Un joven enfermo se enamor坦 de una chica en una tienda de m炭sica, pero era demasiado t鱈mido para invitarla a salir. Compraba CDs todos los d鱈as s坦lo para verla. Finalmente se arm坦 de valor para dejar su n炭mero, pero muri坦 al d鱈a siguiente. Su madre descubri坦 notas de amor de la chica en los CDs sin abrir en el closet.
Este documento resume las principales vitaminas, incluyendo sus funciones, fuentes alimentarias, requerimientos diarios recomendados y consecuencias de las deficiencias. Describe las vitaminas hidrosolubles como la C y el complejo B, y las liposolubles como las vitaminas A, D, E y K. Explica factores que afectan la utilizaci坦n de las vitaminas como la cocci坦n, exposici坦n a la luz y el aire.
Java script, security and you - Tri-Cities Javascript Developers GroupAdam Caudill
This document discusses the security threats posed by JavaScript usage on the modern web. It outlines common exploits like cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery that can be used to hijack user accounts, steal data, and infect browsers with malware. The document also covers emerging HTML5 features like WebSockets, local storage, and geolocation that could enable new types of attacks if not properly secured. It recommends that developers "hack themselves first" by proactively testing their own sites for vulnerabilities in order to build more secure JavaScript applications.
This document summarizes security issues with JavaScript and discusses vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It provides examples of how XSS can be used to steal cookies and hijack sessions. It also discusses challenges with securing JSON responses and preventing code injection attacks. Countermeasures discussed include escaping output, adding random tokens to forms, and using a secure comment syntax to wrap sensitive JSON responses.
It's time to deprecate JavaScript. It's security model and the language itself are appalling.
As data moves into the cloud the JavaScript threat is increasing and I believe the only way to fix this is to start all over again. The 14 year old language and security model aren't up to today's threats.
Kent State Workshop - Using Web 2.0 Principles to Become Librarian 2.0, Blogs...Brian Gray
The document discusses using blogs in libraries and as a tool for librarians. It provides an overview of what blogs are, different types of blogs, and considerations for creating a blog. It also discusses using blogs to engage patrons and provide more participation. Examples are given of libraries that have implemented blogs successfully.
Un joven enfermo se enamor坦 de una chica en una tienda de m炭sica, pero era demasiado t鱈mido para invitarla a salir. Compraba CDs todos los d鱈as s坦lo para verla. Finalmente se arm坦 de valor para dejar su n炭mero, pero muri坦 al d鱈a siguiente. Su madre descubri坦 notas de amor de la chica en los CDs sin abrir en el closet.
Este documento resume las principales vitaminas, incluyendo sus funciones, fuentes alimentarias, requerimientos diarios recomendados y consecuencias de las deficiencias. Describe las vitaminas hidrosolubles como la C y el complejo B, y las liposolubles como las vitaminas A, D, E y K. Explica factores que afectan la utilizaci坦n de las vitaminas como la cocci坦n, exposici坦n a la luz y el aire.
Java script, security and you - Tri-Cities Javascript Developers GroupAdam Caudill
This document discusses the security threats posed by JavaScript usage on the modern web. It outlines common exploits like cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery that can be used to hijack user accounts, steal data, and infect browsers with malware. The document also covers emerging HTML5 features like WebSockets, local storage, and geolocation that could enable new types of attacks if not properly secured. It recommends that developers "hack themselves first" by proactively testing their own sites for vulnerabilities in order to build more secure JavaScript applications.
This document summarizes security issues with JavaScript and discusses vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It provides examples of how XSS can be used to steal cookies and hijack sessions. It also discusses challenges with securing JSON responses and preventing code injection attacks. Countermeasures discussed include escaping output, adding random tokens to forms, and using a secure comment syntax to wrap sensitive JSON responses.
It's time to deprecate JavaScript. It's security model and the language itself are appalling.
As data moves into the cloud the JavaScript threat is increasing and I believe the only way to fix this is to start all over again. The 14 year old language and security model aren't up to today's threats.
Kent State Workshop - Using Web 2.0 Principles to Become Librarian 2.0, Blogs...Brian Gray
The document discusses using blogs in libraries and as a tool for librarians. It provides an overview of what blogs are, different types of blogs, and considerations for creating a blog. It also discusses using blogs to engage patrons and provide more participation. Examples are given of libraries that have implemented blogs successfully.