In todays business world, successful application delivery and business continuity are often used interchangeably. In the face of unforeseen outages, it is of upmost importance to have a robust, targeted, and well-tested DR plan that minimizes the impact to your business's bottom line and enable enterprises globally to securely deliver applications with resiliency, availability, and reliability.
#5: And if you look at it, there's a common thread, that common thread is applications. Why do we obsess about applications? Because applications are how we make money, how we generate innovation, how we save money by creating new digital experiences for our customers, optimizing our workflow and of course, developers have a mind on their own? So they're building the application, whatever you know, public cloud better suits their needs. And what we found is that the reason why there's such a big push from the business to build your applications and new digital experiences for two main reasons. One, is that they need to support an increasingly remote or hybrid workforce and two, the customers that innovate faster and adapt to this, you know, ever changing world that we live in, they tend to grow faster and generate more revenue.
37%average revenue increase from improving technical efficiencySource: VMware FY22 H2 Benchmark, October, 2021; N=169 Technology Decision Makers citing benefits from recent "Enhance Efficiency/Reduce Costs via Technology" initiatives
72%of enterprise employees are working from remote and hybrid environments todaySource: VMware FY22 H2 Benchmark, October, 2021; N=328 Technology Decision Makers at Enterprises (5000+ employees), average of all workforce distributions
92%of executives report that their organization is pursuing app modernization in the first half of 2022.Source: VMware FY22 Q4 Executive Pulse, January 2022; N=457 Enterprise Technology Executives
#6: Performance:Passing user requests to the nearest servers minimizes network latency and network issues. GSLB ensuresoptimal website or service performance to clients in geographically distributed areas.
Customized Content:GSLB allows enterprises to host content on local servers that is customized for relevance in thatgeographic location and language.
Disaster Recovery:Application high availability minimizes the impact of data center or network failures. For instance, if apower outage affects California, theload balancerwill redirect client requests to other servers hosted in multiple sitesthat are spread apart geographically.
Cloud Bursting: If applications are hosted in hybrid clouds, the GSLB system can burst to a public cloud to absorbunusually high load.
Maintenance:Data center migrations and upgrades can be executed in a non-disruptive manner, since the clientrequests can simply be redirected to servers elsewhere.
Compliance:GSLB makes it easier to adhere to government regulations, especially if the website or services serve tightlyregulated industries like defense, telecommunications or healthcare. Local servers and GSLB forwarding preferences canbe customized to comply with country-specific regulations.
#13: Software upgrades
Health monitoring
Backups and handling DR
Faster troubleshooting bySRE team
Anomalous Behavior
Sizing and Scaling requirements
#19: Thanks for watching. Please check out other exciting videos in our 'Application delivery how-to series.
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