Dolphins are intelligent marine mammals that live in tropical and temperate oceans around the world. They eat fish, squid, and crustaceans. Females give birth to one calf after a 9-17 month gestation period, usually nursing for 11 months to 2 years before the calf is fully independent around 3-8 years old.
2. What is a Dolphin?
Intelligent marine mammal
Generally gray in color with darker backs than the rest of their bodies
Some pink dolphins
3. Dolphins consume a variety of prey
including fish, squid and crustaceans.
4. Geographic
Most species live in shallow areas of tropical and temperate oceans
throughout the world.
Five species live in the world's rivers.
It is difficult to estimate population numbers since there are many different
species spanning a large geographic area.
5. Reproduction
Mating Season:
Throughout the year, though in some areas there is a peak in spring and fall.
9-17 months depending on the species. When it is time to give birth, the female
will distance herself from the pod, often going near the surface of the water.
Number of offspring: Usually one calf; twins are rare.
As soon as the calf is born, the mother must quickly take it to the surface so
it can take its first breath. The calf will nurse from 11 months to 2 years, and
after it is done nursing it will still stay with its mother until it is between 3
and 8 years old.