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January 16, 2016 Page 1 of 3
Donna Galay, B. Admin, CHRP
5301 Pinehurst Place, Delta, BC V4M 4E1
h) 604.943.6844 c) 780.905.8680 e) donnagalay@gmail.com s) LinkedIn
 Extremely hard working, very positive, energetic, resourceful, loyal, good listener, easy to talk to individual who likes
to have fun while working in a positive work environment
 Professional attitude with strong ethical standards
 Strong business acumen with experience in a diverse, high change environment
 Ability to cultivate and maintain strong trusting working relationships at all levels of the organization
 Solid people leadership skills with the ability to coach, mentor and engage all staff at all levels
 Excellent communication, interpersonal, coaching, group facilitation, and consulting skills
 Successfully lead teams, set and met/exceeded goals
 Very collaborative, proactive and results oriented
 Excellent problem solving, conflict management and negotiation skills
 Self-started who is highly organized and motivated
 Analytical, critical thinking and problem solving skills used to diagnose challenges and issues, develop solutions, and
assess risks and opportunities that may affect the department and/or organization
 Proven ability to identify opportunities, and shape and implement change
 Passionate about providing transactional excellence and customer satisfaction
 Uses innovation, creativity and sound judgment when analyzing data and developing strategies
 Solid project management skills with the ability to manage and lead complex projects while using Change
Management best practices
Employment History
Human Resources Manager, E.B. Horsman & Son, Surrey, BC  May 4, 2015 to Present
Responsible for advising, managing and enhancing the planning, development and ongoing administration of a wide range
of human resources programs, services, policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and to enable a
culture of excellence with a strong collaborative and healthy culture with positive interpersonal relationships. Adds value
and ensures alignment with the organizational culture, values, strategies and business needs. Works closely with the CFO
to deliver on strategic initiatives, research and projects that align with corporate business objectives, practices and values.
Human Resources Specialist, E.B. Horsman & Son, Surrey, BC  August 25, 2014 to May 1, 2015
Advised on and managed company initiatives that help to maximize employee development, attraction, retention and
engagement. Worked closely with the CFO to deliver on strategic initiatives, research, projects and communications for
internal employee-related needs. Advised on HR influences, trends, and best practices. Conducted investigations and
determined recommendations. Consulted with managers regarding performance management. Created and managed
company programs designed for the proactive management of OHS including return-to-work programs. Researched,
advised on, administered and implemented strategies that enhance employee attraction, retention and engagement.
Assisted hiring managers for their recruitment and interviewing needs and administered the new hire process.
Researched, deployed and implemented training programs to address employee development, career-pathing and
succession planning needs. Created reports and conducted other administrative duties as required.
Human Resources Manager, Sturgeon County, Morinville, Alberta - May 2006 to October 2013
Successfully provided leadership, direction and expertise for the full scope of HR functions. Lead a team of five members:
Health and Safety Advisor, HR Advisor, HR Coordinator, HR Assistant and HR Student. Annually, developed and monitored
department business plan, operating plan and budget. Successfully directed operations of HR department and programs.
HR Strategy: Developed proactive strategic goals for the department to meet corporate strategies. Consulted and
partnered with leadership team and department managers to implement and continuously review and revise people
strategy programs and policies. Participated as a key player in the development of organizational strategic plan, goals and
annual budget. Actively participated as a key team member in a large organizational restructure.
Strategic Partner: Coached and provided expertise, advice and recommendations to the senior leaders and people leaders
in regards to improving the way people management practices are carried out. Established and was a leading member of
the Employee Relations Committee with the executive team of Senior Leaders, which worked proactively to identify and
resolve critical workplace issues and opportunities. Provided guidance and input on business unit restructures, workforce
planning and succession planning. Facilitated business process reviews in order to identify productivity efficiencies.
January 16, 2016 Page 2 of 3
HRIS: Implemented a HR Information System and on a regular basis extracted and analyze data for senior leaders,
managers and HR department. The data was successfully used to assess organizational needs, trends and develop and
implement strategies and practices.
Recruitment and Selection: Managed the execution of the recruitment and selection process to ensure best practices and
organizational needs were met. Developed and utilized a New Hire Survey and Exit Survey to proactively identify trends
and areas requiring improvement.
On-boarding: Managed and supported the on-boarding activities completed by the HR department and hiring supervisors.
Ensured new hires were provide a carefully planned induction and orientation of information to help learn more about the
organization and what the organization expects from them as a member of the organization. It provided an opportunity to
feel comfortable and positive in their new working environment.
Leadership Development and Talent Review: Coached and advised leaders on the development of staff by creating
individual development plans. Created a leadership development program. Ensured an effective implementation of
onboarding. Worked with leaders to forecast talent and ensured short and long term plans addressed immediate and
future human resource requirements and succession planning. Reviewed talent and consulted on development
opportunities. Developed and managed a 360 degree feedback program. Implemented a Talent Management Strategy to
ensure the ongoing success of the organization.
Performance Management and Compensation: Managed the execution of the performance review process to ensure
regular and effective performance communication. Managed the compensation program to ensure decisions were
equitable, and in line with County policy. Reviewed and maintained compensation and benefit administration, ensuring
competitiveness and effectiveness. Provided leadership to the job evaluation process and panel discussions and decisions.
Directly resolved and coached supervisors in the appropriate resolution of performance issues, including termination, to
maintain consistency across the organization. Developed corporate training needs and delivered sessions to staff for
organizational effectiveness. Implemented secondment, apprenticeship training, and educational assistance
opportunities. Developed and implemented an effective attendance management and progressive discipline process.
Recognition and Reward: Ensured effective recognition program, which recognized and valued the significant
contributions, efforts and accomplishments made to successfully meet or exceed defined corporate objectives, goals and
values. Monitored and revised program to meet changing needs of organization and staff.
Employee Relations and Engagement: Coached and mentored supervisors to ensure continuous improvement in employee
engagement. Coached and provided direction and advice on employee relations matters and ensured supervisors had
current and accurate information relating to employment and people management. Worked cooperatively with 265
employees to resolve workplace challenges. Conducted effective, thorough and objective investigations and
resolved/responded to complaints. Ensured regulatory compliance in day to day matters and consulted legal counsel on
termination matters to ensure compliance with the law. Developed and conducted Employee Engagement Surveys to
monitor morale and solicit feedback. Developed and implemented job sharing, compressed work week and flex time.
HR Programs: Developed and implemented Human Resource Management policy manual, Employee and Supervisor
Handbooks and programs. Developed and managed effective and progressive HR initiatives. Ensured compliance with
statutory and legal requirements. Partnered with managers to ensure they were confident in effectively using the
resources available to them. Assessed people program trends for effectiveness. Implemented and conducted HR Audits
with action plans for improvement. Proactively reviewed all HR program elements and recommended changes to
philosophy, policies, practices, processes, and methods. Proactively researched best practices, trends and methods and
influenced changes to optimize HR programs and services. Tracked and analyzed organizational data for HR trending and
continuous improvement.
Health and Wellness: Developed and managed the execution of the corporate health and safety management system,
development of a safety-oriented culture, and ensured compliance with all accident prevention and safety standards.
Collaborated with department managers and staff with return to work, reasonable accommodations, and short- and long-
term disability claims. Implemented an Employee and Family Assistance Program and Workplace Wellness Program, which
included an annual health and fitness reimbursement. Developed and implemented an Influenza Pandemic Plan.
Communication: Developed methods to communicate effectively and in a timely manner to staff ensuring awareness of
County news, initiatives, changes, and achievements. Communicated to staff, ensuring they were well informed about
matters of interest to them: workplace changes; job opportunities; policy changes; health, wellness and safety; benefits;
rights; motivational information; etc.
January 16, 2016 Page 3 of 3
Human Resources Generalist, Sturgeon County, Morinville, Alberta - January 2001 to April 2006
Established the HR department and successfully implemented the full scope of HR functions.
Developed and maintained the corporate joint health and safety management system. Development of a safety-oriented
culture and ensured compliance with safety standards. Secretary and co-chair of the Health & Safety Committee.
Developed reports, conducted audits to achieve and maintain the Certificate of Recognition (COR). Collaborated with
department managers and staff with return to work, accommodations, and short- and long-term disability claims.
Sales and Service Support Officer, Royal Bank, Toronto - May 1998 to May 2000
Promoted to work on a two year project as a consultant who visited branches across Canada to evaluate supervisory
activities and provided recommendations / coaching to strength relationship between management and employees.
Customer Service Manager, Royal Bank, Edmonton - May 1997 to May 1998
Promoted to manage a branch in Edmonton. While in the manager role, successfully met or exceeded branch goals and
coached direct reports who provided exceptional customer service.
Assistant Customer Service Manager, Royal Bank, Edmonton - March 1996 to May 1997
During this time met or exceeded branch goals and coached direct reports who provided exceptional customer service.
Various Positions, Royal Bank, Edmonton - November 1981 to March 1996
From November 1981 to March 1996 was successfully promoted through various positions Customer Service Officer,
Administration Officer, Branch Operations Officer, Administrative Support, and Customer Services Representative.
2004 - Bachelor of Administration, major in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Athabasca University
2001 - Human Resource Management Program Diploma, Grant MacEwen College, Edmonton
Professional Training
2016 - Professional Recruiter Accreditation Program
2015 - Excel Course: Functions and Formulas
2014 - BC Employment Standards Workshop, BC HRMA
2013 - ADKAR Change Management Workshop, Prosci Inc.
2012 - Organization Development Foundations, Queens University IRC
2012 - High Performance Leadership: From Control to Empowerment, Keldar Leadership Solutions
2011 - Skills For High Performance Teamwork, Keldar Leadership Solutions
2011 - Respect in the Workplace, Creating People Power
2010 - Preventing Harassment in the Workplace & Duty to Accommodate, AB Human Rights Commission
2010 - Personality Dimensions  Facilitator Level 1, Career/Life Skills Resources Inc.
2008 - Associate Certified Career Coach and Retirement Lifestyle Coach, Career Coaching Institute
2006 - Managing Absenteeism, CPMS
2006 - Interview Right to Hire Right, SEA Consulting
2005 - Manager as Mediator, The Pulse Institute
2004 - Train the Trainer, University of Alberta
2003 - Certified Health & Safety Professional, Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Association
2003 - Understanding the Appeals System, Alberta Workers Compensation Board
2002 - Disability Management Seminar, Alberta Workers Compensation Board
Professional Affiliations / Community Involvement
 2014 Delta Triathlon and 2014 Tour de Delta: Volunteer
 British Columbia Human Resources Management Association: Active Member
 Edmonton Association of Professional Coaches: Past Member, Past Board of Director
 HR Management Association of Edmonton: Past Member, Past Board Member, Past President
 Grant MacEwan Community College: Mentor to HR Management Program Students
 Human Resources of Alberta: Member, Past Board of Director
Eagle Award, HR Management Association of Edmonton (received for implementing the HR practices at Sturgeon County)
Excellent references upon request.

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Donna Galay Resume January 2016

  • 1. January 16, 2016 Page 1 of 3 Donna Galay, B. Admin, CHRP 5301 Pinehurst Place, Delta, BC V4M 4E1 h) 604.943.6844 c) 780.905.8680 e) donnagalay@gmail.com s) LinkedIn Qualifications Extremely hard working, very positive, energetic, resourceful, loyal, good listener, easy to talk to individual who likes to have fun while working in a positive work environment Professional attitude with strong ethical standards Strong business acumen with experience in a diverse, high change environment Ability to cultivate and maintain strong trusting working relationships at all levels of the organization Solid people leadership skills with the ability to coach, mentor and engage all staff at all levels Excellent communication, interpersonal, coaching, group facilitation, and consulting skills Successfully lead teams, set and met/exceeded goals Very collaborative, proactive and results oriented Excellent problem solving, conflict management and negotiation skills Self-started who is highly organized and motivated Analytical, critical thinking and problem solving skills used to diagnose challenges and issues, develop solutions, and assess risks and opportunities that may affect the department and/or organization Proven ability to identify opportunities, and shape and implement change Passionate about providing transactional excellence and customer satisfaction Uses innovation, creativity and sound judgment when analyzing data and developing strategies Solid project management skills with the ability to manage and lead complex projects while using Change Management best practices Employment History Human Resources Manager, E.B. Horsman & Son, Surrey, BC May 4, 2015 to Present Responsible for advising, managing and enhancing the planning, development and ongoing administration of a wide range of human resources programs, services, policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legislation and to enable a culture of excellence with a strong collaborative and healthy culture with positive interpersonal relationships. Adds value and ensures alignment with the organizational culture, values, strategies and business needs. Works closely with the CFO to deliver on strategic initiatives, research and projects that align with corporate business objectives, practices and values. Human Resources Specialist, E.B. Horsman & Son, Surrey, BC August 25, 2014 to May 1, 2015 Advised on and managed company initiatives that help to maximize employee development, attraction, retention and engagement. Worked closely with the CFO to deliver on strategic initiatives, research, projects and communications for internal employee-related needs. Advised on HR influences, trends, and best practices. Conducted investigations and determined recommendations. Consulted with managers regarding performance management. Created and managed company programs designed for the proactive management of OHS including return-to-work programs. Researched, advised on, administered and implemented strategies that enhance employee attraction, retention and engagement. Assisted hiring managers for their recruitment and interviewing needs and administered the new hire process. Researched, deployed and implemented training programs to address employee development, career-pathing and succession planning needs. Created reports and conducted other administrative duties as required. Human Resources Manager, Sturgeon County, Morinville, Alberta - May 2006 to October 2013 Successfully provided leadership, direction and expertise for the full scope of HR functions. Lead a team of five members: Health and Safety Advisor, HR Advisor, HR Coordinator, HR Assistant and HR Student. Annually, developed and monitored department business plan, operating plan and budget. Successfully directed operations of HR department and programs. HR Strategy: Developed proactive strategic goals for the department to meet corporate strategies. Consulted and partnered with leadership team and department managers to implement and continuously review and revise people strategy programs and policies. Participated as a key player in the development of organizational strategic plan, goals and annual budget. Actively participated as a key team member in a large organizational restructure. Strategic Partner: Coached and provided expertise, advice and recommendations to the senior leaders and people leaders in regards to improving the way people management practices are carried out. Established and was a leading member of the Employee Relations Committee with the executive team of Senior Leaders, which worked proactively to identify and resolve critical workplace issues and opportunities. Provided guidance and input on business unit restructures, workforce planning and succession planning. Facilitated business process reviews in order to identify productivity efficiencies.
  • 2. January 16, 2016 Page 2 of 3 HRIS: Implemented a HR Information System and on a regular basis extracted and analyze data for senior leaders, managers and HR department. The data was successfully used to assess organizational needs, trends and develop and implement strategies and practices. Recruitment and Selection: Managed the execution of the recruitment and selection process to ensure best practices and organizational needs were met. Developed and utilized a New Hire Survey and Exit Survey to proactively identify trends and areas requiring improvement. On-boarding: Managed and supported the on-boarding activities completed by the HR department and hiring supervisors. Ensured new hires were provide a carefully planned induction and orientation of information to help learn more about the organization and what the organization expects from them as a member of the organization. It provided an opportunity to feel comfortable and positive in their new working environment. Leadership Development and Talent Review: Coached and advised leaders on the development of staff by creating individual development plans. Created a leadership development program. Ensured an effective implementation of onboarding. Worked with leaders to forecast talent and ensured short and long term plans addressed immediate and future human resource requirements and succession planning. Reviewed talent and consulted on development opportunities. Developed and managed a 360 degree feedback program. Implemented a Talent Management Strategy to ensure the ongoing success of the organization. Performance Management and Compensation: Managed the execution of the performance review process to ensure regular and effective performance communication. Managed the compensation program to ensure decisions were equitable, and in line with County policy. Reviewed and maintained compensation and benefit administration, ensuring competitiveness and effectiveness. Provided leadership to the job evaluation process and panel discussions and decisions. Directly resolved and coached supervisors in the appropriate resolution of performance issues, including termination, to maintain consistency across the organization. Developed corporate training needs and delivered sessions to staff for organizational effectiveness. Implemented secondment, apprenticeship training, and educational assistance opportunities. Developed and implemented an effective attendance management and progressive discipline process. Recognition and Reward: Ensured effective recognition program, which recognized and valued the significant contributions, efforts and accomplishments made to successfully meet or exceed defined corporate objectives, goals and values. Monitored and revised program to meet changing needs of organization and staff. Employee Relations and Engagement: Coached and mentored supervisors to ensure continuous improvement in employee engagement. Coached and provided direction and advice on employee relations matters and ensured supervisors had current and accurate information relating to employment and people management. Worked cooperatively with 265 employees to resolve workplace challenges. Conducted effective, thorough and objective investigations and resolved/responded to complaints. Ensured regulatory compliance in day to day matters and consulted legal counsel on termination matters to ensure compliance with the law. Developed and conducted Employee Engagement Surveys to monitor morale and solicit feedback. Developed and implemented job sharing, compressed work week and flex time. HR Programs: Developed and implemented Human Resource Management policy manual, Employee and Supervisor Handbooks and programs. Developed and managed effective and progressive HR initiatives. Ensured compliance with statutory and legal requirements. Partnered with managers to ensure they were confident in effectively using the resources available to them. Assessed people program trends for effectiveness. Implemented and conducted HR Audits with action plans for improvement. Proactively reviewed all HR program elements and recommended changes to philosophy, policies, practices, processes, and methods. Proactively researched best practices, trends and methods and influenced changes to optimize HR programs and services. Tracked and analyzed organizational data for HR trending and continuous improvement. Health and Wellness: Developed and managed the execution of the corporate health and safety management system, development of a safety-oriented culture, and ensured compliance with all accident prevention and safety standards. Collaborated with department managers and staff with return to work, reasonable accommodations, and short- and long- term disability claims. Implemented an Employee and Family Assistance Program and Workplace Wellness Program, which included an annual health and fitness reimbursement. Developed and implemented an Influenza Pandemic Plan. Communication: Developed methods to communicate effectively and in a timely manner to staff ensuring awareness of County news, initiatives, changes, and achievements. Communicated to staff, ensuring they were well informed about matters of interest to them: workplace changes; job opportunities; policy changes; health, wellness and safety; benefits; rights; motivational information; etc.
  • 3. January 16, 2016 Page 3 of 3 Human Resources Generalist, Sturgeon County, Morinville, Alberta - January 2001 to April 2006 Established the HR department and successfully implemented the full scope of HR functions. Developed and maintained the corporate joint health and safety management system. Development of a safety-oriented culture and ensured compliance with safety standards. Secretary and co-chair of the Health & Safety Committee. Developed reports, conducted audits to achieve and maintain the Certificate of Recognition (COR). Collaborated with department managers and staff with return to work, accommodations, and short- and long-term disability claims. Sales and Service Support Officer, Royal Bank, Toronto - May 1998 to May 2000 Promoted to work on a two year project as a consultant who visited branches across Canada to evaluate supervisory activities and provided recommendations / coaching to strength relationship between management and employees. Customer Service Manager, Royal Bank, Edmonton - May 1997 to May 1998 Promoted to manage a branch in Edmonton. While in the manager role, successfully met or exceeded branch goals and coached direct reports who provided exceptional customer service. Assistant Customer Service Manager, Royal Bank, Edmonton - March 1996 to May 1997 During this time met or exceeded branch goals and coached direct reports who provided exceptional customer service. Various Positions, Royal Bank, Edmonton - November 1981 to March 1996 From November 1981 to March 1996 was successfully promoted through various positions Customer Service Officer, Administration Officer, Branch Operations Officer, Administrative Support, and Customer Services Representative. Education 2004 - Bachelor of Administration, major in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Athabasca University 2001 - Human Resource Management Program Diploma, Grant MacEwen College, Edmonton Professional Training 2016 - Professional Recruiter Accreditation Program 2015 - Excel Course: Functions and Formulas 2014 - BC Employment Standards Workshop, BC HRMA 2013 - ADKAR Change Management Workshop, Prosci Inc. 2012 - Organization Development Foundations, Queens University IRC 2012 - High Performance Leadership: From Control to Empowerment, Keldar Leadership Solutions 2011 - Skills For High Performance Teamwork, Keldar Leadership Solutions 2011 - Respect in the Workplace, Creating People Power 2010 - Preventing Harassment in the Workplace & Duty to Accommodate, AB Human Rights Commission 2010 - Personality Dimensions Facilitator Level 1, Career/Life Skills Resources Inc. 2008 - Associate Certified Career Coach and Retirement Lifestyle Coach, Career Coaching Institute 2006 - Managing Absenteeism, CPMS 2006 - Interview Right to Hire Right, SEA Consulting 2005 - Manager as Mediator, The Pulse Institute 2004 - Train the Trainer, University of Alberta 2003 - Certified Health & Safety Professional, Alberta Municipal Health & Safety Association 2003 - Understanding the Appeals System, Alberta Workers Compensation Board 2002 - Disability Management Seminar, Alberta Workers Compensation Board Professional Affiliations / Community Involvement 2014 Delta Triathlon and 2014 Tour de Delta: Volunteer British Columbia Human Resources Management Association: Active Member Edmonton Association of Professional Coaches: Past Member, Past Board of Director HR Management Association of Edmonton: Past Member, Past Board Member, Past President Grant MacEwan Community College: Mentor to HR Management Program Students Human Resources of Alberta: Member, Past Board of Director Awards Eagle Award, HR Management Association of Edmonton (received for implementing the HR practices at Sturgeon County) References Excellent references upon request.