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Презентации для будущего! Тенденции мира презентацийOleg GribanУзнайте 10 тенденций создания современных презентаций.
В презентации показаны основные направления развития и использования современных презентаций: от использования веб-сервисов до упрощения самих слайдов.
World of scienceElvira PetrovaThis document discusses the importance of science and invention. It notes that science has become the most important factor in economic development worldwide. Scientific progress benefits society by increasing well-being and advancing education. However, science can be used for both peaceful and military purposes. The document also provides examples of important inventions like the wheel, penicillin, paper, and the steam engine. It presents questions about whether inventions are helpful or harmful and what motivates people to invent. Students will work on a project to research famous scientists and inventions. They will create websites, stories, and multimedia presentations to share what they learn.
We+find+the+prints+of+english+in+our.pptElvira Petrova1) The document analyzes the use of English in Tambov region of Russia through student research including surveys, newspaper analysis, and conclusions.
2) The students found that 58% of surveyed residents felt Russian should be used over English in local newspapers, while 24% supported English use.
3) Newspaper analysis from 2006 and 1979 showed an increase in English words used from 137 to 532, with politics, music, sports and technology featuring most English.
4) While English words are increasingly used worldwide, the students concluded Russian is a rich language and local newspapers should use it over English to avoid losing their native tongue.
Презентации для будущего! Тенденции мира презентацийOleg GribanУзнайте 10 тенденций создания современных презентаций.
В презентации показаны основные направления развития и использования современных презентаций: от использования веб-сервисов до упрощения самих слайдов.
World of scienceElvira PetrovaThis document discusses the importance of science and invention. It notes that science has become the most important factor in economic development worldwide. Scientific progress benefits society by increasing well-being and advancing education. However, science can be used for both peaceful and military purposes. The document also provides examples of important inventions like the wheel, penicillin, paper, and the steam engine. It presents questions about whether inventions are helpful or harmful and what motivates people to invent. Students will work on a project to research famous scientists and inventions. They will create websites, stories, and multimedia presentations to share what they learn.
We+find+the+prints+of+english+in+our.pptElvira Petrova1) The document analyzes the use of English in Tambov region of Russia through student research including surveys, newspaper analysis, and conclusions.
2) The students found that 58% of surveyed residents felt Russian should be used over English in local newspapers, while 24% supported English use.
3) Newspaper analysis from 2006 and 1979 showed an increase in English words used from 137 to 532, with politics, music, sports and technology featuring most English.
4) While English words are increasingly used worldwide, the students concluded Russian is a rich language and local newspapers should use it over English to avoid losing their native tongue.
единство химической организации живых организмовЕлена ПономареваПрезентация к уроку химии, 10 класс, учебник - Габриелян О.С., БУП -1 час
Урок: http://www.openclass.ru/node/237130