DP Workboats; a new era for Multicat type vessels
Acta Marine has 40 years of experience operating 40 workboats globally. They were the first to install dynamic positioning (DP) systems on workboats in 2007. Currently they have 4 DP workboats that can perform tasks like trench backfilling, water jetting, offshore maintenance, and vibrocoring in ultra-shallow draft conditions, competing effectively with larger DP vessels. Their DP workboats are equipped with bow and stern thrusters for excellent position holding and can support additional work like trenching, ROV operations, and cable laying/burial.
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Dp Workboats, A New Era For Multicats 2
1. DP Workboats; a new era for Multicat type vessels
DP Workboats;
An new era for multicat type workboats
2. Profile
Owner and operator of 40 workboats for coastal waters
40 years experience
Independent company with a global presence
Standard & custom built vessels
- Ultra shallow water
- Cable & pipeline (re)burial
Headquarters in Den Helder, The Netherlands
4. Dynamic Positioning on workboats
2007, Acta Marine was the first operator installing DP on
Currently 4 DP vessels in operation
All vessels are ultra-shallow draft (draft < 2,0 m.)
DP workboats are competing with standard OSV / PSV DP 2
vessels at a competitive workboat charter rate.
5. Thruster set-up for Acta Marine workboats
For excellent position holding capabilities the DP workboats are
equipped with:
Stern: 2 x fixed propellor & 1 x 360 rudder propellor
Bow: 1 or 2 x 360 horizontal propellor/jet
6. Workscope for DP workboats
Backfil of trench;
Nordstream Pipeline, soil layers of 25 cm where backfilled in the trench
Maasvlakte 2, shallow area spray pontoon
C.Discovery- Nordstream
7. Workscope for DP workboats
Water jetting;
Maasvlakte 2, cleaning breakwater for the installation of
an additional concrete blocks layer
8. Workscope for DP workboats
Offshore Oil & Gas maintenance;
Change out Offshore oil bunker hose GDF SUEZ EP
Removal and installation of splash zone constructions
9. Workscope for DP workboats
WID / Mass flow trenching;
Removed 30.000m3 sand per day in the port of Sidi Ifni Morocco
10. Workscope for DP workboats
WROV Support platform;
Explosive Ordnance Disposal German Wadden Sea OWF export
cable route
11. Workscopes for DP workboats
Vibrocoring/CPT survey;
Murmansk Offshore pipeline route Sthokman field
12. Additional workscopes for DP multicats
Trenching with mobile trencher unit
ROV support platform
Accommodation (12 additional to vessel crew)
Diving from 4p c/t anchor spread
Offshore access to constructions
(Heave comp) Crane works
Cable laying
Cable burial
Cable survey
Cable recovery and jointing
Cable protection deployment (Mattresses etc)
TP cable protection installation (Messenger wire technique)
13. NON DP Cable & Pipeline (re)burial
Remedial lowering of cables / pipeline
Post-lay technology
- suction dredging with jetting
- 4-point mooring
- Life tracking of burial process
Very effective and safe for
shore-ends, crossings and exposed
Succesfully applied on live gas
pipelines and power cables.