7. Deep Learningの手法をためそう!
tterance at atime with better results than evaluating with alargebatch.
ples of varying length posesomealgorithmic challenges. Onepossible solution is
opagation through time [68], so that all examples have the same sequence length
2]. However, this can inhibit the ability to learn longer term dependencies. Other
that presenting examples in order of dif?culty can accelerate online learning [6,
theme in many sequence learning problems including machine translation and
n isthat longer examples tend to bemorechallenging [11].
ction that weuseimplicitly depends on thelength of theutterance,
L(x, y; ?) = ? log
`2 Align(x,y)
pctc(`t |x; ?). (9)
is the set of all possible alignments of the characters of the transcription y to
under theCTC operator. In equation 9, theinner term isaproduct over time-steps
which shrinks with the length of the sequence since pctc(`t |x; ?) < 1. This moti-
8. Deep Learningの手法をためそう!
tterance at atime with better results than evaluating with alargebatch.
ples of varying length posesomealgorithmic challenges. Onepossible solution is
opagation through time [68], so that all examples have the same sequence length
2]. However, this can inhibit the ability to learn longer term dependencies. Other
that presenting examples in order of dif?culty can accelerate online learning [6,
theme in many sequence learning problems including machine translation and
n isthat longer examples tend to bemorechallenging [11].
ction that weuseimplicitly depends on thelength of theutterance,
L(x, y; ?) = ? log
`2 Align(x,y)
pctc(`t |x; ?). (9)
is the set of all possible alignments of the characters of the transcription y to
under theCTC operator. In equation 9, theinner term isaproduct over time-steps
which shrinks with the length of the sequence since pctc(`t |x; ?) < 1. This moti-