This document discusses writing Docker authorization plugins. It explains that the author founded a startup for enterprise security for containerized applications. It then provides details on why developers should write Docker plugins, including for innovation, support, and pre- and post-Docker 1.10 capabilities. It outlines an initial problem statement around making access to Docker more granular. Finally, it describes the high-level process of writing an authorization plugin and the specific authorization hooks required.
2. Hand Raise
Developers personally plan
on writing code to extend
Ever wrote web extensions
Work in a company that
develops Docker eco-system
software and thought this
might be useful
User of Docker that want to
learn about 1.10
3. Why We Did It
A. Founded a startup for enterprise security for containerized applications
Enforce your orgs blue team requirements security on
(the reason of why we created the plugin)
Active Threat Protection
Containers will make your applications *more* against red-teams
(out of scope for this presentation)
B. Talked to Nathan and Diogo
4. Why Should You Write Docker Plugins?
eco system or your organization
Reverse Proxy vs Plugins
Pre 1.10
Network Drivers and Volume Drivers
Post 1.10
5. Initial Problem Statement
You want to make Access to Docker more granular, not an all or
1. The ContainerOps group can perform docker run and docker rm
{name:policy_1,users:[ContainerOps],actions:[container_run, container_rm]}
2. The audit team can only perform docker list, but nothing else
{name:policy_2,users:[AuditGroup],actions:[container], readonly:true}
3. Alice can run all Docker commands: {name:policy_3,users:[alice],actions:[*]}
6. What Else You Can Do With AuthZ Plugins
Other Compliance Elements
Analyzing new images that arrive to Docker
Check Compliance for CIS checks
Prevent infected containers from running
7. High Level
Two Steps
Write a general Docker plugin
Implement a callback stating this is an Authorization plugin
Add the logic you want
Implement two additional callbacks with the required logic
9. Gory Details
Docker discovers plugins by being told to do so
docker daemon . --authorization-plugin=authz-broker
/run/docker/plugins, /etc/docker/plugins, /usr/lib/docker/plugins
Plugins should be started before Docker, and stopped after Docker
Plugins API is RPC-style JSON over HTTP
Implement 3 callbacks that accept a REST request, and return a REST response