This session was provided at DotNet Conference 2018 and you can see the recording on Channel9.
In this session I've talked about Internet of Things, IoT Architecturing Model, Azure Sphere, Azure Services for IoT solution's, Microsoft Azure Cognitive services and LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service).
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Internet of everything: let's talk about IoT and Azure - DotNet Conf 2018
20. Azure IoT Suite
Securely connect
millions of devices
Over a secure
Internet connection
To Microsoft Azure build with
security from the ground up
Device Security Connection Security Connection SecurityCloud Security
Handshake and Encryption
Device provisioning
And Authorization
Azure Active Directory
Key Vault
Policy-Based Access Control
#3: Use of the internet is now common-place, with bits flowing all day long. Lets review the use of Azure cloud technologies and how we can use those services with all of the gadgets, appliances, and mobile devices available to us. Well learn how to use Azure services with some of these devices and how Internet of Things (IoT) services can be managed.
#30: It provides and example of Languge understand for automation in iot scenarios
#47: La reference architecture fornisce linee guida che debbono essere adattate allo scenario specifico.
La componibilit dei servizi offerti da Azure (anche di terze parti) 竪 la carta vincente per implementare soluzioni che si evolvono nel tempo.
Azure IoT Suite 竪 un ottimo modo per capire e sperimentare una soluzione IoT chiavi in mano che pu嘆 essere facilmente adattata ad una soluzione reale.