We need a simple, systematic way to discover the changes we
should test.
14. Timeline
MarketingExperiments was the first Internet-based research lab to conduct
experiments in optimizing the conversion rate of sales and marketing processes.
1987 Preliminary Research Begins
1997 Research Program Established
2001 First Research Report Published
2002 Testing of Research Partnership Model Begins
2003 O/R=Oz Theory Validated
2006 Patent Filings for Research Findings (10 Heuristics)
15. Heuristic
In philosophy, especially in Continental European philosophy,
the adjective "heuristic" (or the designation "heuristic device")
is used when an entity X exists to enable understanding of, or
knowledge concerning, some other entity Y.
In human-computer interaction, heuristic evaluation is a
usability-testing technique devised by expert usability
18. Fulcrum
C = 4m + 3v + 2(i-f) - 2a 息
VC Value Proposition. Incentive. Friction. Anxiety.
VC = Value Contributor
VI = Value Inhibitor
19. Fulcrum
C = 4m + 3v + 2(i-f) - 2a 息
VC = Value Contributor
VI = Value Inhibitor VI
20. Fulcrum
C = 4m + 3v + 2(i-f) - 2a 息
VC = Value Contributor
VI = Value Inhibitor
21. Four Key Questions
1. Why should my ideal prospect
C = 4m + 3v + 2(i-f) - 2a 息
purchase from me rather than any of
my competitors?
2. How can I minimize all of the elements
in my sale path that cause
VC psychological resistance?
VI 3. How can I counter the remaining
psychological resistance with extra
VI incentive?
VC 4. How can I over-correct all of the
VC = Value Contributor elements which cause psychological
VI = Value Inhibitor concern in my sale path?
38. Thank You: Special Research Brief
Optimizing your Email in Three Steps:
How one marketer tripled revenue from their house list
It's far less expensive to retain a current customer than to find and acquire a new
Working with a partner that sends more than one billion emails annually, we
discovered three key lessons on how to maximize revenue from your house list.
In this special research brief, we'll show you what we learned in this study and
how you can use these three key takeaways to maximize your email effectiveness
in 2010.
39. Optimizing Landing Pages Using Offer
Response Optimization
Dr. Flint McGlaughlin
Director, MECLABS