The document discusses Drupal documentation, including where it is found ( handbooks, code comments, and admin UI), how anyone can contribute by editing documentation, and accomplishments like the Getting Involved guide. It outlines future plans such as a new help system linking documentation across code and, internationalization, and funding for worldwide documentation sprints from the Knight Foundation. It encourages contributors to edit documentation, join discussions, and teach others.
5. We also have docs in code: - taken from comments for functions
UI text inside Drupal admin - in a hook_help function
6. We also have docs in code: - taken from comments for functions
UI text inside Drupal admin - in a hook_help function
7. We also have docs in code: - taken from comments for functions
UI text inside Drupal admin - in a hook_help function
8. We also have docs in code: - taken from comments for functions
UI text inside Drupal admin - in a hook_help function
9. Being a team
- Everyone can edit and review: if you help with docs you are on the team
- Doc admins have additional responsibilities but you dont need them to be on the team
11. The road ahead
- New Help system linking code and d.o
there is a patch that will let us make a Documentation module for full
docs in your Drupal site, and then have it sync with D.o pages
- Internationalization
12. Redesign - lots of things still need to be de鍖ned, organized and built
15. Getting to work
We need a full range of help
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16. Getting to work
Drupalcon Doc Sprint
Saturday, March 7
9 am - 5 pm
Room 154
We need a full range of help
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