Decade:
Building marketing strategies that are real-time, highly visible and data-driven.
Curated by Steve Rubel, SVP, Director of Insights, Edelman Digital, March 2010
- The document discusses how organizations can assess their level of socialness through examining leadership actions, management practices, communications protocols, and how well they listen to employees and customers.
- It also addresses how the modern workforce values social skills, collaboration, and technological competence, requiring companies to constantly evolve and innovate to engage this new workforce.
- The key is for organizations to listen more closely to internal and external conversations to better inform decision-making and bring new perspectives into the process.
Christian budgeting may be a big buzzword, but do not be intimidated. It is simply a set of value-based standards that guide a person in their conduct of financial affairs. Learn the idea behind it an benefit from the life of abundance.
The document summarizes recent national and international news. It discusses the ongoing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which has reached the shoreline and is releasing 5,000 barrels of oil per day, making it on track to become the worst oil spill in history. It also mentions the closure of major London airports due to ash from an Icelandic volcano eruption, causing flight cancellations. Finally, it notes members of Congress suspended discussion of a wage increase bill until Monday without explanation.
The document lists biographical information about 10 famous American actors: Richard Gere, Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart, Marlon Brando, Robert de Niro, Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman, and Tom Hanks. It provides details for each such as their birthdate, birthplace, notable films and awards won.
On Monday, a university in France began its multicultural week with a presentation on French cinema. The document then discusses the history and characteristics of French cinema, noting its influence on film industries in other countries. French cinema emphasizes character development and avoids definitive endings. The document also explains that French cinema has attracted many foreign artists and that French directors have also influenced cinema in other nations.
Bab-bab dalam dokumen tersebut membahas tentang evaluasi pendidikan, mulai dari pengertian evaluasi, subjek dan sasaran evaluasi, prinsip-prinsip dan alat evaluasi, validitas dan reliabilitas tes, penyusunan tes, hingga analisis hasil tes. Secara garis besar, dokumen ini menjelaskan pentingnya evaluasi pendidikan untuk mengukur pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran siswa.
The document summarizes recent national and international news. It discusses the ongoing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which has reached the shoreline and is releasing 5,000 barrels of oil per day, making it on track to become the worst oil spill in history. It also mentions the closure of major London airports due to ash from an Icelandic volcano eruption, causing flight cancellations. Finally, it notes members of Congress suspended discussion of a wage increase bill until Monday without explanation.
[Nancy Williams] The Truth About Social MediaLucy Hull
Social media can be a powerful marketing tool but also presents challenges if not used strategically. This document from a social media marketing training company aims to provide insight into how to leverage social platforms effectively while avoiding potential pitfalls. A balanced and thoughtful approach is advised to maximize benefits and minimize risks.
The OBEC Arts Education Exhibition 2013 showcased artwork from students to promote the importance of arts education in schools. Various art forms were displayed including paintings, sculptures, and photographs created by students from primary to secondary levels. The exhibition aimed to encourage continuing support and interest in cultivating students' creativity and artistic talents through arts education.
RUN - DCM - Digital Crisis Management by Scott WilderEdelman Digital
See some practical ways to monitor for crisis¨ on the web and for preparing and handling what could become your worst web nightmare.
Presentation by Scott Wilder
このY創では、Docker for Windows を聞って Windows OS 貧で Linux ベ`スのアプリを_kする圭隈、そして Web アプリを根む Docker コンテナをクラウドh廠Azure h廠に婢_する圭隈について盾hします。
☆ 云Y創では Docker の Linux コンテナのみを函りQいます。Windows コンテナは函りQいません。Windows OS で聞いTれたエディタや_kh廠を聞いつつ、Docker for Windows を試喘して Linux 貧でデバッグを佩う、というシナリオをQっています。
☆ Y創の古勣は參和の blog エントリを歌孚してください。
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