Doctors often recommend maintaining a healthy, slim body. This document provides tips for losing weight through diet. It suggests exercising in the morning according to a doctor-approved program. For breakfast, eat a small meal after exercising. Prepare meals for the entire day and store them together. Avoid high-calorie foods. For lunch, don't eat in tempting locations like cafes or restaurants; eat in parks or with diet partners instead. When dining, eat slowly and engage in conversation, avoiding distractions. Before bed, envision your slimmer self on vacation.
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Do's and don'ts of dieting
1. Do's and Don'ts of Dieting
developing reading skills
(Adapted from TAYLOR, J. et al.
Reading 1 - Structure and Strategy.
Mexico, Macmillan, 1995, p. 06.)
2. Do's and Don'ts of Dieting
Doctors often say a healthy body is a body DINNER TIME:
which is slim. However, there are many people * Always take your time with your evening
who are overweight and very unhappy meal.
about it. If you are one of those
people, here are some suggestions 5 to * Eat slowly and enjoy good conversation with
help to lose weight. your family or friends, especially those who
MORNING: eat sensibly.
*Follow a regular exercise program which *Don't listen to the radio, watch television or
your doctor has approved.
read while you eat. These are distractions
* After exercising, eat a small breakfast.
which detract from your enjoyment of the
* Prepare your food for the entire day and put
it in one part of your refrigerator. meal and lead to automatic eating.
Don't buy food which is high in calories. EVENING:
LUNCHTIME: * Don't read magazines and books which
* Don't have your lunch in places where you highlight recipes and food advertisements.
are tempted to overeat, such as caf辿s or
restaurants. * Don't watch cooking programs on TV which
* Eat in the park and enjoy the fresh air, or will make you hungry.
have lunch with someone who is also on a * When you go to bed, close your eyes and
diet. think o your next vacation. Imagine a slim
person at the beach... a slim person who
is YOU!
3. Do's and Don'ts of Dieting
Doctors often say a healthy body is a body
which is slim. However, there are many people
who are overweight and very unhappy about
it. If you are one of those people, here are
some suggestions to help to lose weight.
4. Mornings
*Follow a regular exercise program which your
doctor has approved.
*After exercising, eat a small breakfast.
* Prepare your food for the entire day and put it
in one part of your refrigerator.
* Don't buy food which is high in calories.
5. Lunchtime
* Don't have your lunch in places where you are
tempted to overeat, such as caf辿s or
* Eat in the park and enjoy the fresh air, or have
lunch with someone who is also on a diet.
6. Dinner time
* Always take your time with your evening meal.
* Eat slowly and enjoy good conversation with
your family or friends, especially those who eat
* Don't listen to the radio, watch television or read
while you eat. These are distractions which detract
from your enjoyment of the meal and lead to
automatic eating.
7. Evening
* Don't read magazines and books which highlight
recipes and food advertisements.
* Don't watch cooking programs on TV which will
make you hungry.
* When you go to bed, close your eyes and think of
your next vacation. Imagine a slim person at the
beach... a slim person who is YOU!