This document discusses why Docker was chosen for an organization's infrastructure, how it is being used and controlled, and the security measures in place. Docker was selected because it provides isolated environments through immutable images, has an easy to use API, a large community, and facilitates faster deployment and portability. The organization controls Docker services through its deployment system which defines who can deploy, what operations are allowed, includes flow control and auditing. Security measures implemented include MFA, image scanning, private registries, vault for secrets, VPC configuration, and AWS security groups.
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2. Why We Chose Docker?
Isolated environment, immutable
Easy to use and well documented API
Large community
Very good ecosystem
Faster deployment
Ideal for microservices
5. How Do We Control Our Services?
Our deployment system
Who authorized to deploy?
Type of operations (depoy,
restart, stop, start, revert,
branch, etc.)
Flow control
Operation audit
Feedback loop
Testing & Staging environments
6. Security & Control Measures
Image scanning & traffic
Immutable images, local
repositories for internal
Private registry hosted in our DC
Deployment flow control & Audit
Vault (for secrets clean code)
VPC & Private subnets