Rescue 2 Restore is a program that aims to improve the lives of youth in juvenile detention centers in Georgia while providing shelter dogs a second chance. The program places dogs in facilities to be trained by the youth, teaching the youth skills like responsibility and compassion. It has proven effective in reducing depression and encouraging good behavior. The program coordinates community partnerships and positive animal interactions. It currently has programs in several facilities across Georgia, working with local humane societies, and has plans to expand to additional sites.
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Mission and Vision
Rescue 2 Restore is a mutually beneficial program aiming to
improve the quality of life for youth housed in juvenile detention
centers around the state of Georgia while providing a second
chance for rescue/shelter dogs that would otherwise have been
OFFER HOPE AND CHANGE, where youth will gain a sense of
responsibility and companionship, and the dogs will become
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Rescue 2 Restore was established in June 2014 as a component
of the Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice, Division of
Volunteer Services.
The department identified animal programming as a successful
method to provide youth with life skills, while educating the
youth on animal care and compassion. Behaviorally, animal
programs have proven to alleviate depression and encourage
good behavior.
Rescue 2 Restore is responsible for building community
partnerships and providing the youth with positive animal
interactions and lessons.
Program Establishment
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System Wide Services
Training: Providing structured dog training programs in the facilities
that house animals. The training program will teach the dogs skills to
make them more adoptable, while teaching the youth patience and
using positive reinforcement to create positive results.
Education: One time and recurrent volunteers will educate the youth
on a variety of animal issues including proper animal care, animal
abuse and cruelty, pet therapy, working and service dogs, careers in
the pet industry, and competitive dog sports.
Community Partnerships: Through community partnerships the
youth will be able to give back to their community through programs
in the facilities and community service after release.
Scope of Service
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Dog Training Programs: In these programs the youth give back to the
community by providing training to dogs that would otherwise be
euthanized at local shelters. Through these partnerships the youth are
able to help the dogs, rescue groups, and eventually families in their
community who seek to adopt a well trained dog.
Dog House Building: Youth will be able to build dog houses to provide
proper shelter for dogs in their community. Thus assisting both
families who cannot afford adequate housing for their pets and the
animals that benefit from proper shelter.
Community Service Partnerships: Youth will have opportunities to
volunteer through community outreach and animal welfare projects.
Community Partnerships
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Elbert Shaw Regional Youth Detention Center
Community Partner: The Humane Society of Northwest Georgia
Current Dogs: 2
Youth in Program: varies
Current Programs
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Muscogee Youth Development Campus
Community Partner: Humane Society of Harris County
Current Dogs: 4
Youth in Program: 9
Training: Currently have a 12 week training program with a volunteer
trainer assisting one day a week.
Current Programs
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Gainesville Regional Youth Detention Center
Community Partner: The Humane Society of Northeast Georgia
Planned # of Dogs: 4
Planned # of Youth: varies
Atlanta Youth Development Campus
Community Partner: Atlanta Pet Rescue
Planned # of Dogs: 4
Planned # of Youth: 8
Future Programs
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Provide vet care for the dogs in the program
Provide all supplies and medications needed for the dogs
in the program
Transport dogs who graduate the program to adoption
events and to meet potential families
If possible, provide resources for training and speakers at
their partner facility
If possible, provide community service or employment
opportunities for the youth in the community
Community Partners Role
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Provide assistance in locating trainers and speakers to
supplement the program in the facility
Assist in training DJJ staff and ensuring the animals and
youth are interacting in a safe manner
Assist in evaluating the temperament of potential dogs for
the program
Oversee the implementation of new programs and growth
of existing programs
Evaluate program effectiveness
Advise on best practices and assist with identifying and
implementing beneficial programs
Animal Program Coordinator's Role
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The youth will learn to use positive reinforcement to achieve
positive results through training their canine partners
Good behavior will increase among the youth who want to
participate and remain in the dog program
Depression will decrease among the youth in the program.
The youth will develop a sense of responsibility through caring
for their canine partner.
The Puppies will get potty Training .
Expected Outcomes
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The youth will repay their community through training
homeless pets and assisting in making them adoptable.
The youth will learn about animal care, rescue, training, and
The youth will see the positive result of their contribution when
the animals graduate the program and are adopted.
The DJJ will provide a service to the community by housing the
homeless pets at their facility.
Expected Outcomes
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The Humane Society of the United States(HSUS) Pets for Life
Youth required to complete community service hours will
partner with their outreach program. They will learn about
animal care and the HSUS outreach efforts that provide
veterinary care in low income neighborhoods.
Lifeline Animal Project Dog House Building
Youth at YDC locations with wood shops will build dog
houses to donate to Lifeline Animal Project for their
outreach efforts.
Lifeline will explain their efforts in low income
neighborhoods to the youth and follow up with success
stories after the houses are delivered.
Community Partnership Programs