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DoesWhite determine Hardness?Sowe cananswerthisquestionbyusingourboxes
So letssendinsome randomelectrons,andletssendthemintoacolorbox,and letstake the electrons
that come out the white apparature
So I am goingto take a piece of metal,scrape off some electrons,andthensendthemin
Theycome out about 遜 and遜, and I take those that come out the white apparature
I wantto knowdoes-whitedeterminehardness?andIcan do that-bysendingthe whiteelectronsinto
the hardness box-andseeingwhatcomesout
ThenI will findthat50% come onhard and 50% come out soft
Andnow letstake the situationandreverse this
You will againget50/50
So if youtake a white electronandsenditina hardnessbox youare at evenodds
AndIf I senda softelectronintoacolor box- youare still atevenodds
So knowthat the colordoesnot give youanyinformationaboutthe hardnessandthe hardnessdoesnot
give youany informationabout the color
Theyare independentfactsandindependentproperties-theyare notcorrelated-inpreciselythis
operational sense-cool -questions
So now we say that nowthese propertiesare uncorrelated
So-now-whatwe are gonnadoisrun so pseudoexperiments whichwill leadustosome more
So forexample-take thislastexperiment-take electonsintocolorbox comingoutthe white apparature
(some one behindyou)
The sendintoa Hardnessbox-thensendthe softelectronintoacolorbox
Andwhat doyou expecttohappen-
Well letsthinkaboutthe logichere-anythingintothe hardsbox-mustbe measuredtobe white
Andwe just didthe experimentthatif we sendthe electronintothe hardnessbox
50% itcomesout the hard apparature and 50% incomesout the softapparature
Since colorsare repeatable-ourprediction-isthatof the electronsthatare incidentuponthe colorbox-
100% will come outwhite and0% shouldcome outblack
Exceptthat classis all wrong
We saidalreadyknowingthe colordoesnotpredictthe hardness-butthiselectron whichwas
previouslymeasuredtobe white-issubsequentlymeasuredandsometimesitcomesoutwhite 
sometimesitcomesoutblack- 50/50 percentof the time
What that tellsyouisthat youcan not thinkof an electronthatis blackand softwrittenonit-
because apparentlythatblackandsoft
Is nota persistentthing
Meaningthat once it isblack itstays black-sowhatisgoingon here?
If i wouldhadchangedthe experiment-the same resultswouldhave beenproduced(23.28)
So the firstnatural move wouldbe to saythat there isa propertyof the electronthatwe have not
measuredyet?-thatdeterminesweatheritcomesoutthe secondcolor box blackor white(24.09)
So people have spentatremendousamountof time andenergylookingatthe initial electrons
Andlookingwithgreatcare (rem-theyare notgonnalistentoyou-buttheyare)
Some feature whichdetermineswhichport theycome outof-andthe shockerisno one has every
foundsucha property

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Does white determine hardness

  • 1. DoesWhite determine Hardness?Sowe cananswerthisquestionbyusingourboxes So letssendinsome randomelectrons,andletssendthemintoacolorbox,and letstake the electrons that come out the white apparature So I am goingto take a piece of metal,scrape off some electrons,andthensendthemin Theycome out about 遜 and遜, and I take those that come out the white apparature I wantto knowdoes-whitedeterminehardness?andIcan do that-bysendingthe whiteelectronsinto the hardness box-andseeingwhatcomesout
  • 2. ThenI will findthat50% come onhard and 50% come out soft
  • 3. Andnow letstake the situationandreverse this
  • 4. You will againget50/50 So if youtake a white electronandsenditina hardnessbox youare at evenodds Lllllllllllllllllllllllll
  • 5. AndIf I senda softelectronintoacolor box- youare still atevenodds
  • 6. Anyquestions So knowthat the colordoesnot give youanyinformationaboutthe hardnessandthe hardnessdoesnot give youany informationabout the color
  • 7. Theyare independentfactsandindependentproperties-theyare notcorrelated-inpreciselythis operational sense-cool -questions Llllll So now we say that nowthese propertiesare uncorrelated
  • 8. So-now-whatwe are gonnadoisrun so pseudoexperiments whichwill leadustosome more complicatedexperiments So forexample-take thislastexperiment-take electonsintocolorbox comingoutthe white apparature (some one behindyou) The sendintoa Hardnessbox-thensendthe softelectronintoacolorbox Andwhat doyou expecttohappen- Well letsthinkaboutthe logichere-anythingintothe hardsbox-mustbe measuredtobe white Andwe just didthe experimentthatif we sendthe electronintothe hardnessbox 50% itcomesout the hard apparature and 50% incomesout the softapparature
  • 9. Since colorsare repeatable-ourprediction-isthatof the electronsthatare incidentuponthe colorbox- 100% will come outwhite and0% shouldcome outblack Exceptthat classis all wrong We saidalreadyknowingthe colordoesnotpredictthe hardness-butthiselectron whichwas previouslymeasuredtobe white-issubsequentlymeasuredandsometimesitcomesoutwhite sometimesitcomesoutblack- 50/50 percentof the time What that tellsyouisthat youcan not thinkof an electronthatis blackand softwrittenonit- because apparentlythatblackandsoft Is nota persistentthing Meaningthat once it isblack itstays black-sowhatisgoingon here? If i wouldhadchangedthe experiment-the same resultswouldhave beenproduced(23.28) So the firstnatural move wouldbe to saythat there isa propertyof the electronthatwe have not measuredyet?-thatdeterminesweatheritcomesoutthe secondcolor box blackor white(24.09) So people have spentatremendousamountof time andenergylookingatthe initial electrons Andlookingwithgreatcare (rem-theyare notgonnalistentoyou-buttheyare) Some feature whichdetermineswhichport theycome outof-andthe shockerisno one has every foundsucha property