- A four-year-old Doberman Pinscher named Duke helps his paralyzed young master, Chuck, recover from a car accident that leaves Chuck paralyzed on his left side and unable to walk or speak.
- Duke's affection and persistence in trying to get Chuck to stand and walk eventually leads Chuck to make progress in his physical therapy and recovery.
- Over time with Duke's support, Chuck is able to return to work full-time and eventually becomes a regional manager, all thanks to Duke's encouragement and support during his rehabilitation process.
2. summarysummary
A four-year-old Doberman Pinscher, Duke, seems to understand theA four-year-old Doberman Pinscher, Duke, seems to understand the
suffering of his paralysed young master, Chuck, and helps him to standsuffering of his paralysed young master, Chuck, and helps him to stand
on his own two feet, in the story A Dog Named Duke by William D. Ellis.on his own two feet, in the story A Dog Named Duke by William D. Ellis.
A new friend from the kennelA new friend from the kennel
The story opens in the year 1953, with Charles Chuck Hooper enjoyingThe story opens in the year 1953, with Charles Chuck Hooper enjoying
the best of his days as a young sales manager with a bubbling career andthe best of his days as a young sales manager with a bubbling career and
a caring wife. He also has a Doberman, Duke, whom he brought homea caring wife. He also has a Doberman, Duke, whom he brought home
from a kennel despite opposition from his wife, Marcy. But she eventuallyfrom a kennel despite opposition from his wife, Marcy. But she eventually
gets used to Dukes presence.gets used to Dukes presence.
Forced to leave homeForced to leave home
One autumn day, Chuck meets with an accident while driving home fromOne autumn day, Chuck meets with an accident while driving home from
work. The car crash leaves him with a brain injury and completelywork. The car crash leaves him with a brain injury and completely
paralyses his left side. At the hospital, Marcy finds that he cannot speakparalyses his left side. At the hospital, Marcy finds that he cannot speak
and that he has blurred vision. As there is no one at home to look afterand that he has blurred vision. As there is no one at home to look after
Duke, Marcy puts him in a kennel.Duke, Marcy puts him in a kennel.
Chuck spends a month in critical care. After the fifth week, ChucksChuck spends a month in critical care. After the fifth week, Chucks
chemical company plans a desk job for him. Later, the hospital puts him inchemical company plans a desk job for him. Later, the hospital puts him in
a wheelchair, with daily physiotherapy and baths. However, Chuck fails toa wheelchair, with daily physiotherapy and baths. However, Chuck fails to
make much progress.make much progress.
3. A family reunionA family reunion
Next March, Chuck is discharged from hospital and returns homeNext March, Chuck is discharged from hospital and returns home
cheerfully. But he quickly becomes depressedhe feels lonelycheerfully. But he quickly becomes depressedhe feels lonely
when Marcy goes to work. As a solution, Chuck and Marcy decidewhen Marcy goes to work. As a solution, Chuck and Marcy decide
to bring Duke back from the kennel.to bring Duke back from the kennel.
Dukes return becomes a much anticipated event. Chuck wants toDukes return becomes a much anticipated event. Chuck wants to
stand up to welcome Duke and is helped to his feet. When Dukestand up to welcome Duke and is helped to his feet. When Duke
reaches the door, he gives out a loud yelp on seeing Chuck andreaches the door, he gives out a loud yelp on seeing Chuck and
throws all of his 23 kg at his master, who struggles to keep histhrows all of his 23 kg at his master, who struggles to keep his
balance in the face of the affectionate onslaught. By some strangebalance in the face of the affectionate onslaught. By some strange
instinct, Duke realises Chucks condition and never jumps on himinstinct, Duke realises Chucks condition and never jumps on him
again and is content to take up a permanent position beside hisagain and is content to take up a permanent position beside his
masters bed.masters bed.
But, despite the Dobermans presence, Chuck is unable to comeBut, despite the Dobermans presence, Chuck is unable to come
out of deep depression. All he does is stare at the ceiling, out ofout of deep depression. All he does is stare at the ceiling, out of
the window and at the Doberman.the window and at the Doberman.
Chucks gloomy disposition affects Marcy, who suffers her sorrowChucks gloomy disposition affects Marcy, who suffers her sorrow
No giving upNo giving up
The boredom from the lack of activity gets the better of theThe boredom from the lack of activity gets the better of the
energetic dog and he uses his nose to try to poke Chuck intoenergetic dog and he uses his nose to try to poke Chuck into
some action. Duke fails and goes back to his post, casting asome action. Duke fails and goes back to his post, casting a
disapproving look at Chuckonly to return and once againdisapproving look at Chuckonly to return and once again
attempt to coax him to stand up.attempt to coax him to stand up.
4. Signs of successSigns of success
One evening, Chuck absentmindedly hooks Dukes leash to hisOne evening, Chuck absentmindedly hooks Dukes leash to his
collar and the Doberman springs all around him, expecting hiscollar and the Doberman springs all around him, expecting his
master to finally stand up. Chuck finds himself asking Marcy tomaster to finally stand up. Chuck finds himself asking Marcy to
help him to his feet, although he had no deliberate intention tohelp him to his feet, although he had no deliberate intention to
attempt to walk. Transferring the leash to his left hand and foldingattempt to walk. Transferring the leash to his left hand and folding
his frozen fingers around it, Chuck leans forward. With Marcyhis frozen fingers around it, Chuck leans forward. With Marcy
taking his elbow, he puts his right leg out and this drags his left legtaking his elbow, he puts his right leg out and this drags his left leg
forward. Chuck has taken his first step in months.forward. Chuck has taken his first step in months.
Step by stepStep by step
The next day, Duke is ready for the exercise much before ChuckThe next day, Duke is ready for the exercise much before Chuck
and tugs at his leash to prod his master into a little more action.and tugs at his leash to prod his master into a little more action.
The number of steps increases by the day, and eventually, oneThe number of steps increases by the day, and eventually, one
day, the pair reaches an intersection quite far away. Meanwhile,day, the pair reaches an intersection quite far away. Meanwhile,
Marcy informs the doctor about the progress that Chuck isMarcy informs the doctor about the progress that Chuck is
making, thanks to Duke, and a fresh course of physiotherapy andmaking, thanks to Duke, and a fresh course of physiotherapy and
whirlpool baths begins.whirlpool baths begins.
A full day at workA full day at work
Next January, Chuck walks 200 metres from the clinic to the localNext January, Chuck walks 200 metres from the clinic to the local
branch office of his company and surprises the staff. He speaks tobranch office of his company and surprises the staff. He speaks to
the manager and arranges for a desk at a warehouse to work forthe manager and arranges for a desk at a warehouse to work for
an hour every day, to start with. However, reports of his comebackan hour every day, to start with. However, reports of his comeback
bid are received with doubt at the headquarters. But Chuckbid are received with doubt at the headquarters. But Chuck
responds by doing a full days work on March 1.responds by doing a full days work on March 1.
5. New neighbourhoodNew neighbourhood
Chuck continues training, relying heavily on Duke, whoChuck continues training, relying heavily on Duke, who
seems to want to push his master harder. Thirteenseems to want to push his master harder. Thirteen
months later, Chuck begins to work full days and ismonths later, Chuck begins to work full days and is
promoted to regional manager. In March, 1956, thepromoted to regional manager. In March, 1956, the
family of three moves to a new neighbourhood. Thefamily of three moves to a new neighbourhood. The
residents, not knowing the story of Chuck and Duke,residents, not knowing the story of Chuck and Duke,
only see a big man with a laboured gait pulled forwardonly see a big man with a laboured gait pulled forward
by a demanding pet.by a demanding pet.
A sudden separationA sudden separation
On the evening of October 12, 1957, screechingOn the evening of October 12, 1957, screeching
brakes disturb Chuck while he and Marcy werebrakes disturb Chuck while he and Marcy were
entertaining guests. Some people carry Duke insideentertaining guests. Some people carry Duke inside
and seeing his breathing and his eyes, Marcy carriesand seeing his breathing and his eyes, Marcy carries
him to the car and drives him to the vet. But Duke liveshim to the car and drives him to the vet. But Duke lives
only for a few more hours.only for a few more hours.
The faithful Doberman has left Chucks side, but hisThe faithful Doberman has left Chucks side, but his
young master continues to take bold steps into theyoung master continues to take bold steps into the
future. A few weeks later, Chuck receives an orderfuture. A few weeks later, Chuck receives an order
from headquarters. He has been appointed Assistantfrom headquarters. He has been appointed Assistant
National Sales ManagerNational Sales Manager