2024/2/27 に JASA OpenEL working group で講演した資料
https://note.com/kae_made から公開している概念モデリングに関する技術コンテンツをAzure OpenAI Studio で追加学習し、概念モデリング支援チャットを作成を試す方法を解説
デモ動画は、https://youtu.be/UGCuMwM8cEE?si=wT9YH8Hx8Zmjuolf で視聴可
2024/2/27 に JASA OpenEL working group で講演した資料
https://note.com/kae_made から公開している概念モデリングに関する技術コンテンツをAzure OpenAI Studio で追加学習し、概念モデリング支援チャットを作成を試す方法を解説
デモ動画は、https://youtu.be/UGCuMwM8cEE?si=wT9YH8Hx8Zmjuolf で視聴可
コンテナ仮想、その裏側 ?user namespaceとrootlessコンテナ?Retrieva inc.
This document discusses user namespaces and rootless containers in Linux. It explains that user namespaces allow mapping user IDs between namespaces to allow processes to run without root privileges. Rootless containers like Podman leverage user namespaces to allow container operations without root access. The document provides details on how user namespaces work and how tools like Podman are able to achieve rootless containers using user namespaces.
- The document discusses the process of forking and creating new processes in an operating system. It describes the key steps like allocating memory for the child process, copying resources from the parent, and starting the new process.
- Code examples are provided to demonstrate how fork is implemented at the system call level and how it is used in C programs to create new threads.
- The document also explains the data structures and functions involved in process switching and context switching between threads.
Making Google Cardboard and Laser CutterRetrieva inc.
1) The document discusses making Google Cardboard and a laser cutter. It provides details on what Google Cardboard is and how the speaker initially made their own cardboard viewer by hand.
2) It then covers the principles and components of a laser cutter, including how one can be made from a kit or rented at shops. Diagrams show the electrical architecture.
3) Testing of a homemade laser cutter is described using materials like paper and cardboard, with challenges around feed rates and focus discussed.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT
7. Deep Learningの手法をためそう!
tterance at atime with better results than evaluating with alargebatch.
ples of varying length posesomealgorithmic challenges. Onepossible solution is
opagation through time [68], so that all examples have the same sequence length
2]. However, this can inhibit the ability to learn longer term dependencies. Other
that presenting examples in order of dif?culty can accelerate online learning [6,
theme in many sequence learning problems including machine translation and
n isthat longer examples tend to bemorechallenging [11].
ction that weuseimplicitly depends on thelength of theutterance,
L(x, y; ?) = ? log
`2 Align(x,y)
pctc(`t |x; ?). (9)
is the set of all possible alignments of the characters of the transcription y to
under theCTC operator. In equation 9, theinner term isaproduct over time-steps
which shrinks with the length of the sequence since pctc(`t |x; ?) < 1. This moti-
8. Deep Learningの手法をためそう!
tterance at atime with better results than evaluating with alargebatch.
ples of varying length posesomealgorithmic challenges. Onepossible solution is
opagation through time [68], so that all examples have the same sequence length
2]. However, this can inhibit the ability to learn longer term dependencies. Other
that presenting examples in order of dif?culty can accelerate online learning [6,
theme in many sequence learning problems including machine translation and
n isthat longer examples tend to bemorechallenging [11].
ction that weuseimplicitly depends on thelength of theutterance,
L(x, y; ?) = ? log
`2 Align(x,y)
pctc(`t |x; ?). (9)
is the set of all possible alignments of the characters of the transcription y to
under theCTC operator. In equation 9, theinner term isaproduct over time-steps
which shrinks with the length of the sequence since pctc(`t |x; ?) < 1. This moti-