All nurses must use excellent communication and interpersonal skills to build partnerships through safe, effective, and non-discriminatory communication. They must communicate in a way that considers individual differences and ensures people receive all necessary information to make informed choices. Adult nurses specifically must demonstrate the ability to listen with empathy and respond warmly and positively to people of all ages who may be anxious, distressed, or facing health problems.
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Domain 2
1. Domain 2: Communication and interpersonal skills
Generic standard for competence
All nurses must use excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Their communications
must always be safe, effective, compassionate and respectful. They must communicate
effectively using a wide range of strategies and interventions including the effective use of
communication technologies. Where people have a disability, nurses must be able to work
with service users and others to obtain the information needed to make reasonable
adjustments that promote optimum health and enable equal access to services.
Field standard for competence
Adult nurses must demonstrate the ability to listen with empathy. They must be able to
respond warmly and positively to people of all ages who may be anxious, distressed, or
facing problems with their health and wellbeing.
1 All nurses must build partnerships and therapeutic relationships through safe, effective and
non-discriminatory communication. They must take account of individual differences,
capabilities and needs.
2 All nurses must use a range of communication skills and technologies to support person-
centred care and enhance quality and safety. They must ensure people receive all the
information they need in a language and manner that allows them to make informed choices
and share decision making. They must recognise when language interpretation or other
communication support is needed and know how to obtain it.
3 All nurses must use the full range of communication methods, including verbal, non-verbal
and written, to acquire, interpret and record their knowledge and understanding of peoples
needs. They must be aware of their own values and beliefs and the impact this may have on
their communication with others. They must take account of the many different ways in
which people communicate and how these may be influenced by ill health, disability and
other factors, and be able to recognise and respond effectively when a person finds it hard
to communicate.
3.1 Adult nurses must promote the concept, knowledge and practice of self-care with people
with acute and long-term conditions, using a range of communication skills and
4 All nurses must recognise when people are anxious or in distress and respond effectively,
using therapeutic principles, to promote their wellbeing, manage personal safety and
resolve conflict. They must use effective communication strategies and negotiation
techniques to achieve best outcomes, respecting the dignity and human rights of all
concerned. They must know when to consult a third party and how to make referrals for
advocacy, mediation or arbitration.
5 All nurses must use therapeutic principles to engage, maintain and, where appropriate,
disengage from professional caring relationships, and must always respect professional
6 All nurses must take every opportunity to encourage health-promoting behaviour through
education, role modelling and effective communication.
7 All nurses must maintain accurate, clear and complete records, including the use of
electronic formats, using appropriate and plain language.
8 All nurses must respect individual rights to confidentiality and keep information secure and
2. confidential in accordance with the law and relevant ethical and regulatory frameworks,
taking account of local protocols. They must also actively share personal information with
others when the interests of safety and protection override the need for confidentiality.