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To Whom It May Concern:
Loretta Finder is a product of the Concordia University Texas Master of Education degree
program. She also obtained her State Principal certification upon completion of our program as
well as became certified in PDAS, the States teacher appraisal system at the time she was in the
Concordias curriculum is aligned with the five Standards for principal certification established
by the State of Texas. Besides completing 10 graduate courses which focus on the Standards
dealing with instructional leadership, human capital, executive leadership, school culture and
strategic operations, Loretta logged over 160 hours of a Practicum/Internship at a public school
campus in which she participated in real-world activities aligned with the Standards.
I had the pleasure of instructing Lorettas cohort in School Law and the courses involving the
Practicum. She was an exceptional student who I found to be dedicated to the children in her
school. She is strong advocate for the ESL population who understands the big picture of
public education.
Mike G. Wallace, EdD
Associate Professor
Program Director: Educational Administration
7701 N. Lamar, Suite 521
Austin, TX 78752
Office 512.313.5104
E-mail michael.wallace@concordia.edu

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  • 1. To Whom It May Concern: Loretta Finder is a product of the Concordia University Texas Master of Education degree program. She also obtained her State Principal certification upon completion of our program as well as became certified in PDAS, the States teacher appraisal system at the time she was in the program. Concordias curriculum is aligned with the five Standards for principal certification established by the State of Texas. Besides completing 10 graduate courses which focus on the Standards dealing with instructional leadership, human capital, executive leadership, school culture and strategic operations, Loretta logged over 160 hours of a Practicum/Internship at a public school campus in which she participated in real-world activities aligned with the Standards. I had the pleasure of instructing Lorettas cohort in School Law and the courses involving the Practicum. She was an exceptional student who I found to be dedicated to the children in her school. She is strong advocate for the ESL population who understands the big picture of public education. Mike G. Wallace, EdD Associate Professor Program Director: Educational Administration 7701 N. Lamar, Suite 521 Austin, TX 78752 Office 512.313.5104 E-mail michael.wallace@concordia.edu