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Down East Bud Buster
Introduction                          Stage 1
                                       To process high value product.
 Represent                            Add new product division line.
                                       build a large manufacturing plant
 Expand its business                           Added-value Product

 National Distribution Program

                               Down East
                              Spud Busters

Stage 2                               Final Stage
 Called as national wide sale /       build 2nd manufacturing plant in 5
  distribution program.                 years.
 Recruit appropriate                  Increase the crop planting.
 Distribution, delivery & customer    expand its market territories in
  services issues.                      Europe and the Pacific Rim.
The organization chart shows three divisions.
Representing the Canadian base as Division A, the
manufacturing plant in Maine as Division B, and the
shipping and distribution from the Maine plant as
Division C.

            Division A                          Division B                          Division C

Operation   Marketing    Finance    Operation   Marketing    Finance    Operation   Marketing    Finance

 Human       Human        Human      Human       Human        Human      Human       Human        Human
Resource    Resource     Resource   Resource    Resource     Resource   Resource    Resource     Resource

      Division A
       The structure in division A should not change a great deal.

      Division B
      The structure at division B will be a lot more thorough.

      Division C
      Division C is the sales department, which also will handle the marketing and
      advertising projects for the firm.
Decentralized Organization
        The organization will be using a
        decentralized structure for
        decision making.

                    Director Of Sales

               Region 1   Region 2   Region 3   Region 4

                             East       Mid-       West
                             Coast      Coast      Coast
Down East Spud Busters intends to build a second
manufacturing plant in Idaho in 5 years time.
In Europe and the Pacific Rim.
The possible logistical challenges in implementing this
new program .
HR policies

Recommended would be manpower planning.
Must identify the numbers and types of executives and
managers & at the right place in doing the work.
Recruitment is the process of attracting potential applicants.
Crowded city and company image and physical conditions to
attract more suitable applicants.
Screen the applicants along from the interview.
Ask the right questions and listen carefully to the answers.
Last function- employee education, training and
Employee able to perform their jobs as
efficiently as possible.
Help to increase their workers productivity, job
satisfaction, up-to-date skills and knowledge, and
also helps to motivate workers.
For the procedures recommended, they would be
to develop clear company guidelines.
Types of Industries could use the model from the case as
a means to expand sales nationally / internationally.

  Car manufacturing industry
     Similar industry production line with Down East
        car manufacturing industries are always generate
         new product and having several product lines.
        The selling market of car industry is nationwide
         and internationally.
 Hardware tools manufacturing industry
   Similar production line and target market with
    Down East Spud Busters.
       multiple type of production lines.
       target market are supermarket, shops, retailer and etc.
    also required a manufacturing plant to distribute
     products and retailer company /sale associates to sell
 With organizational charts, we have a very clear picture of
  the future of Down East Spud Busters. They will be able
  to operate much smoother, accomplish goals on time and
  expand even further.

 Despite that, we feel that Down East Spud Busters is a
  very successful industry as they are able to include &
  expand its market territory in Europe and the Pacific

 Besides that, they provide customer satisfaction by
  offering various types of potato products in the market.
   Down East Spud Busters (view on 16th June 2012) available from:
      http://go-essays.us/tag/down-east/ [Introduction]

   Top Management Positions (view on 16th June 2012) available from:
       111.html 2 [Q1]

   Why Companies Need HR Policies & Job Descriptions (view on 16th
    June 2012) available from:
      http://www.absolutehrsolutions.com/ [Q2]

   The types of industries' model (view on 16th June 2012) available

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Down East Bud Buster

  • 2. Introduction Stage 1 To process high value product. Represent Add new product division line. build a large manufacturing plant Expand its business Added-value Product National Distribution Program Down East Spud Busters Stage 2 Final Stage Called as national wide sale / build 2nd manufacturing plant in 5 distribution program. years. Recruit appropriate Increase the crop planting. Distribution, delivery & customer expand its market territories in services issues. Europe and the Pacific Rim.
  • 3. The organization chart shows three divisions. Representing the Canadian base as Division A, the manufacturing plant in Maine as Division B, and the shipping and distribution from the Maine plant as Division C.
  • 4. CEO Division A Division B Division C Operation Marketing Finance Operation Marketing Finance Operation Marketing Finance Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Resource Division A The structure in division A should not change a great deal. Division B The structure at division B will be a lot more thorough. Division C Division C is the sales department, which also will handle the marketing and advertising projects for the firm.
  • 5. Decentralized Organization The organization will be using a decentralized structure for decision making. Director Of Sales Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Easter East Mid- West and Coast Coast Coast Canada
  • 6. Down East Spud Busters intends to build a second manufacturing plant in Idaho in 5 years time. In Europe and the Pacific Rim. The possible logistical challenges in implementing this new program .
  • 7. HR policies and procedures Recommended would be manpower planning. Must identify the numbers and types of executives and managers & at the right place in doing the work. Recruitment is the process of attracting potential applicants. Crowded city and company image and physical conditions to attract more suitable applicants. Screen the applicants along from the interview. Ask the right questions and listen carefully to the answers.
  • 8. Last function- employee education, training and development. Employee able to perform their jobs as efficiently as possible. Help to increase their workers productivity, job satisfaction, up-to-date skills and knowledge, and also helps to motivate workers. For the procedures recommended, they would be to develop clear company guidelines.
  • 9. Types of Industries could use the model from the case as a means to expand sales nationally / internationally. Car manufacturing industry Similar industry production line with Down East Busters. car manufacturing industries are always generate new product and having several product lines. The selling market of car industry is nationwide and internationally.
  • 10. Hardware tools manufacturing industry Similar production line and target market with Down East Spud Busters. multiple type of production lines. target market are supermarket, shops, retailer and etc. also required a manufacturing plant to distribute products and retailer company /sale associates to sell products.
  • 11. With organizational charts, we have a very clear picture of the future of Down East Spud Busters. They will be able to operate much smoother, accomplish goals on time and expand even further. Despite that, we feel that Down East Spud Busters is a very successful industry as they are able to include & expand its market territory in Europe and the Pacific Rims. Besides that, they provide customer satisfaction by offering various types of potato products in the market.
  • 12. Reference Down East Spud Busters (view on 16th June 2012) available from: http://go-essays.us/tag/down-east/ [Introduction] Top Management Positions (view on 16th June 2012) available from: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/agdm/wholefarm/html/c5- 111.html 2 [Q1] Why Companies Need HR Policies & Job Descriptions (view on 16th June 2012) available from: http://www.absolutehrsolutions.com/ [Q2] The types of industries' model (view on 16th June 2012) available from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/59762807/down-east-spud-busters/ [Q3]