The document discusses workaholism, debt/credit, and lawsuits from a biblical perspective. For workaholism, it summarizes that an unhealthy obsession with anything besides God can be considered idolatry. Regarding debt/credit, it summarizes that incurring debt or issuing credit is not inherently sinful, but becomes a problem if done excessively beyond one's means of repayment. For lawsuits, it summarizes that Christians should exhaust all other reconciliation measures first, such as those outlined in Matthew 18:15-17, before resorting to legal action.
One11 Service - December 13 - Romans 12-13Christ's Church of the Valley - Young Adults MinistryMark dived into Romans 12-13 this week. Sad that you missed us this past week! Catch up and catch us this Sunday for the LAST One11 of 2015! See you Sunday!
SERIES BREAK - SERVANTS THAT GOD NEEDS - PTR VETTY GUTIERREZ - 10AM MORNING S...Faithworks Christian ChurchThe document outlines seven characteristics of servants that God is looking for based on Paul's letters to Timothy:
1. Being a spiritual son who receives Christ and God's word.
2. Being a good soldier who is focused on obeying God above all else.
3. Being a master athlete who competes according to God's rules.
4. Being a fruitful farmer who works hard to sow and harvest souls for God.
5. Being an unashamed workman who studies and shares God's truth.
6. Being an honorable vessel that is cleansed and set apart for God's use.
7. Being a gentle servant who teaches God's word patiently.
Developing Meaningful RelationshipsIan FelipeWe were created in this life as relational individuals. This short presentation seeks to examine our existing relationships, if we have the right people building us the way we wanted our life to be.
What to say to your friends who are considering divorce 1.1Kevin KarlsonA comprehensive overview of the research about what happens before, during, and after divorce and a focus on exploding the popular myths about marriage and divorce.
Habits: Identifying Bad HabitsJim HsiaReality Check: Impact of study habits on our future; example is college admissions to the University of California. "Maturity comes when you stop making excuses and start making changes." 13 reasons you're not as successful as you should be. "The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do."
Part 2 of 3 part series on habits. Visit for more info.
Relationships 2 eccl 4 9 10 slides 031311Alan ShelbyYou need friends who will positively influence you and help you grow spiritually. The document provides guidance on how to choose friends carefully and cultivate real friendships through commitment, consideration, confidentiality, candor, constructive feedback, and consistency. Friends should support each other through both good and difficult times.
April 2 2017 - Sunday Message- OVERCOMING GOSSIPCatherine LirioThe document discusses overcoming the negative effects of gossip through forgiveness, discreetly speaking to those involved, avoiding spreading gossip further, and trusting God to vindicate you. It also discusses overcoming gossiping by understanding its ill effects, avoiding passing on gossip as a gesture of love, having courage to speak to the subject, finding those who can address issues in rumors, and praying for all to be spirit-filled to stop gossip in the church. The overall message is about dealing with gossip in a wise, loving manner.
WorkaholismJack McKayThe document discusses workaholism among school administrators. It defines workaholism as an obsessive-compulsive disorder characterized by excessive work demands, inability to regulate work habits, and overindulgence in work at the expense of personal life. Workaholism is progressive in nature and stems from unmet psychological needs, and can lead to health issues, family conflicts, and career problems. The document also notes that workaholism negatively impacts families by making spouses and children feel unloved and emotionally abandoned as the workaholic prioritizes work over family. Children of workaholics also face high achievement demands and carry the legacy of approval-seeking behavior.
Are You Working Too Much?SuperFastBusiness
Are you putting in too much hours of work in your business? There are many consequences of overwork. In this infographic, discover how to cure workaholism.
Harri Vainio: Research Day OpeningղöٱٴDzThis document discusses employee engagement at work. It reports that according to a 2013 Gallup poll, only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. In Finland specifically, 11% of employees are engaged, 76% are not engaged, and 11% are actively disengaged. It also provides background on Wilmar Schaufeli, a prominent researcher in occupational health psychology whose work focuses on topics like employee engagement, burnout, and workaholism.
Arnold Bakker Workaholism HappinessArnold BakkerThis study examines how workaholics' behaviors during the evening influence their happiness. The authors use the Day Reconstruction Method. See this paper on
Bakker, A.B., Demerouti, E., Oerlemans, W., & Sonnentag, S. (2012). Workaholism and daily recovery: A day reconstruction study of leisure activities. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Workaholism, work engagement and performance of the self-employedMarjan GorgievskiWorkaholism, Work Engagement, and Performance: Comparison of the Self-Employed versus Employees on Pay-Role. Presented at the 14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, May 13-16, 2009, Santiago de Compostella.
7 signs of being workaholicBest CatcherWork is an essential part of our lives. It is a source of our productivity and personal growth and rewards us financially. It should not turn you into a self-destructive workaholic to impress your boss or yourself either. Be aware of these signs before it is too late. Workaholic as a person who works excessively and compulsively and is unable to detach from work.
10 ways workaholicArise Roby The document provides 10 ways for workaholics to practice self-care and maintain well-being despite busy work schedules. These include getting sufficient sleep, meditating daily, exercising regularly, spending time outdoors, taking vacations, making healthy food choices, staying hydrated, and allowing oneself small daily treats like dark chocolate. Practicing these self-care techniques can help workaholics avoid burnout and its mental and physical effects.
I am not a workaholicHenry HuangThe document expresses the writer's love of working hard and self-improvement through struggle, though others may see them as a workaholic. They find fulfillment in pursuing their dreams and letting technology be their companion, as it was what they first loved and see it as their destiny.
WorkaholicbialencarThis document discusses workaholism, providing a self-assessment to determine if someone is a workaholic, outlining some consequences of being a workaholic, and suggesting getting help from Workaholics Anonymous. It also includes a quote about delegation from a former General Motors chairman.
Workaholismelocution2Workaholism is an addiction to work that negatively impacts physical and emotional health. It is identified when work competes with and is prioritized over important relationships. Workaholism is often developed in childhood and can be caused by a desire for perfection, pressure, work beliefs, role models, economic conditions, and competition. Consequences include isolation, work becoming a primary life focus, avoiding vacation, and feeling more comfortable with coworkers than family or friends. There are different types of workaholics such as those who work in bursts, are relentlessly driven, have attention deficits, or find fulfillment in work. Getting help involves support groups, spending time with loved ones, relaxation, fresh air, and fun.
Deconstructing the myth of workaholics in web teamsYiannis KonstantakopoulosThere's a huge misunderstanding in our industry: people think of workaholism as a badge of honour. In reality this is a badge of shame.
WorkaholismJibin JoyThe document discusses workaholism, defining it as having difficulty disengaging from work and enjoying work intensely. It describes four types of workaholism and provides criteria for identifying a workaholic, such as working excessively long hours and thinking about work during leisure time. The effects of workaholism are then outlined, including negative impacts on relationships and health issues like headaches and stomach problems. Finally, the document presents three theories that attempt to explain why workaholism develops, such as operant learning theory which posits it develops through reinforcement of work behaviors.
Workaholic Woes (Ecclesiastes 4)Dr. Rick GriffithWhen does work consume us? What should we do about it? Download the entire manuscript, study notes, and handout at (OT sermons link). You may also listen to the audio of this message at
Consequences of workaholism and work engagement for spanish entrepreneursINPERE Presented at the 15th International Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 25th-28th, 2011
WorkaholismjersongomezoWorkaholism is an addiction to work characterized by working excessively and compulsively. It can be driven by economic pressures, fear of job loss, ambition for success, and an inability to set priorities. Consequences include negative impacts on family life like isolation, divorce, and health issues like cardiovascular disease. Prevention involves recognizing there is more to life than work, delegating tasks, maintaining an eight hour workday, and limiting work done at home. Treating workaholism requires psychotherapy to regain balance between work and personal life.
Theology money class_session_11eternalperspectives1) The document discusses the dangers of debt and advises living within one's means by depending on God for provision rather than taking on debt.
2) It encourages saving modestly for future needs but warns against hoarding wealth, as one's treasures should be in heaven, not on earth.
3) The document provides biblical principles for avoiding debt, getting out of debt, saving, spending, and ensuring one's resources are used to help those in need.
AccountabilityLavera WrightThis document discusses the concepts of accountability and responsibility from a biblical perspective. It provides several bible verses related to these topics. It summarizes the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land of Canaan and how they were held accountable for their rebellion against God. The document examines what true accountability looks like beyond just outward behaviors to inward motivations and desires. It questions how we can better stir each other up to love and good works through accountability relationships.
Judge no moreGeorge MoralesThis document provides a sermon encouraging self-examination and good works over judging others. It discusses removing faults from one's own life before addressing others' faults, and focusing on positive actions like helping the poor rather than criticism. The sermon cites several Bible passages about not judging, overcoming evil with good, and proving one's faith through deeds. It encourages focusing on one's own spiritual growth and good deeds rather than boasting or judging others.
Effective Stewardship - Session 3sandiferbThis document outlines a 5-session adult Sunday school class on Christian stewardship. Session 3 focuses on "Loving Our Neighbor" and how to effectively care for those in need without causing harm. It discusses the importance of responding to human suffering with discernment and compassion, looking for effective ways to help that promote self-sufficiency over dependency. The session explores biblical passages about caring for the poor and needy, discusses challenges like encouraging work over idleness, and challenges participants to become more aware of those in need in their own communities.
Liberty In Financial TruthSteven HolleyDiscover The Desire & Power To . . .
* Escape Devastating Debt
* Overcome Bankrupting Behavior
* Turn Adversity Into Rich Investments
* Apply Practical Financial-Control Tools
* Avoid Financially Destructive Decisions
* Enjoy Lasting Liberty In Financial Truth
WorkaholismJack McKayThe document discusses workaholism among school administrators. It defines workaholism as an obsessive-compulsive disorder characterized by excessive work demands, inability to regulate work habits, and overindulgence in work at the expense of personal life. Workaholism is progressive in nature and stems from unmet psychological needs, and can lead to health issues, family conflicts, and career problems. The document also notes that workaholism negatively impacts families by making spouses and children feel unloved and emotionally abandoned as the workaholic prioritizes work over family. Children of workaholics also face high achievement demands and carry the legacy of approval-seeking behavior.
Are You Working Too Much?SuperFastBusiness
Are you putting in too much hours of work in your business? There are many consequences of overwork. In this infographic, discover how to cure workaholism.
Harri Vainio: Research Day OpeningղöٱٴDzThis document discusses employee engagement at work. It reports that according to a 2013 Gallup poll, only 13% of employees worldwide are engaged at work. In Finland specifically, 11% of employees are engaged, 76% are not engaged, and 11% are actively disengaged. It also provides background on Wilmar Schaufeli, a prominent researcher in occupational health psychology whose work focuses on topics like employee engagement, burnout, and workaholism.
Arnold Bakker Workaholism HappinessArnold BakkerThis study examines how workaholics' behaviors during the evening influence their happiness. The authors use the Day Reconstruction Method. See this paper on
Bakker, A.B., Demerouti, E., Oerlemans, W., & Sonnentag, S. (2012). Workaholism and daily recovery: A day reconstruction study of leisure activities. Journal of Organizational Behavior.
Workaholism, work engagement and performance of the self-employedMarjan GorgievskiWorkaholism, Work Engagement, and Performance: Comparison of the Self-Employed versus Employees on Pay-Role. Presented at the 14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology, May 13-16, 2009, Santiago de Compostella.
7 signs of being workaholicBest CatcherWork is an essential part of our lives. It is a source of our productivity and personal growth and rewards us financially. It should not turn you into a self-destructive workaholic to impress your boss or yourself either. Be aware of these signs before it is too late. Workaholic as a person who works excessively and compulsively and is unable to detach from work.
10 ways workaholicArise Roby The document provides 10 ways for workaholics to practice self-care and maintain well-being despite busy work schedules. These include getting sufficient sleep, meditating daily, exercising regularly, spending time outdoors, taking vacations, making healthy food choices, staying hydrated, and allowing oneself small daily treats like dark chocolate. Practicing these self-care techniques can help workaholics avoid burnout and its mental and physical effects.
I am not a workaholicHenry HuangThe document expresses the writer's love of working hard and self-improvement through struggle, though others may see them as a workaholic. They find fulfillment in pursuing their dreams and letting technology be their companion, as it was what they first loved and see it as their destiny.
WorkaholicbialencarThis document discusses workaholism, providing a self-assessment to determine if someone is a workaholic, outlining some consequences of being a workaholic, and suggesting getting help from Workaholics Anonymous. It also includes a quote about delegation from a former General Motors chairman.
Workaholismelocution2Workaholism is an addiction to work that negatively impacts physical and emotional health. It is identified when work competes with and is prioritized over important relationships. Workaholism is often developed in childhood and can be caused by a desire for perfection, pressure, work beliefs, role models, economic conditions, and competition. Consequences include isolation, work becoming a primary life focus, avoiding vacation, and feeling more comfortable with coworkers than family or friends. There are different types of workaholics such as those who work in bursts, are relentlessly driven, have attention deficits, or find fulfillment in work. Getting help involves support groups, spending time with loved ones, relaxation, fresh air, and fun.
Deconstructing the myth of workaholics in web teamsYiannis KonstantakopoulosThere's a huge misunderstanding in our industry: people think of workaholism as a badge of honour. In reality this is a badge of shame.
WorkaholismJibin JoyThe document discusses workaholism, defining it as having difficulty disengaging from work and enjoying work intensely. It describes four types of workaholism and provides criteria for identifying a workaholic, such as working excessively long hours and thinking about work during leisure time. The effects of workaholism are then outlined, including negative impacts on relationships and health issues like headaches and stomach problems. Finally, the document presents three theories that attempt to explain why workaholism develops, such as operant learning theory which posits it develops through reinforcement of work behaviors.
Workaholic Woes (Ecclesiastes 4)Dr. Rick GriffithWhen does work consume us? What should we do about it? Download the entire manuscript, study notes, and handout at (OT sermons link). You may also listen to the audio of this message at
Consequences of workaholism and work engagement for spanish entrepreneursINPERE Presented at the 15th International Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 25th-28th, 2011
WorkaholismjersongomezoWorkaholism is an addiction to work characterized by working excessively and compulsively. It can be driven by economic pressures, fear of job loss, ambition for success, and an inability to set priorities. Consequences include negative impacts on family life like isolation, divorce, and health issues like cardiovascular disease. Prevention involves recognizing there is more to life than work, delegating tasks, maintaining an eight hour workday, and limiting work done at home. Treating workaholism requires psychotherapy to regain balance between work and personal life.
Theology money class_session_11eternalperspectives1) The document discusses the dangers of debt and advises living within one's means by depending on God for provision rather than taking on debt.
2) It encourages saving modestly for future needs but warns against hoarding wealth, as one's treasures should be in heaven, not on earth.
3) The document provides biblical principles for avoiding debt, getting out of debt, saving, spending, and ensuring one's resources are used to help those in need.
AccountabilityLavera WrightThis document discusses the concepts of accountability and responsibility from a biblical perspective. It provides several bible verses related to these topics. It summarizes the biblical story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land of Canaan and how they were held accountable for their rebellion against God. The document examines what true accountability looks like beyond just outward behaviors to inward motivations and desires. It questions how we can better stir each other up to love and good works through accountability relationships.
Judge no moreGeorge MoralesThis document provides a sermon encouraging self-examination and good works over judging others. It discusses removing faults from one's own life before addressing others' faults, and focusing on positive actions like helping the poor rather than criticism. The sermon cites several Bible passages about not judging, overcoming evil with good, and proving one's faith through deeds. It encourages focusing on one's own spiritual growth and good deeds rather than boasting or judging others.
Effective Stewardship - Session 3sandiferbThis document outlines a 5-session adult Sunday school class on Christian stewardship. Session 3 focuses on "Loving Our Neighbor" and how to effectively care for those in need without causing harm. It discusses the importance of responding to human suffering with discernment and compassion, looking for effective ways to help that promote self-sufficiency over dependency. The session explores biblical passages about caring for the poor and needy, discusses challenges like encouraging work over idleness, and challenges participants to become more aware of those in need in their own communities.
Liberty In Financial TruthSteven HolleyDiscover The Desire & Power To . . .
* Escape Devastating Debt
* Overcome Bankrupting Behavior
* Turn Adversity Into Rich Investments
* Apply Practical Financial-Control Tools
* Avoid Financially Destructive Decisions
* Enjoy Lasting Liberty In Financial Truth
2010.11.21 how do i love theev2Pacific ChurchThe document discusses several topics related to human behavior and how to improve oneself spiritually. It describes how perspective, desires and values systems influence behavior. It also outlines three problems - selfishness, arrogance and hurtfulness - that drive thoughts and actions. Additionally, it recommends forgiving others, walking in the spirit through prayer, scripture, fellowship and ministry, and avoiding "banana peels" like judgmental thoughts. The overall message is about understanding human psychology and strengthening one's spiritual life.
The christian family and moneyPROF MBAWUNISaving money is encouraged in the Bible for future needs. Saving honors God by valuing money as his gift and allowing one to help others in need. Debt is seen as bondage, so spending less than one earns and investing wisely are principles to make money grow over time. Giving to charity also yields high returns. The passage uses Hezekiah as an example of prospering by serving God with all his heart in everything he did.
04 26 09 Moving Beyond The Basics To The Ulitmate Goal Part 1 Keys To Effecti...West Ridge Marriage MinistryMoving Beyond The Basics To The Ulitmate Goal Part 1 Keys To Effective Communication Communication Keys For Couples
Effective Stewardship - Session 5sandiferbThis document outlines a 5-session class on Christian stewardship that covers various areas of responsibility. Session 5 focuses on finances and giving. It discusses how Christians should manage wealth wisely by following budgeting principles and sharing resources, not obsessing over money which can lead to harm. The session includes a video and discussion on seeing money as a tool rather than idol, and keys to living financially successfully through accountability and balancing saving with giving.
Theology money class_session_10eternalperspectivesThe document discusses various perspectives on fundraising and financing Christian ministry. It provides guidelines for fundraising emphasizing prayer over manipulative techniques, and cautions against measuring success by money raised rather than God's blessing. It also discusses integrity in fundraising methods and the importance of financial accountability.
Creating Healthy Boundaries in our Relationships Life Series part 3 of 5Berean GuideGospel and Idolatry
Visual Illustration Preaching by Ptr. Timothy Keller
from The Gospel Coalition
02-19-12 Bible Study NotestccdeafThis document discusses how to avoid offending others and being offended in spiritual matters. It emphasizes resolving conflicts privately according to Jesus' teachings in Matthew 18:15-17. Unresolved conflicts can give Satan an advantage and hinder spiritual life. The document urges believers to be considerate of weaker faith, forgive readily, and restore fallen brothers through confrontation guided by love.
Saturday for StewardshipMOUMethodistThis document discusses leading congregations to actively follow Jesus Christ through stewardship. It provides examples of effective stewardship campaigns that communicate the church's mission and encourage people to grow in their giving. Preaching on biblical stewardship principles is an essential element, as is identifying and developing giving leaders who can share their personal stories. The goal is to motivate people to generously support the church's work through both annual campaigns and ongoing education.
Domestic Violence and The ChurchAgency for Health Care AdministrationThis document discusses domestic violence and the church's role in addressing it. It defines domestic violence and sexual assault, provides possible signs and forms of abuse. Statistics on the prevalence of abuse are presented. The document examines what the Bible says about how men should treat their wives, emphasizing love and respect. It advises that safety is the top priority and outlines prevention tips, noting church leaders must apply scripture in full context rather than isolation when responding to abuse situations.
FM Brothers Keeper April 17Ikeja, LagosThe Good life has nothing to do with possessions –beware of covetousness! The Good life is a function of relationship with God, and doing His WORK!
Effective Stewardship - Session 4sandiferbThis document outlines a 5-session adult Sunday school class on Christian stewardship. Session 4 focuses on effective stewardship within families and churches. It discusses the importance of the family as the oldest human institution and defending God's design of marriage. It also highlights how commitment to family and church strengthens society and provides video clips and discussion questions on these topics.
Debt is a fox 7Gospel Baptist TabernacleThis document discusses biblical principles regarding debt. It notes that debt is a curse from God for disobedience, as interest adds up significantly over time. Living under debt means working to pay interest rather than having provision for needs. The ability to lend rather than borrow is a blessing from God for those who are obedient. Debt often involves surety where one is responsible for another's debt, which can damage friendships and lead to loss of property. Wisdom counsels avoiding wasteful habits and lack of planning that lead to debt.
Men Must be Examples in the Society and HomeKIGUME KaruriWe must seek to change our bad habits that have made us have bad characters. Our value systems must change. There must be more emphasis on values and ethics in our society and homes.
Men Must be Examples in the Society and HomeKIGUME Karuri1) The consumption of illicit brew among young men in the country has raised concerns about their behavior and whether older men have set good examples. It is feared that without changes, a whole generation will be lost.
2) Men must set good examples in their lives and conduct for the younger generation to follow, such as how they parent, work hard, treat their families, speak, and respond to temptation.
3) Older men have a responsibility to be examples to the youth, through disciplining with care, imparting wisdom, and bringing up children in the nurture of God. Failing to do so could lead the children to regret not receiving guidance.
ROBABEL-BOOKLET_24PPRobert AbellRob Abell started Will Planning Solutions after working in finance. He helps clients arrange their legal and financial affairs through wills and estate planning. The document discusses wills and estate planning, including business succession planning, avoiding cheap wills, why to use Will Planning Solutions, and risks of not having a will such as intestacy or family disputes over inheritance. It provides an overview of services related to wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and funeral planning to help clients plan and protect their estates.
Csr presentationRaymund SanchezThis document discusses various concepts related to corporate social responsibility towards competition, including unfair competition, antitrust laws, cartels, intellectual property rights, and determining a just price. It provides examples of unfair trade practices like price fixing between competitors and abusing market dominance. The document also discusses anti-trust laws and how they prohibit practices like price fixing, abuses of market power, and agreements between competitors to restrict output.
HRM PresentationRaymund SanchezThe document discusses performance appraisal methods including their definition, history, purpose, and process. It describes various absolute standards methods like critical incident appraisal, checklists, graphic rating scales, and forced choice appraisal. Relative standards methods covered include group order ranking, individual ranking, and paired comparison. Factors that can distort appraisals and how to create effective appraisal systems are also summarized.
Pcierd ReportRaymund SanchezThe Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development (PCIERD) is a sectoral planning council of the Department of Science and Technology that is mandated to promote scientific research for industry, energy, utilities and infrastructure. It was created in 1982 to set research goals and priorities and allocate resources for these sectors. PCIERD funds research proposals, provides scholarships, and disseminates results to foster linkages between academia, industry and government. Its work contributes to national development through priorities like renewable energy, environmental management, food technology, and human resource development in science and engineering fields.
Marxism & BusinessRaymund SanchezKarl Marx was a 19th century German philosopher whose ideas formed the basis of communism and significantly influenced the fields of economics and commerce. Some of Marx's key contributions included critiquing capitalism and private property, advocating for proletarian revolution, developing theories of surplus value, wage determination, and the labor theory of value. Marx analyzed how capitalism exploits workers and pushes wages down over time as profits rise, laying the foundation for communist and socialist movements that sought to redistribute wealth more evenly.
micro financeRaymund SanchezMicrofinance involves providing small loans and other financial services to low-income individuals who lack access to traditional banking. The history of microfinance includes early experiments in Ireland and Bangladesh in the 18th-19th centuries. Microloans are intended to spur entrepreneurship and alleviate poverty by funding micro-businesses. Applying for microloans typically requires basic documentation and collateral is often not required due to the small loan amounts. Critics argue that microfinance does not always reduce poverty and that high interest rates can burden borrowers.
Investment BankingRaymund SanchezInvestment banking involves facilitating the flow of capital between those who want to raise funds and those who want to invest. The core functions of an investment bank are underwriting, distributing, and advising clients on issuing and marketing securities. A negotiated sale is the most common distribution method, involving selecting a bank, conferring on the offering, forming an underwriting syndicate, and carrying out due diligence and pricing before bringing the offering to market. Private placements directly sell securities to institutional investors rather than through public offerings.
Genghis Khan, the Modern ManagerRaymund SanchezA presentation I made in my graduate school program, using Genghis Khan as an example of an ancient military leader using modern strategic management methods...
Consumer ProtectionRaymund SanchezThe document discusses consumer protection laws and rights. It defines key terms like consumer, consumer protection, and deceptive/unfair practices. It outlines several rights that consumers have including the right to basic needs, safety, information, choice, representation, redress, and education. It discusses the government agencies responsible for enforcing consumer protection and actual cases that have occurred involving products like Chinese milk and recalled toys.
Big servingsRaymund SanchezWaldgeist restaurant in Hofheim is known for its huge schnitzel portions served on plates the size of pizzas for affordable prices. Diners are given aluminum foil at their table which some consider cowardly not to use, and drinks are served in 2-liter glasses including a 5-liter "Bembel des Todes" Bacardi-Cola glass for only 35 Euro. The restaurant also offers large sausages and burgers for those not preferring schnitzel.
My Birthday PartyRaymund SanchezThe host invites the recipient to a barbecue at their rustic seaside property this weekend, providing directions and offering to pick them up or arrange additional transportation if needed. The host shares photos of the house, guest quarters, and amenities like a clearing for the barbecue, fishing equipment, and massage services after swimming, and hopes the recipient can make it despite the property being a little out of the way.
Letter Written In 2070Raymund SanchezThe document is a letter written in 2070 describing a dystopian future where water has become extremely scarce. The author, who is 50 but looks 85 due to health problems from dehydration, recalls how plentiful water used to be. Now, people are only allowed half a glass of water per day and the landscape has turned to desert. Life is difficult and unhealthy without sufficient access to water.
Change ManagementRaymund SanchezThe document discusses change management and the process of planning for change within an organization. It defines change and examines the drivers and barriers to change, including status quo, external pressures, poor performance, and individual perceptions. It also analyzes organizational culture and readiness for change. Finally, it discusses strategies for implementing change, such as environmental-adaptive, power-coercive, normative-reeducative, and empirical-rational approaches.
Oral CommunicationRaymund SanchezOral communication has evolved over time, from basic speech around 200,000 years ago to the development of symbols 30,000 years ago and writing 7,000 years ago. Oral communication can be verbal, using words, or nonverbal, using sounds, gestures, and paralanguage to modify meaning and convey emotion. It serves various purposes from conveying ideas to expressing emotions and attitudes in business contexts. While oral communication allows retransmitting information through word of mouth and transcending some language barriers, it is limited to face-to-face contact and most nonverbal elements are subject to language barriers.
Visual Communication as used in a Business ContextRaymund SanchezVisual and oral communication are important in business contexts. Visual communication includes pictures, symbols, and gestures while oral communication refers to spoken language. Both forms of communication are used for advertising, public relations, and negotiations. While visual and oral communication can enhance messages and ideas, they are limited in their ability to convey complex information over distances or in written form.
Classification and Purpose of Production and Operations ManagementRaymund SanchezThe document discusses operations management topics including:
1) The definition, history, and importance of operations management.
2) Key factors that affect productivity and ways to improve it.
3) How operations management relates to competitiveness and the importance of operational strategy.
4) An overview of different types of manufacturing and service systems.
Program Evaluation and Review TechniqueRaymund SanchezThe document provides an overview of Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT). It defines PERT and its purpose, compares it to Critical Path Method (CPM), discusses its historical background, and outlines the key steps and terminologies used in PERT including how to create a PERT diagram and calculate activity durations, critical paths, and uncertainties.
Introduction to Market SegmentationRaymund SanchezThis document defines market segmentation and discusses its purpose and types. Market segmentation involves dividing a market into subgroups of individuals or organizations that have similar needs, characteristics, or behaviors. The key purposes of segmentation are to increase marketing efficiency, maximize resources, select the most profitable segments, and find markets with limited competition. There are several ways to segment a market, including by geographic, demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors. The document also outlines the segmentation process and levels of segmentation from mass to niche marketing.
Communications and Human Rights EducationRaymund SanchezA discussion as to how communication aids in human rights education. Presentation made possible by Amnesty International.
Human Rights in Philippine SchoolsRaymund SanchezA discussion on the current status of Human Rights education in formal Philippine schooling system. Presentation made possible by Amnesty International.
Media and Human RIghts EducationRaymund SanchezThe document discusses the role of media in human rights education and its contributions and challenges. It outlines how media can raise awareness of human rights issues and mobilize people to protect rights. However, media often prioritizes events over long-term processes and journalists themselves face threats. The document recommends that human rights educators collaborate with media, use alternative media, and demand better coverage of rights issues.
4. Workaholism
One who has a
compulsive and
unrelenting need to
Portmanteau word
composed of work
and alcoholic
5. Workaholism
Is it Harmful?
Experts say the
incessant work-
related activity
masks anxiety, low
self-esteem, and
intimacy problems
Not the same as
working hard
6. Workaholism
Is it Harmful?
Workaholics feel the urge
of being busy all the time,
to the point that they often
perform tasks that aren't
required or necessary for
project completion.
they tend to be inefficient
workers, since they focus
on being busy, instead of
focusing on being
Have trouble delegating
Impaired cognitive
functions thru sleep
7. Workaholism
Negative Effects
Neglect of social relations
Health Issues (sleep deprivation,
malnutrition, stress)
Lesser contribution in terms of
productivity & team work
8. Workaholism
What does the bible say?
Anything obsessed
about, other than
God, is idolatry
As Christians, we
have to be very
careful not to let
the cares and
allurements of the
world distract us
from our devotion
to Christ
9. Workaholism
What does the bible say?
Paul spent time
making tents with
Priscilla and Aquila,
but their
conversations and
thoughts as they
worked were on
God (Acts 18:1-3,
24-26; Romans
10. Workaholism
What does the bible say?
“And whatever you do, whether in
word or deed, do it all in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God
the Father through him” (Colossians
11. Workaholism
What does the bible say?
Being a workaholic isn’t directly
comparable to worshipping idols.
However, if the job takes up so much
energy that it distracts away from
the relationship with Jesus Christ
having predominance, then it could
be considered idolatry.
13. Using Credit / Being in Debt
A contractual
agreement in
which a borrower
receives something
of value now and
agrees to repay
the lender at some
later date.
14. Using Credit / Being in Debt
Is it a Sin to be in Debt?
Romans 13:8
Owe no one
anything except to
love one another,
for he who loves
another has
fulfilled the law
Which means you
owe no man
anything but love
15. Using Credit / Being in Debt
Is it a Sin to be in Debt?
Proverbs 22:7
The rich rules over
the poor, and the
borrower is servant
to the lender.
16. Using Credit / Being in Debt
Is it a Sin to be in Debt?
Proverbs 22:26–27
Do not be one of
those who shakes
hands in a pledge,
One of those who is
surety for debts; If
you have nothing
with which to pay,
Why should he take
away your bed from
under you?
17. Using Credit / Being in Debt
What should a Christian do?
1 Timothy 6:6–12
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is
certain we can carry nothing out. And having
food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
But those who desire to be rich fall into
temptation and a snare, and into many foolish
and harmful lusts which drown men in
destruction and perdition. For the love of money
is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have
strayed from the faith in their greediness, and
pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
18. Using Credit / Being in Debt
What should a Christian do?
Is the concept of credit & debt
obligations wrong?
– The idea is not necessarily no debt, but
not to incur debt that you cannot pay.
To take without repayment is harming
the lender. It is a form of stealing Psalm
37:21 The wicked borrows and does not
repay, But the righteous shows mercy
and gives.
19. Using Credit / Being in Debt
What should a Christian do?
Is the concept of credit & debt
obligations wrong?
– Excessive debt becomes a form of
slavery to the lender Proverbs 22:7
– you end up following the lender’s lead
Deuteronomy 28:44 He shall lend to
you, but you shall not lend to him; he
shall be the head, and you shall be the
– It is a form of lying
20. Using Credit / Being in Debt
What should a Christian do?
– Do not put necessities up as collateral.
If you can’t afford to lose it, don’t use it
for a loan. Under the Old Law, an
Israelite was not allowed to promise
(borrow) what he was not able to pay -
Ecclesiastes 5:5 Better not to vow than
to vow and not pay.
21. Using Credit / Being in Debt
What should a Christian do?
– If you cosigned a loan, get out of it as quickly
as possible - Proverbs 6:1-5
– My son, if you become surety for your friend,
If you have shaken hands in pledge for a
stranger, You are snared by the words of your
mouth; You are taken by the words of your
mouth. So do this, my son, and deliver
yourself; For you have come into the hand of
your friend: Go and humble yourself; Plead
with your friend. Give no sleep to your eyes,
Nor slumber to your eyelids. Deliver yourself
like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, And
like a bird from the hand of the fowler.
22. Using Credit / Being in Debt
What should a Christian do?
– The Scriptures solidly teach against cosigning
loans (guaranteeing a loan made to someone
else) Proverbs 17:18 A man devoid of
understanding shakes hands in a pledge, And
becomes surety for his friend.
– If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. If your
friend can’t afford it, why put your personal
possessions at risk? Proverbs 22:26-27
24. Lawsuits
A legal action
started by a
plaintiff against a
defendant based
on a complaint that
the defendant
failed to perform a
legal duty,
resulting in harm
to the plaintiff
25. Lawsuits
What does the Bible say about this?
The apostle Paul
instructed the
believers to not go
to court against
one another
Corinthians 6:1-8
26. Lawsuits
What does the Bible say about this?
If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it
before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the
saints? Do you not know that the saints will judge the
world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not
competent to judge trivial cases? Do you not know that we
will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!
Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint
as judges even men of little account in the church! I say
this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody
among you wise enough to judge a dispute between
believers? But instead, one brother goes to law against
another—and this in front of unbelievers! The very fact that
you have lawsuits among you means you have been
completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged?
Why not rather be cheated? Instead, you yourselves cheat
and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers.
27. Lawsuits
What does the Bible say about this?
For Christians not to
forgive each other and
reconcile their own
differences is to
demonstrate spiritual
defeat. Why would
someone want to
become a Christian if
Christians have just as
many problems and
are just as incapable
of solving them?
28. Lawsuits
What there is no other recourse?
there are some instances
when a lawsuit might be
the proper course of
action. If the biblical
pattern for reconciliation
has been followed
(Matthew 18:15-17) and
the offending party is still
in the wrong, in some
instances a lawsuit might
be justified.
This should only be done
after much prayer for
wisdom (James 1:5) and
consultation with spiritual
29. Lawsuits
What there is no other recourse?
Matthew 18:15–17
If your brother sins against you, go and
show him his fault, just between the two
of you. If he listens to you, you have won
your brother over. But if he will not listen,
take one or two others along, so that
every matter may be established by the
testimony of two or three witnesses. If he
refuses to listen to them, tell it to the
church; and if he refuses to listen even to
the church, treat him as you would a
pagan or a tax collector.
30. Summary
Workaholism: unhealthy obsession
with anything besides God is Idolatry
Debt/Credit: incurring debt or issuing
credit is not a sin or evil in itself, it is the
excessiveness of the act or incurring debt
beyond ones capacity to pay
Lawsuits: exhaust all extra judiciary
measures first in resolving the conflict
before going to court
Editor's Notes
#5: The founding of Alcoholics Anonymous in 1935 focused attention on alcohol addiction, as well as AA's 12-step program and "support group" (1969) meetings for dealing with addictions. In the 1960s, someone had the idea of taking -holic as a suffix meaning "addict", and a whole new category of addictions followed. One of the first and most important is workaholic . It was announced in the 1968 article "On Being a 'Workaholic' (A serious Jest)" in the journal Pastoral Psychology: "I have dubbed this addiction of myself and my fellow ministers 'workaholism,'" wrote Wayne Oates, a professor of psychology of religion at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. However, it was the appearance of Oates's book Confessions of a Workaholic in 1971 that propelled that term and prompted many writers to start using the suffixes -aholic , -holic , or -oholic to describe "all-consuming obsessions," not all of them so serious
#6: Reference here the “Princess Di Syndrome” where here selfless deeds are a mask for her personal problems
#7: Reference here the purpose of leaves & cap on overtime Studies show that fully recovered former workaholics are able to accomplish in 50 hours what they previously couldn't do in 80
#8: Reference here the purpose of leaves & cap on overtime
#9: The modern term “workaholic” is not found anywhere in the Bible
#10: Even when involved in the seemingly mundane tasks of a secular job, our hearts should be turned to heaven. We should glorify God in all that we do. We can practice this in our employment by doing things as Christ would, with honor and to the best of our ability.
#17: God clearly warns us not to go into debt or cosign a loan unless we are certain we can repay our obligation Key word here is temperance
#28: The whole context of 1 Corinthians 6:1-6 deals with disputes in the church, but Paul does reference the court system when he speaks of judgments concerning things pertaining to this life. Paul means that the court system exists for matters of this life that are outside the church. Church problems should not be taken to the court system, but should be judged within the church.