The International Dota 2 championship is one of the most anticipated competitive events on the gaming calendar every year. The Dota 2 Chinese team won in 20i4 and their tactics will be an inspiration to many gamers looking to bring their levelup to world standard
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2. Chinese Dota is $10 million richer this year after their impressive
win at The International 4 and many questions will no doubt be
asked how they won the prize, what their tactics were. The Chinese
were roundly beaten in TI 3, so how did they style up for the TI 4
and go on to win top prize?
If you play competitive Dota or you want to shape up for the next
international there are many Dota 2 Secrets to learn about team
tactics and psychology, how to learn from past mistakes and how to
prepare for these tournaments from the Chinese teams in TI 2, TI 3
and TI 4.
In the previous tournament, TI 2, the Chinese teams were feared
because of their flawless execution, amazing team fights, awesome
farming-skills, and great decision-making. So what happened to the
Chinese DOTA 2 game that they did not even finish in the first 3 in TI
Four reasons were
given for the poor
Chinese performance
at The International 3
in 2013:
Preparing for TI 3 the Chinese teams did not scrim (play
serious practice games) against teams from outside China.
Scrims in Dota 2 are great for strengthening teamwork and
how to synchronize team fights. But in addition scrimming
against teams from other parts of the world that have different
play-styles is great for improving decision-making and to
3. develop quick in-game improvisation. Players learn how to
respond to surprise tactics and any new strategies they may
not already be familiar with. One reason given for the Chinese
teams not scrimming against teams from outside China was
that, following their great showing in TI 2, they got to thinking
that they had the strongest play-style; so, why even waste time
scrimming with teams they deemed to have weak play style?
The lesson here is clear DONT underestimate the
competition, or think you cant learn from a weaker opponent!
The second reason given for the poor performance of Chinese
teams in TI 3 was a play-style that lacked HIGH RISK, HIGH
REWARD strategies, in other words Playing Safe. They would
rather take it late game and farm for items before taking towers,
Roshan or the Ancient was the summary of their game strategy
and tactics.
In TI 2 the Chinese loved to play lineups and strategies that
give them the highest possible chance of winning. This is of
course what everyone wants to aim for, but with Dota 2 things
dont always work that way.
In Dota 2 Playing safe does Not Always Guarantee a Game!
Because a team that always plays safe allows the opposition to
take advantage of the situation because they will be able to
read your strategy even in drafting phase and then proceed to
counter it. In addition playing safe robs you of the element of
surprise if you have built it into your team tactics.
4. In the case of TI 2 Chinese teams, which were known for not
making mistakes too often found that if you can be surprised
into making one mistake you give enough room to teams with
high risk play styles to win the game. Western teams in
particular tend to go for crazy strategies (teams like NaVi or
Alliance in TI 3). When a team plays with a crazy play style it
becomes hard to predict or read its next moves, because play
follows an almost random/arbitrary sequence that is tough to
crack with by simple logical analysis.
The third reason given why China performed poorly in TI 3
was that there was less serious completion (tournaments) in
China, less serious training for Chinese players. Tournaments
help prepare players on how to handle pressure and provide
opportunities for players to test out their game strategies,
analyze styles and put in practice what they have learned in
scrimmage, etc. They can then drop any strategies that did not
work so well in prep for the really important tournaments like
the International. This was in part part because Dota 2 had
only recently launched their Chinese servers.
Finally, why the Chinese lost in TI 3 was that the western
teams had gotten better at the game. But it has been said of the
Chinese that among many of their good traits is their ability to
take what they have experienced, learn from it and improve
from there. This is what happened with The International 2.
This quote from the Evil Geniuses, taken after the International 2 in
2012 says it all:
5. All the practice theyve done with the European teams EG, NaVi,
Complexity at the time had actually given them so much experience
that they felt they got more a lot out of it than we did They just
took so much from all this practice. And they just absorbed all of this
information they took off the Western scene and converted it into
these strategies that they perfected so to speak. Europe is good with
innovating and being original with lineups, but the Chinese are the
best at perfecting it.
It would seem that the greatest Secrets of Dota 2 are still the