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Dr. ufaque batool korai
Availability of essential drugs at Basic Health
Units (BHUs) of Larkana District.
 Dr. Ufaque Batool Korai (final year MBBS student of CMC).
 Prof. Dr. Khurshid Ahmed Abbasi (Head of Paediatrics
Department Unit 2 and Visiting professor of Community
Medicine, CMC).
 Dr. Shiraz Shaikh (Faculty of Community Health Sciences
It is common perception of public that essential
drugs are either not available or not being provided
at Basic Health Units. Therefore we designed this
study to look at the availability of essential drugs in
Basic Health Units of Larkana.
To look for the availability of
essential drugs at BHUs of Larkana
Study design: This was a cross sectional
Study setting: The study was carried out
for 1 month (1st January 2011 to 31st
January 2011) at 22 BHUs of Larkana
Methods & setting continues..
 Sample was calculated by WHO sampling formula.
Universal sampling type was used as we had taken all
the BHUs of Larkana district under inclusion criteria.
Pre-tested questionnaire was used.
 Total of 22 BHUs were covered in Larkana district.
Methods & setting continues..
 They were visited during morning
hours and physical presence/
availability of all essential drugs
was personally made.
Essential drugs Code Answer
1. Vitamin A supplement 1.Yes 2.No
2. Iron and folic acid supplement 1.Yes 2.No
3. O.R.S packets 1.Yes 2.No
4. Chloroquine tab 1.Yes 2.No
5. Paracetamol tab 1.Yes 2.No
6. Mebendazole tab 1.Yes 2.No
7. Chloropheniamine tab 1.Yes 2.No
8. Ear drops 1.Yes 2.No
9. Eye drops 1.Yes 2.No
10. Benzyl benzoate emulsion 1.Yes 2.No
11. Amoxycilin cap/syp 1.Yes 2.No
12. Metronidazole (flagyl) tab/syp 1.Yes 2.No
13. Anti-hypertensive drugs 1.Yes 2.No
Dr. ufaque batool korai
Anti Malarial Drugs
Not Available
Anti Pyretic Drugs
Not Available
ORS Packets
Not Available
Vitamin A supplementation and Eye drops.
Vitamin A
Eye Drops
Non Available
Oral hypoglycemic drugs were available in
(100%) of the BHUs centre.
 None of the BHUs had the ear drops.
After takeover of BHUs by PPHI, still not all
essential drugs are available at every BHU in
Larkana district.
Particularly Vitamin A, ORS, Eye & Ear drops are
not available in all centers.
Hence they should be made available
at every BHU, so that these essential
drugs can be provided to patients
requiring them.
Dr. ufaque batool korai

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Dr. ufaque batool korai

  • 2. TITLE Availability of essential drugs at Basic Health Units (BHUs) of Larkana District. Dr. Ufaque Batool Korai (final year MBBS student of CMC). Prof. Dr. Khurshid Ahmed Abbasi (Head of Paediatrics Department Unit 2 and Visiting professor of Community Medicine, CMC). Dr. Shiraz Shaikh (Faculty of Community Health Sciences AKU). By
  • 3. BACKGROUND It is common perception of public that essential drugs are either not available or not being provided at Basic Health Units. Therefore we designed this study to look at the availability of essential drugs in Basic Health Units of Larkana.
  • 4. OBJECTIVE To look for the availability of essential drugs at BHUs of Larkana district.
  • 5. METHODS AND SETTING Study design: This was a cross sectional study. Study setting: The study was carried out for 1 month (1st January 2011 to 31st January 2011) at 22 BHUs of Larkana district.
  • 6. Methods & setting continues.. Sample was calculated by WHO sampling formula. Universal sampling type was used as we had taken all the BHUs of Larkana district under inclusion criteria. Pre-tested questionnaire was used. Total of 22 BHUs were covered in Larkana district.
  • 7. Methods & setting continues.. They were visited during morning hours and physical presence/ availability of all essential drugs was personally made.
  • 8. PROFORMA Essential drugs Code Answer 1. Vitamin A supplement 1.Yes 2.No 2. Iron and folic acid supplement 1.Yes 2.No 3. O.R.S packets 1.Yes 2.No 4. Chloroquine tab 1.Yes 2.No 5. Paracetamol tab 1.Yes 2.No 6. Mebendazole tab 1.Yes 2.No 7. Chloropheniamine tab 1.Yes 2.No 8. Ear drops 1.Yes 2.No 9. Eye drops 1.Yes 2.No 10. Benzyl benzoate emulsion 1.Yes 2.No 11. Amoxycilin cap/syp 1.Yes 2.No 12. Metronidazole (flagyl) tab/syp 1.Yes 2.No 13. Anti-hypertensive drugs 1.Yes 2.No
  • 10. 41% 59% Anti Malarial Drugs Not Available Available
  • 11. 51%49% Anti Pyretic Drugs Not Available Available
  • 13. Vitamin A supplementation and Eye drops. 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Vitamin A Eye Drops 78% 13% 22% 87% Non Available Available
  • 14. Oral hypoglycemic drugs were available in (100%) of the BHUs centre. None of the BHUs had the ear drops.
  • 15. Conclusion After takeover of BHUs by PPHI, still not all essential drugs are available at every BHU in Larkana district. Particularly Vitamin A, ORS, Eye & Ear drops are not available in all centers.
  • 16. Recommendation Hence they should be made available at every BHU, so that these essential drugs can be provided to patients requiring them.