This slide share is about the positives of having an organic diet for your pup. It shows off the important of health benefits for a healthier and happier dog.
If my avatar could talk…tales from the edge of an online educator's second life.Alexandra M. Pickett
This document discusses an educator's experiences using their avatar in Second Life. It describes the challenges of navigating and building in the virtual world. The educator observed an English composition class to see how instruction was conducted. Potential applications of virtual reality for higher education are explored, such as using VR to promote student community and enhance online and face-to-face teaching. Recommended resources on educational uses of Second Life are also provided.
10 strategies for making the most of your investments in consultants and prof...Engagement Strategies, LLC
Presented with Karen Nemeth and Pam Brillante at the NAEYC Annual Conference, November 6, 2014. Potential consulting or professional development clients expect prepared and informed contractors, but even the best consultant or professional development provider can only go so far if the client hasn't set the stage with a plan and a commitment to improvement. Even the most well-intentioned administrator will be disappointed if the consultant is not informed through a consultative, collaborative, systematic and respectful approach to the organization's scope of work. This essential session will focus on 10 strategies that will help administrators get more value from every consulting dollar they spend, and help consultants understand what clients need and expect to ensure long lasting results for their clients. This session is designed to provide all participants with unifying take home messages about working together to effect change in early childhood education through commitment to their respective responsibilities in professional consulting relationships.
This document discusses educational technology in early childhood education. It defines educational technology as the considered implementation of appropriate tools that facilitate learning. It outlines national standards for what children should learn with technology regarding creativity, communication, research, critical thinking, digital citizenship, and technology operations. The document discusses selecting appropriate hardware and software for classrooms, considering creation versus consumption. It provides guidance on integrating technology throughout daily routines and special events in developmentally appropriate ways.
Using technology in early childhood educationswtsml42
This document discusses using technology in early childhood education in developmentally appropriate ways. It recommends using computer programs and media to assist and document learning, while responding to children's interests and needs. The document references standards from NAEYC and Illinois that encourage using technology to enhance learning, build skills, and deepen understanding in a culturally sensitive manner. Teachers should be trained in basic technology operations and its application to instruction based on Illinois standards.
Technologies used by today's children provides both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include educational software and games that allow children to learn while having fun. Video games can improve motor skills and encourage critical thinking. However, overuse of technology can lead to increased frustration, a decline in writing skills due to excessive online chatting, and a lack of physical social interaction skills. Too much technology use can also disrupt family relationships as children prefer screen time over spending quality time with parents.
Pre-School Children Learn to Use the iPad to Learn, Document, Assess and Crea...CITE
TAVERNIER, Monika (Woodland Harbourside preschool)
Author(s) bear(s) the responsibility in case of any infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of third parties.
CITE was notified by the author(s) that if the presentation slides contain any personal particulars, records and personal data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) such as names, email addresses, photos of students, etc, the author(s) have/has obtained the corresponding person's consent.
The document discusses the debate around using technology in early childhood classrooms. While some research has found benefits to educational technology for learning, the evidence is mixed and depends on how it is integrated. When used appropriately with adult guidance, technology can support learning in similar ways as other classroom materials. However, care must be taken to limit screen time, ensure social interactions are still encouraged, and select age-appropriate software and websites. Educators should view technology as a tool that can expand learning when used judiciously.
The document discusses the benefits of introducing technology to early childhood education. It states that technology can greatly increase children's learning by assisting educators and exposing children to different forms of interactive technology. When families and schools work together to introduce children to various examples of technology, children will become familiar with technology and be able to use it efficiently while also promoting visual, tactile, and independent learning that creates endless opportunities for engagement and collaboration.
Technology in the early childhood classroomnueldavidwest
The use of technology in the early childhood classroom and how it affects children positively. Children are positively motivated to learn better with the use of technology in the classroom.
This document discusses the benefits of using technology in kindergarten classrooms. It outlines how technology can be used across subjects to enhance learning for students. Some key technology tools mentioned include computers, smartboards, digital cameras, and websites. The document also discusses how technology engages students, makes learning fun, and can be self-paced. It provides examples of how teachers can implement technology for lessons, assessments, organizing data, and communicating with parents.
The document outlines guidelines for an early childhood education basic program, including:
1. A curriculum writing team composed of secondary school, post-secondary, and industry representatives developed the new early childhood education curriculum.
2. The pathway must be deemed high-wage, high-demand, or high-skill to receive industry validation.
3. Schools must have an instructor for both the early childhood education high school classroom and the pre-k classroom. Many schools also have on-site lottery funded pre-k programs.
Technology In Early Childhood Education (ECE)kscholer
Research suggests that technology can be beneficial in early childhood education if used appropriately. Properly facilitated, computers and software can encourage social interaction and conversations related to classroom work. Some benefits of technology include allowing children to reinforce learning by looking at photos, helping develop understanding of how spoken language connects to print, and providing ways for children to respond and represent learning individually. Technology also supports experiential learning, oral language development, and helping children understand information through visual representations of data. Digital cameras and online games/activities are examples of technologies that can be used, with benefits such as recording classroom activities, developing literacy and math skills, and engaging struggling students.
Negative Effects of Technology on Young Childrenascarcello
The document discusses the negative effects of technology on young children's development. It notes that technology use is rising among young kids, with 90% of parents of children under 2 reporting media use by 2006. Excessive technology use can lead to communication deficits as kids spend less time interacting with others. It may also prevent children from forming normal social relationships and learning how to be alone. If used to constantly pacify kids, technology can render them unable to self-soothe or experience solitude. The overuse of engaging screens also risks developing addiction-like behaviors in young children. As technology becomes more prevalent in kids' lives, its effects must be carefully considered.
Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroommichellesaville
This document discusses using technology in early childhood classrooms. It describes how the presenter uses technology to make adaptations for students, create classroom resources, and make activities more engaging. Specific tools mentioned include Boardmaker for creating visual supports, videos and interactive websites for building background knowledge, and iPad apps for practicing skills in an engaging way. The presenter provides examples of how tools like Boardmaker, Starfall, and phonics apps can support learning and gives contact information for sharing resources.
This document discusses the appropriate use of technology in preschool classrooms. It asserts that technology should be used as one of many tools to engage and motivate young learners, and should incorporate play and learner-centered activities. Examples of appropriate technologies include interactive whiteboards, tablets, cameras, and computers. The goal of technology in early education is not to enhance computer skills or accelerate academic goals, but rather to support learning in a developmentally appropriate way that encourages social interaction. Special needs students in particular can benefit from strategic technology use.
The document discusses using technology in early childhood education. It outlines 5 effective ways for young children to use technology, including making and displaying graphs, exploring with digital tools, telling stories, writing and recording, and sharing and documenting learning. It also discusses how technology can support children's social/language development, physical well-being, cognition, and approach to learning. Specific examples mentioned include using Google Earth for a virtual tour to teach about different cultures, and using digital cameras to find shapes in the environment.
The document discusses research on using technology in early childhood education (ECE). It finds that computers can improve children's attitudes about learning when software includes sounds, music, or voice. It recommends portable keyboards, cameras, digital microscopes, tape recorders, and TVs/VCRs as suitable hardware. Examples are given of using digital cameras to explore shapes and digital microscopes to look at insects.
The document discusses the use of technology in early childhood education. It argues that technology should be used alongside other learning experiences, and can be beneficial when used properly. When introducing technology, it is important to model its use and ensure children understand how to use it independently. Interactive games and software that provide feedback can help children learn skills and concepts. However, screen time should be limited and technology needs to be coupled with real-world experiences for learning to be fully meaningful. The optimal use of technology varies depending on children's ages and development.
The document discusses reasons for integrating technology into early childhood classrooms. It explains how technology can support language, social/emotional, cognitive, physical, and motor development in young children. It provides examples of ways technology can encourage reading, writing, and expression while also being engaging and motivating. The document emphasizes selecting developmentally appropriate software and limiting screen time.
1) Technology is now ubiquitous in the lives of young children, parents, and early childhood educators due to tools like computers, the internet, mobile devices, and digital media.
2) There are conflicting views on whether young children should have access to screen-based media, with some arguing it can negatively impact development, health, and learning.
3) The document provides guidance for early childhood educators on the intentional and developmentally appropriate use of technology to support learning, while also addressing cautions and concerns about overuse and inappropriate content.
This document discusses the history and development of electronics from Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb to modern integrated circuits and microprocessors. It outlines the benefits of electronics like time conservation and access to information, as well as drawbacks like processing time and bulky early gadgets. The document also examines current and future technologies including VLSI circuits, broadband communication, and advances in computing, and concludes that while electronics provide advantages, precautions must be taken regarding security, privacy, and environmental impact.
This document contains information about the Electronics and Communication department at GIT R&D Lab including:
1) A list of 14 faculty members in the department.
2) A brief description of the department and the areas of specialization covered including devices and circuits, analog and digital electronics, and communication systems.
3) The mission, objectives, labs, workshops, and activities of the department including industrial visits, seminars, and a conference on microwave devices and components.
The effect of technology on today's society pptoacore
The document discusses the effects of modern technology on today's society. It notes that while technology allows people to meet and communicate over long distances, it can also isolate people, change behaviors and attitudes, and in some cases harm people. The document includes several polls that show most people depend on technology to some degree but have mixed views on whether advances are necessary or if social networks are needed. It concludes with a quote about using technology advances to increase efficiency without being burdened by new processes.
Negative Effects Of Technology On Childrenguest2630606
The document discusses the types of technology children use, including computers, cell phones, and video game consoles. It then describes three negative effects technology can have on children's writing skills, social skills, and ability to focus in class. While technology may help writing through features like spellcheck, it prevents children from learning from their mistakes.
Technology refers to tools, machines, systems and methods used to solve problems or perform tasks. It can be applied to various areas like construction, medicine or information. Technology both positively and negatively impacts culture and society. While it has increased connectivity and made some tasks easier, it has also facilitated issues like war, political oppression, and over-reliance on digital tools which can increase stress, sedentary lifestyles and cybercrime risks, especially for youth. Modern technology provides many benefits but also disadvantages that must be addressed to ensure its safe and responsible use.
The document outlines several advantages and disadvantages of using technology. It lists advantages such as helping people communicate, aim for better living, gather information, access government services, download content, improve education, provide entertainment, online shopping, and stay updated on social media. Disadvantages mentioned include technology addiction, wasting money and time, eye strain, plagiarism, neglecting chores, lack of privacy, increased cybercrime, ruined lives, and virus spreading. Overall, the document presents a list of pros and cons of technology use.
Present Status, Constrains and Prospects of Aquaculture in World.pptxRajesh Chudasama
Aquaculture is set to remain the fastest-growing food-producing sector, driven by increasing demand for aquatic products amid stagnating capture fisheries. In 2022, global aquaculture production reached 131 million tonnes, significantly contributing to a total of 223 million tonnes in fisheries. Major players include China, Indonesia, and India, with India accounting for 8.92% of world fish production and highlighting its growth potential through robust shrimp farming.
Despite its successes, the sector faces challenges like declining shrimp prices, environmental regulations, and resource limitations, compounded by rising feed and energy costs and climate change impacts. To address these issues, the industry must adopt more sustainable practices, innovate feed alternatives, and diversify species.
The future of aquaculture depends on sustainable intensification, with projects like aquaparks enhancing productivity. The sector is projected to grow by 14% by 2030, reaching 202 million tonnes, with significant expected job creation. Investment in research, skilled labor, effective governance, and new technologies is essential for overcoming challenges and ensuring the sector’s resilience.
Technology in the early childhood classroomnueldavidwest
The use of technology in the early childhood classroom and how it affects children positively. Children are positively motivated to learn better with the use of technology in the classroom.
This document discusses the benefits of using technology in kindergarten classrooms. It outlines how technology can be used across subjects to enhance learning for students. Some key technology tools mentioned include computers, smartboards, digital cameras, and websites. The document also discusses how technology engages students, makes learning fun, and can be self-paced. It provides examples of how teachers can implement technology for lessons, assessments, organizing data, and communicating with parents.
The document outlines guidelines for an early childhood education basic program, including:
1. A curriculum writing team composed of secondary school, post-secondary, and industry representatives developed the new early childhood education curriculum.
2. The pathway must be deemed high-wage, high-demand, or high-skill to receive industry validation.
3. Schools must have an instructor for both the early childhood education high school classroom and the pre-k classroom. Many schools also have on-site lottery funded pre-k programs.
Technology In Early Childhood Education (ECE)kscholer
Research suggests that technology can be beneficial in early childhood education if used appropriately. Properly facilitated, computers and software can encourage social interaction and conversations related to classroom work. Some benefits of technology include allowing children to reinforce learning by looking at photos, helping develop understanding of how spoken language connects to print, and providing ways for children to respond and represent learning individually. Technology also supports experiential learning, oral language development, and helping children understand information through visual representations of data. Digital cameras and online games/activities are examples of technologies that can be used, with benefits such as recording classroom activities, developing literacy and math skills, and engaging struggling students.
Negative Effects of Technology on Young Childrenascarcello
The document discusses the negative effects of technology on young children's development. It notes that technology use is rising among young kids, with 90% of parents of children under 2 reporting media use by 2006. Excessive technology use can lead to communication deficits as kids spend less time interacting with others. It may also prevent children from forming normal social relationships and learning how to be alone. If used to constantly pacify kids, technology can render them unable to self-soothe or experience solitude. The overuse of engaging screens also risks developing addiction-like behaviors in young children. As technology becomes more prevalent in kids' lives, its effects must be carefully considered.
Using Technology in the Early Childhood Classroommichellesaville
This document discusses using technology in early childhood classrooms. It describes how the presenter uses technology to make adaptations for students, create classroom resources, and make activities more engaging. Specific tools mentioned include Boardmaker for creating visual supports, videos and interactive websites for building background knowledge, and iPad apps for practicing skills in an engaging way. The presenter provides examples of how tools like Boardmaker, Starfall, and phonics apps can support learning and gives contact information for sharing resources.
This document discusses the appropriate use of technology in preschool classrooms. It asserts that technology should be used as one of many tools to engage and motivate young learners, and should incorporate play and learner-centered activities. Examples of appropriate technologies include interactive whiteboards, tablets, cameras, and computers. The goal of technology in early education is not to enhance computer skills or accelerate academic goals, but rather to support learning in a developmentally appropriate way that encourages social interaction. Special needs students in particular can benefit from strategic technology use.
The document discusses using technology in early childhood education. It outlines 5 effective ways for young children to use technology, including making and displaying graphs, exploring with digital tools, telling stories, writing and recording, and sharing and documenting learning. It also discusses how technology can support children's social/language development, physical well-being, cognition, and approach to learning. Specific examples mentioned include using Google Earth for a virtual tour to teach about different cultures, and using digital cameras to find shapes in the environment.
The document discusses research on using technology in early childhood education (ECE). It finds that computers can improve children's attitudes about learning when software includes sounds, music, or voice. It recommends portable keyboards, cameras, digital microscopes, tape recorders, and TVs/VCRs as suitable hardware. Examples are given of using digital cameras to explore shapes and digital microscopes to look at insects.
The document discusses the use of technology in early childhood education. It argues that technology should be used alongside other learning experiences, and can be beneficial when used properly. When introducing technology, it is important to model its use and ensure children understand how to use it independently. Interactive games and software that provide feedback can help children learn skills and concepts. However, screen time should be limited and technology needs to be coupled with real-world experiences for learning to be fully meaningful. The optimal use of technology varies depending on children's ages and development.
The document discusses reasons for integrating technology into early childhood classrooms. It explains how technology can support language, social/emotional, cognitive, physical, and motor development in young children. It provides examples of ways technology can encourage reading, writing, and expression while also being engaging and motivating. The document emphasizes selecting developmentally appropriate software and limiting screen time.
1) Technology is now ubiquitous in the lives of young children, parents, and early childhood educators due to tools like computers, the internet, mobile devices, and digital media.
2) There are conflicting views on whether young children should have access to screen-based media, with some arguing it can negatively impact development, health, and learning.
3) The document provides guidance for early childhood educators on the intentional and developmentally appropriate use of technology to support learning, while also addressing cautions and concerns about overuse and inappropriate content.
This document discusses the history and development of electronics from Thomas Edison's invention of the light bulb to modern integrated circuits and microprocessors. It outlines the benefits of electronics like time conservation and access to information, as well as drawbacks like processing time and bulky early gadgets. The document also examines current and future technologies including VLSI circuits, broadband communication, and advances in computing, and concludes that while electronics provide advantages, precautions must be taken regarding security, privacy, and environmental impact.
This document contains information about the Electronics and Communication department at GIT R&D Lab including:
1) A list of 14 faculty members in the department.
2) A brief description of the department and the areas of specialization covered including devices and circuits, analog and digital electronics, and communication systems.
3) The mission, objectives, labs, workshops, and activities of the department including industrial visits, seminars, and a conference on microwave devices and components.
The effect of technology on today's society pptoacore
The document discusses the effects of modern technology on today's society. It notes that while technology allows people to meet and communicate over long distances, it can also isolate people, change behaviors and attitudes, and in some cases harm people. The document includes several polls that show most people depend on technology to some degree but have mixed views on whether advances are necessary or if social networks are needed. It concludes with a quote about using technology advances to increase efficiency without being burdened by new processes.
Negative Effects Of Technology On Childrenguest2630606
The document discusses the types of technology children use, including computers, cell phones, and video game consoles. It then describes three negative effects technology can have on children's writing skills, social skills, and ability to focus in class. While technology may help writing through features like spellcheck, it prevents children from learning from their mistakes.
Technology refers to tools, machines, systems and methods used to solve problems or perform tasks. It can be applied to various areas like construction, medicine or information. Technology both positively and negatively impacts culture and society. While it has increased connectivity and made some tasks easier, it has also facilitated issues like war, political oppression, and over-reliance on digital tools which can increase stress, sedentary lifestyles and cybercrime risks, especially for youth. Modern technology provides many benefits but also disadvantages that must be addressed to ensure its safe and responsible use.
The document outlines several advantages and disadvantages of using technology. It lists advantages such as helping people communicate, aim for better living, gather information, access government services, download content, improve education, provide entertainment, online shopping, and stay updated on social media. Disadvantages mentioned include technology addiction, wasting money and time, eye strain, plagiarism, neglecting chores, lack of privacy, increased cybercrime, ruined lives, and virus spreading. Overall, the document presents a list of pros and cons of technology use.
Present Status, Constrains and Prospects of Aquaculture in World.pptxRajesh Chudasama
Aquaculture is set to remain the fastest-growing food-producing sector, driven by increasing demand for aquatic products amid stagnating capture fisheries. In 2022, global aquaculture production reached 131 million tonnes, significantly contributing to a total of 223 million tonnes in fisheries. Major players include China, Indonesia, and India, with India accounting for 8.92% of world fish production and highlighting its growth potential through robust shrimp farming.
Despite its successes, the sector faces challenges like declining shrimp prices, environmental regulations, and resource limitations, compounded by rising feed and energy costs and climate change impacts. To address these issues, the industry must adopt more sustainable practices, innovate feed alternatives, and diversify species.
The future of aquaculture depends on sustainable intensification, with projects like aquaparks enhancing productivity. The sector is projected to grow by 14% by 2030, reaching 202 million tonnes, with significant expected job creation. Investment in research, skilled labor, effective governance, and new technologies is essential for overcoming challenges and ensuring the sector’s resilience.
At Aama Nepalese Cuisines, we believe that authentic food is the true testament of a country's culture and history. Tucked away in an elegant setting in Cochrane, Alberta, the ambiance is warm and cozy, assuring the time spent here along with your family and friends would be absolutely worth it! Our staff is dedicated to making sure your evening is filled with delicious memories.
A critical assessment of the interplay of conflict, hunger, poverty, and food...Olutosin Ademola Otekunrin
The world is facing a critical challenge: ensuring adequate food production and supply to meet the needs of a rapidly growing global population. Food insecurity is on the rise, exacerbated by factors such as skyrocketing food prices, prolonged conflicts, climate disruption, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the FAO and its partners report some stabilization in the rate of undernourishment, hunger has increased in regions like Western Asia, the Caribbean, and Africa. Conflict and violence are particularly concerning, acting as a primary catalyst for severe food and nutrition insecurity.
This study reviews recent trends in hunger, poverty, and food insecurity, utilizing established metrics like the Global Hunger Index (GHI), World Poverty Clock, and Global Food Security Index (GFSI). It specifically assesses the interplay of conflict using recent data from The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) on these issues in Africa. The study utilizes country-level data from Africa to assess correlations between conflict index scores and indicators of poverty, hunger, and food security.
The results underscore the substantial impact of conflict on food security across the continent. The study presents country-level evidence of clear links between conflict index scores and indicators of poverty (r = 0.31), hunger (r = 0.47), and food security (r = -0.58) in Africa. The research sheds light on the dire food security situations in African hotspots and offers crucial considerations for addressing the intertwined challenges of conflict, hunger, poverty, and food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa.
The study highlights the critical need to address the interconnected challenges of conflict, hunger, poverty, and food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa. The findings emphasize the importance of understanding the complex interplay of these factors and prioritizing conflict mitigation and resolution strategies as a crucial step towards achieving sustainable food security in the region. Further research and collaborative efforts are necessary to develop effective and long-term solutions to this pressing global challenge.
How far has Africa gone in achieving the zero hunger target? Evidence from Ni...Olutosin Ademola Otekunrin
Sustainable Development Goal 2 is hinged on achieving zero hunger, worldwide, by the year 2030. Many developing countries, especially African countries, are faced with extreme hunger often caused or compounded by bad governance, conflicts and climate change. In this paper, we review patterns of Global Hunger Index scores across Africa from 2000 to 2018 noting advances and setbacks in the fight against hunger in relation to the underlying causes of hunger in these nations, using Nigeria, the poverty capital of the world, as a case study. We also review selected policies of the Nigerian government and development partners aimed at reducing hunger in Nigeria and proffer solutions that can help actualise the target of zero hunger by 2030.
Exploring Gut Microbiome, Gut-Brain Axis and Relationship with Exercise; Expl...AI Publications
An individual's gut microbiome influences multiple mechanisms within host physiology, playing a crucial role in metabolism, immunity, and neurological function. The diversity of gut microbes evolves throughout an individual’s lifetime, with disturbances and alterations linked to metabolic diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. The gut comprises approximately 100 million neurons, more than the human spinal cord, and is often referred to as the "second brain." Emerging research highlights a bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain through multiple mechanisms, including neural, immune, and endocrine pathways. While scientists have extensively explored the role of nutrition and probiotics in gut health, the independent effects of exercise on the gut microbiome and gut-brain axis remain under-researched. This review aims to examine the gut microbiome, its intricate connections, and the influence of exercise in modulating gut microbial composition, thereby improving host physiology. Additionally, it investigates the impact of physical activity on the gut-brain axis, particularly in relation to mood and behavioral disorders. Given the increasing burden of chronic diseases and mental health disorders, understanding the exercise-gut interaction offers valuable insights for public health strategies focused on disease prevention, mental well-being, and holistic health promotion.
Looking for a delicious meal in Kharkhoda.pdfKesari Sweets
Treat your taste buds to a culinary journey at Kesari Amritsari Sweets in Kharkhoda. Whether you're in the mood for a sweet indulgence or a savory snack, they've got you covered. Experience the true flavors of India.
#FoodieParadise #Kharkhoda #IndianCuisine #MustTry #LocalFood #FoodLove#indianfood #foodgoals #trendingpost #KesarAmritsariSweets #KesariSweetsKharkhoda #DinnerplaceKharkhdoa
Ang Chong Yi on a Mission to Celebrate and Reinvent Singapore’s FlavorsAng Chong Yi
Singapore is a city where food is more than just sustenance — it’s a way of life. From the bustling hawker centers to Michelin-starred restaurants, Singaporean cuisine is a rich tapestry woven from Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Peranakan influences. But as the world shifts towards sustainability, health-conscious eating, and food innovation, one visionary chef Ang Chong Yi’s Mission: Rediscovering Singapore’s Culinary Heritage while reimagining its flavors for the future.
Deep Fried Turkey Gobbler Meal Arbys menu.pptxconnectseo2
Arby’s is known for its delicious fast-food offerings, featuring a variety of sandwiches and sides. The Arby’s menu includes slow-roasted beef, crispy chicken, burgers, and limited-time specials. Their curly fries and mozzarella sticks are fan favorites among side options. Desserts like turnovers and milkshakes add a sweet touch to the meal. Whether you're craving classic roast beef or a new burger, Arby’s has something for everyone.
2. I had this thought a couple months ago and
it has resonated since. Actually now, it blows
my mind that i have been feeding my dog
who knows what for two years now.
3. Just like humans, a more proper, balanced diet
works wonders for the body. Also, the organic
choice of food and treats isn't much more
4. Depending on the brand and the particular flavor,
there are tons of health benefits for your best
5. So i urge you to think about what your giving your
dog to eat. Go out buy some food and treats and
see the difference.