The document discusses an experiment to determine if color and hardness are correlated properties of electrons. Electrons are sent through a "color box" and "hardness box" with apparatuses to measure white or black, and hard or soft respectively. The results show that color and hardness are independent, as electrons measured as white had a 50% chance of being measured as hard or soft afterwards, and vice versa. Further experiments complicate the results and suggest color and hardness are not persistent properties, and some other unmeasured property may determine the measurement outcomes.
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Does white determine hardness
1. DoesWhite determine Hardness?Sowe cananswerthisquestionbyusingourboxes
So letssendinsome randomelectrons,andletssendthemintoacolorbox,and letstake the electrons
that come out the white apparature
So I am goingto take a piece of metal,scrape off some electrons,andthensendthemin
Theycome out about 遜 and遜, and I take those that come out the white apparature
I wantto knowdoes-whitedeterminehardness?andIcan do that-bysendingthe whiteelectronsinto
the hardness box-andseeingwhatcomesout
8. So-now-whatwe are gonnadoisrun so pseudoexperiments whichwill leadustosome more
So forexample-take thislastexperiment-take electonsintocolorbox comingoutthe white apparature
(some one behindyou)
The sendintoa Hardnessbox-thensendthe softelectronintoacolorbox
Andwhat doyou expecttohappen-
Well letsthinkaboutthe logichere-anythingintothe hardsbox-mustbe measuredtobe white
Andwe just didthe experimentthatif we sendthe electronintothe hardnessbox
50% itcomesout the hard apparature and 50% incomesout the softapparature
9. Since colorsare repeatable-ourprediction-isthatof the electronsthatare incidentuponthe colorbox-
100% will come outwhite and0% shouldcome outblack
Exceptthat classis all wrong
We saidalreadyknowingthe colordoesnotpredictthe hardness-butthiselectron whichwas
previouslymeasuredtobe white-issubsequentlymeasuredandsometimesitcomesoutwhite
sometimesitcomesoutblack- 50/50 percentof the time
What that tellsyouisthat youcan not thinkof an electronthatis blackand softwrittenonit-
because apparentlythatblackandsoft
Is nota persistentthing
Meaningthat once it isblack itstays black-sowhatisgoingon here?
If i wouldhadchangedthe experiment-the same resultswouldhave beenproduced(23.28)
So the firstnatural move wouldbe to saythat there isa propertyof the electronthatwe have not
measuredyet?-thatdeterminesweatheritcomesoutthe secondcolor box blackor white(24.09)
So people have spentatremendousamountof time andenergylookingatthe initial electrons
Andlookingwithgreatcare (rem-theyare notgonnalistentoyou-buttheyare)
Some feature whichdetermineswhichport theycome outof-andthe shockerisno one has every
foundsucha property