The document provides details about volunteers and jobs for an upcoming dodgeball tournament including a list of volunteer names, job descriptions, notes about referees, venue layout, pre-meeting topics, and a team roster listing team names and players. It discusses needing volunteers to fill spokesperson, check-in, sound, timekeeping, runner, referee, record keeping, and concession roles. It also notes a need to collect all team fees by October 12th and promote the event on Facebook.
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Dodgeball tournament
Dodgeball Tournament Volunteers Job
Mary Lambret
Nathan Teeter
Shelby Kenkle
Sunanna Schrader
Hannah McNut
Jon Pekeraek
Veronica Nguyen
Katie Klunk
Kristen Metts
Dominique Pagie
Delany Crawford
Logan Algood
Sammi Surgi
Katie Carr
Miranda Green
Ally Adrian
Sage Sennet
Lucy Borgmeyer
Emily Tarter Announcer in gym
Spokesperson = (1)
Team Check-in (2)
Spectator Check-In (2)
Sound (1)
Time Keeper (2)
Runners ( 4)
Refs (2 to 4)
Record Keepers (4)
Dispute Committee (4)
Concession (4-6)