1. When women run for political office, they often face challenges that men do not due to stereotypes and perceptions of gender differences. However, the data shows that when women run for office, they win just as often as men.
2. Some perceived challenges for women candidates include being more harshly judged on appearance, having to prove themselves without perceived gaps in experience, and being more reluctant to fundraise or go negative. However, women also have advantages like being seen as more compassionate and honest.
3. The article provides tips for women candidates to focus on qualifications rather than gender, highlight relevant experience, fundraise effectively, and emphasize shared issues rather than "women's issues" in order to win elections
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2. 03/09 Winning Campaigns 2009 AAPC Conference Issue
When Women Run... Women Win
By Dotty E. LeMieux
Is there a difference between the way a woman runs and the way a man runs for public office? The
answer is yes, no, and/or, it depends. This is an evolving issue. After the Year of the Woman, 1992, when
record numbers of women were elected to Congress, there has been steady progress in the numbers of
women elected to local, State and Federal offices. Yet, parity still does not exist.
In 1971, women constituted 4.5 percent of state legislators. Today the numbers in Congress are at a
record high, with 17 women Senators and 78 women in the House of Representatives.
Pitfalls for the Woman Candidate
The rise of women running for office has been dramatic since 1992, even though it has tapered off some
in recent years. However, the 2008 Election year, experienced the largest increase in modern times
Recent literature indicates that there are very few differences between the way women and men run for
office. At one time, it was thought that women tend to run a more positive campaign, are more compas-
sionate, and more devoted to “women’s issues,” such as childcare, health care, and gun control. However,
it is more likely that these are issues that break down along Party lines and geographic differences, more
than around gender.
Under any circumstance, the first and foremost goal of the female politician must be to “get elected.”
This goal demands that she be careful of the pitfalls related to the female candidate’s campaign. There’s
an old adage about the heyday of the big budget musical: don't forget that when Fred Astaire and Ginger
Rogers danced, Ginger “did everything he did, but backwards... and in high heels." Under every cir-
cumstance, it may be true that woman have to work a little bit harder for those votes. The stereotypes,
although not so obvious, are still in play.
Tips for the Female Candidate:
1. Grooming. OK, let’s get it out of the way. All candidates need to pay attention to their personal im-
age. Men with frayed shirts and food on their tie are no more appealing than women whose lipstick is
smeared or hose is unraveling.
However, it is likely that women still get judged more harshly on their appearance than do men. A real
headline in a recent New York Sun read: Stylists Interpret Messages of Senator Clinton's Accoutre-
ments in the most recent Presidential primary. ( Jan 25, 2007 New York Sun)
With that said, here are a very few grooming tips I’ve amassed “on the trail” that can help you make a
good first impression on voters, the press and your potential donors: Keep your hair fairly short or if you
really can’t live without it above the shoulder, pin it up for formal portraits or campaign events. Pant
suits are fine (ala Hillary) and calf length skirts work well. Skip the stilettos, and if you tend to be gener-
ously endowed, dress to minimize the cleavage. You want the voters and the pundits to remember the
words that come out of your mouth not what spills out of your blouse. As for make up, keep it appropri-
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When Women Run... Women Win by Dotty LeMieux Page 2
ately subtle.
2. Avoid the extreme. Because women often feel they must be tough to be taken seriously throughout the
campaign, they sometimes get extreme. Severe haircuts, buttoned up shirts and rigid posture. They won’t
crack a smile for fear of seeming frivolous or of trivializing an important issue. Men can come off as
arrogant or posturing and people tend to forgive them as long as they like their message. Women do have
to walk a finer line.
So, don’t be weak and certainly not extreme. Be yourself, maintain your sense of humor and humanity
while showing your firm grasp of the issues and willingness to tackle problems with both hands.
3. Issues. Don’t go out of your way to look for “women’s issues,” but don’t shy away from them either.
You may find that your primary issue, while important, is not the main one your constituents are talking
about. Don’t be afraid to switch gears when need be. In a recent local representative seat race, the female
candidate, a nurse practitioner, was focused like a laser on single payer health care; that was her passion
and that got her into the race. But the main issue turned out to be protecting a large tract of open space
land and wetlands. Her slogan, “for our health, community and quality of life,” fit this new issue perfectly
and allowed her to run with it while keeping access to health care on her list of top bullet points leading
to a win and a second term without challengers.
4. Going negative. It’s still true that women are more reluctant than men to “go negative” during a
campaign… that is, until their opponent does it first. A popular city council candidate feared being
perceived as negative if she went after her opponent. Notwithstanding, once he attacked her for a minor
inconsistency, the gloves came off; his background working for developers was unmasked and she sailed
to victory. It’s not negative if it’s true, relevant, and fully documented.
5. Women running against women. Increasingly, races are between two women. Women can still be
“good ol’ boys” and when you are the underdog, a newcomer or a progressive taking on the system, you
need to be prepared to point that out. Remember, a campaign is not personal. You need to point out the
reasons voters should vote for you and do that without turning into a pit bull.
6. Your opponent is the “good ol’ boy.” He’s taking you to task for inexperience, seizing on trivial incon-
sistencies or gaps in your resume. Don’t be afraid to point out how you juggled home, family and your
ambitious husband for those missing years, and all that volunteer work you’ve done - Tout it. Then use
your best advisors to craft a message that shows you know policy and can deliver as well or better than
the man.
First time women candidates do face tougher challenges, because of their perceived lack of experience
and need to be prepared to raise sufficient funding to offset it, to point out the negatives of their more
experienced opponent and to keep emphasizing the experience they do have, whether political or not.
7. Raising money. This is something I have found women are reluctant to do. They often feel it is ego-
tistical to ask for money for their own campaign. Ironically, women make tremendous fundraisers for
non-profit causes and even other candidates. Women often need some extra prodding, and training, to
start raising the necessary funds to get elected. Remember if you can’t raise enough money to get your
message to the voters, the best intentions won’t help you on Election Day.
8. You’re the boss. I have found that women candidates hate to say no. When spouses, relatives and their
hair stylist tell them what their message ought to be, they listen. And of course they should. But they also
need to listen to their own conscience and the experienced advice of their campaign consultant.
9. “When women run, women win.” This slogan has been attributed to Emily’s List, National Women’s
Political Caucus and Yale Women’s Campaigns school. Many of the misconceptions about women’s
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When Women Run... Women Win by Dotty LeMieux Page 3
chances of winning political office are just that: misconceptions. The sad thing is many women them-
selves have bought into these misconceptions, making the decision to run a more difficult than it needs
to be. But perceptions can paralyze the would-be candidate. When women run, they win; the trouble is
they don’t run often enough.
10. Special positives as a woman. Stereotypes can help the woman candidate, in being seen as more com-
passionate, honest, and even more honest and trustworthy in a time of corruption and lack of confidence.
A Democratic woman taking on a Republican man has several built in advantages, if she is prepared to
use her advantages wisely.
Women candidates and women elected officials will make up more and more of the American political
landscape in the future. If you are a women who has been concerned about running for office because of
the very issues raised in this article, I hope you will now feel more comfortable and run. Your chances are
just as good as the next guy’s. If you are the guy running for office in that same district, you'd better be
careful, your opponent is a woman!
Dotty E. LeMieux, Principal, Green Dog Campaigns and Communications.
Green Dog Campaigns is a full service consulting firm, specializing
in women and first time candidates in Northern California. We have
a 75% win rate for women and first time candidates. You can find
us at www.greendogcampaigns.com You can reach Dotty at del@greendogcampaigns.com