2. 2
The governing equation of steady diffusion can easily be derived from the general
transport equation
The control volume integration, which forms the key step of the finite volume method that
distinguishes it from all other CFD techniques, yields the following form:
Gausss divergence theorem
3. 3
Finite volume method for one-dimensional steady state diffusion
Step 1: Grid generation
Step 2: Discretisation
Step 3: Solution of equations
The first step in the finite volume method is to divide the domain into discrete
control volumes(cells).
The boundaries (or faces) of control volumes are positioned mid-way between
adjacent nodes.
It is common practice to set up control volumes near the edge of the domain in such
a way that the physical boundaries coincide with the control volume boundaries
Step 1: Grid generation
4. 4
system of notation
A general nodal point is identified by P and its neighbours in a one-
dimensional geometry, the nodes to the west and east, are identified by W
and E respectively. The west side face of the control volume is referred to by
w and the east side control volume face by e. The distances between the
nodes W and P, and between nodes P and E, are identified by 隆xWP and 隆xPE
respectively. Similarly distances between face w and point P and between P
and face e are denoted by 隆xwP and 隆xPe respectively. shows that the control
volume width is x=隆xwe.
5. 5
Step 2: Discretisation
Above equation states that the diffusive flux of leaving the east face minus the
diffusive flux of entering the west face is equal to the generation of , i.e. it
constitutes a balance equation for over the control volume.
6. 6
In practical situations, as illustrated later, the source
term S may be a function of the dependent variable. In
such cases the finite volume method approximates
the source term by means of a linear form
7. 7
Step 3: Solution of equations
Discretised equations must be set up at each of the nodal points in order
to solve a problem.
For control volumes that are adjacent to the domain boundaries the
general discretised equation is modified to incorporate boundary
The resulting system of linear algebraic equations is then solved to obtain
the distribution of the property at nodal points.
Any suitable matrix solution technique may be enlisted for this task.
8. 8
Examples #1: one-dimensional steady state diffusion
Thermal conductivity equals 1000 W/m.K, cross-sectional area A is 10 103m2
Step 1: Grid generation
隆x=0.1 m
9. 9
Step 2: Discretisation
1- the discretised equation for nodal points 2, 3 and 4 is
Nodes 1 and 5 are boundary nodes, and therefore require special attention.
10. 10
2- control volume surrounding point 1 gives
discretised equation for boundary node 1:
11. 11
The control volume surrounding node 5 can be treated in a similar manner
discretised equation for boundary node 5: