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Dps Nagpur-cbse website-2018
1. Name of the school with address: Delhi Public School
1. (Strictly as per affiliation sanction letter 11th
Kms. Milestone,
or as permitted by the Board) with pin Kamptee Road, Khairi P.O.
code No. Nagpur 441 401.
1. E-mail
2. Ph.No. 0712-2980049 & 2980060
3. Fax. No.
2. Year of establishment of the school 2006
Whether NOC from State / UT or
3. recommendation of Embassy of India Yes
1. NOC NOC 2006/(206/06) SE-1
2. NOC issuing date 25/01/2008
Is the school recognized, if yes by which
Status of Affiliation :
ProvisionalPermanent / Regular / Provisional
1. Affiliation No. 1130169
2. Affiliation with the Board since 1st
April, 2008
3. Extension of affiliation upto 31st
March, 2018
Name of Trust / Society / Company
6. Registered under Section 25 of the Shri Chiranjilal Bajoria Educational Society,
Company Act, 1956. Period upto which Chhattisgarh
registration of Trust / Society is valid
7. List of members of the School Prof. B.P.Khandelwal Chairman
Management Committee
Ms.Namita Pradhan Vice Chairman
Mr. Ajay Mansukhani Member
Prof. (Dr.)N.K. Ambasht Member
Ms.Malti Kelkar Member
Mr.Mandal B.R. Member
Mr. Rajeev Mehra Member
Mrs.Tulika Kedia Member
Mrs.Aditi Mehra Member
Mr.K. Balaji Secretary
Name of the Manager / President /
Prof. B.P.Khandelwal Chairman (SMC DPS NGP)Chairman / Correspondent
2. 9. Area of school campus
1. In acres 14.83
2. In sq. mtrs 60001.03
3. Built up area (Sq Mtrs) 22018.37
4. Area of playground in sq. mtrs. 32375
5. Other facilities
a. Swimming Pool No
b. Indoor games Yes
c. Dance Rooms Yes
d. Gymnasium No
e. Music Rooms Yes
f. Hostels No
g. Health and medical checkup Yes
10. Details of fee (Monthly total fee)
1. Pre Nursery Rs.2,865/-
2. Nursery Rs.3,080/-
3. I to V Rs.3,300/-
4. VI to VIII Rs.3,350/-
5. IX & X Rs.3,640/-
6. XI & XII Rs.300/-
11. Transport Facility
1. Own buses -
2. Buses hired on contract basis 58 buses
3. Details of transport charges As per distance.
12. Number of teaching staff (to be updated from time to time) 144 as on 18/07/2018
13. Details of salary being by the school to teaching staff / non teaching staff (to be updated from
time to time
Designation Scale of Pay Grade Pay
PGT 9300-34800 4800
TGT 9300-34800 4600
PRT 9300-34800 4200
14. Mode of payment of salary
1. Name of the bank through which salary is drawing Punjab National Bank
2. Through single cheque transfer advice Yes
3. Individual cheque
4. Cash
15. Library facilities
1. Size of library in sq.ft 1456
2. No. of periodicals 06
3. No. of dailies 04
3. 4. No. of reference books class-wise 1325
5. No. of magazines 05
6. Others 17532
16. Name of the Grievance / redressal officer with Email / Fax Mr.K. Balaji
17. Members of Sexual Harassment Committee Mrs.Leena Karkare
Mr.K. Balaji
Mrs.Neera Nagi
Mrs.Deepika David
Mr.Kuldeep Shukla
18. Class wise enrollment of school for the current
Class No. of sec Enrolment
Pre School 12 434
I to XII 80 3007
Total 92 3441
19. Academic session period From June, 2018 To May, 2019
20. Vacation period From 5th
May, 2019 To 24nd
June, 2019
21. Admission period From January, 2019 To July, 2019
Teachers Detail as on 18/07/2018.
S.No Name of the Teachers
1 Chandrashekhar Uprade
2 Chitra Chatterjee
3 Kuldeep Shukla
4 Balkishan Bhardwaj
Dr. Brijbhushan
6 Kiran Khapre
7 Neha Biswas
8 Sundari Sree Pisipati
9 Archana Puri
10 Ashmi Pandya
11 Charanjit Kaur
12 Deepika Bharadwaj
13 Gowri Mudaliar
14 Himangi Garde
15 Irna Farah
16 Kalyani Guha
17 Meena Narayan
18 O Sonamani Khuman
19 Paramita Ray
20 Ritu Toriya
21 Rohit Maheshkar
22 Rupali Jalan