The document discusses why organizations have performance appraisal systems and why they sometimes fail. It notes common reasons for having systems like reviewing work and separating high and low performers, but also reasons for failure like objectives not linking to business priorities and lack of rewards. The document provides recommendations for improving systems, such as ensuring management buy-in, keeping ratings simple, aligning goals with objectives, linking results to rewards, and focusing on development over weaknesses.
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1. Dr. Strangelove
Or: How I Learned To Stop
Worrying And Love Appraisals
2. why do organisations have
appraisal systems?
because HR says so
its best practice
reward good behaviour
review work
go through the motions
separate the wheat from the chaff
1. First, question why do you actually need one...?
2. Ensure management buy into it, appreciate the value and know how to use it
3. Any scoring or performance rating needs careful consideration and should be
kept as simple as possible
4. Individual goals should be aligned to strategic business objectives
5. Link results with rewards financial and non-financial
6. Move away from the yearly event to quarterly or ongoing
7. Draw on 360尊 feedback and self-assessment for a more holistic review
8. Create high-quality development plans that focus on building strengths not
irrelevant weaknesses
9. Build it internally or use a 3rd party service provider (with employee and
manager involvement)
10. Remember, the talent does not leave because of an appraisal system (its only
as strong as the managers who use it)
13. Images used are from Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
by Stanley Kubrick (1964)