9. Fonts (Dont)
Use simple and large fonts that are hard to read and small
Use all caps
10. Less is more
Dont illustrate every point with a slide,
only important ones
Even in a 45 minutes presentation, you
should only be making two or three
excellent points that you except the
audience to remember
Everything else can be anecdotes or
examples backing up those points
11. Dont put too few words on a slide
Single words per bullet point are normally
際際滷s are an aid memoir for you as a speaker
but they should also be useful as a notes for
12. You are the focus, not your slides
You are on a stage, you are a performer.
The slides have just secondary importance.
What makes a performance interesting?
Humor, movement, audience interaction
Come out from behind the lectern and use
body language
Ask questions from audience and challenge
their answers
18. Look at the audience
Have the slides on your laptop screen as
well as on the projector screen, and do not
look at the projector image unless you are
pointing to it.