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Essay On Dracula
Movie review of Dracula Bela Lugosi is arguably the most classic example of an actor taking on a
vampire role. However, during 1931 when the universal studio was casting the 1931's Dracula,
Lugosi could only barely speak English, and therefore almost lost his chance at playing the iconic
part ("Dracula (1931 EnglishLanguage Film"). Nonetheless his accents and costumes, which has
become the classic look of the vampire, he himself was so typecast in his role that he was actually
buried after his death in his Dracula costume. Certainly, it is Lugosi's performance that makes Tod
Browning's film such an influential Hollywood picture. Overall, I will give it a 3 star out of 5,
compared with the older version film of Dracula, because of the dialogues and sounds, the plot is
much easier for the audiences to understand, without any editing or background music the horror of
the film is not inferior to...show more content...
The film started with Renfield went to Dracula's castle in Transylvania, and how he was killed by
Dracula. During the scene, the film used the bats to represent he became undead. Later on,
Dracula with his maids and Renfield went to London and met with Lucy, her father and her
fiance in the theater. During that night, Dracula went to Lucy's room to suck her blood as a bat.
Thus, she became very sick also with bad dreams every night. Meanwhile, her dad invited a
professor to help Lucy, which is Dr. Van Helsing. Very soon they found out Dracula is the
vampire whom suck her blood and control her mind, then they came up with a plan to kill him. At
the end, they found Dracula in a coffin and killed him Lucy was safe at the end. Since the film was
produced in 1931 the genre of Gothic horror was new to people, the happy will ending makes people
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Dracula Reflection
When you hear the word Dracula, what words do you associate with him? Dead, scary, vampire?
For most, it would be all of the above. However, when speaking about Dracula, no one hardly utter
the word man. Dracual depiction drew a fine line of him being both man and monster, but can we
really say that he is of man when his able to turn into different creatures? Dracula's complex
personality and human form will be discussed throughly in this essay, while also touching on the
subject of his sexual needs and wants.
When Stoker's character, Dracula is first described in the novel he is described as having a very
stong face, thin nose, lofty forehead, massive eyebrows and a rather cruel looking mouth and
moustache (22). Reading a description...show more content...
Transforming into other creatures is unnatural, it is of the evil or in this case the undead for Dracula.
The undead was quite prevalent in this novel because the blood sucking vampire, Dracula would
feed on the living until he they finally became dead, then turing into a vampire themseleves. The
fact that we have a man who seems normal on the surface is what makes the Dracual character so
uncanning. He seems like an average person, despite the way he looks at first, but after
understanding what he is capable of we almost feel taunted and confused because he is in fact a
monster and had been the entire time. Uncanning means something that is familiar yet unfamiliar at
the same time and is shown to of unnatural behavior or acts. Dracula's normal interaction with
Jonathan Harker made us view him as a man, but once his revealed as sleeping in a box, climbing
walls, powerful force over animals the distinction of him being relatble to us is no longer there.
So to interpret Dracula from a psychoanalytical point of view, many acts of sex appears in the
story. Dracula's mean of surving is a significant example. In order to live, he has to suck blood from
another living being. In the story, Dracula had his attraction to the female characters to sustain off
of, which once again makes him seem more like a man to have sexual interaction with the female
characters. He became the wedge in many of the character relationships. Dracula came
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How Does Bram Stoker Use Power In Dracula
Violence and Power Within Dracula's Grasp
Throughout many types of literature, violence exists to enhance the readers interest in order to add a
sense of excitement or conflict to a novel. This statement withholds much truthfulness due to the fact
that without violence in a piece of literature such as Dracula by Bram Stoker, the plot would not
have the same impact if it was lacking violence. Dracula's power and evilness led to the violent
happenings which began with the conflict of Jonathan's inner struggle, as compared to the conflict
which blossomed later on with good versus evil.
One case of violence that had occurred, not just for its own sake, happened in chapter seven,...show
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As far fetched as the idea of a man being scared to death may seem, the old man most likely could
have been traumatized to this extent in relation to how Mina noted in her journal about
"Death", capitalizing the "D" in significance to that of some supernatural or
higher power. We as readers start to believe that this "Death" the old man had seen, could
very well be Dracula himself.
Another example of violence transpiring for more than a sole purpose, is through the character of
Jonathan Harker. Jonathan is struggling with an inner conflict, and one of the supernatural; man
versus himself and man versus the supernatural. His inner conflict is due to the fact that in his
mind, he is a prisoner in Castle Dracula, and there are no means of escape. Therefore, the struggle
within himself is one of keeping his sanity and rational way of thinking, since he is such a rational,
businessminded man. However, the most obvious conflict derives from the physical and mental
struggle with Count Dracula. The novel sets a tone of good versus evil or the supernatural, which is
directly related to the conflict. Accordingly, on June 29, the Count tells Jonathan that this is his last
day when he stated, "Tomorrow, my friend, we must part"(pg.51). After the Count led
him to the door where the wolves were howling, he
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Power In Dracula
'The Gothic world is fascinated by the struggle for power'. In light of this statement, discuss the
ways in which writers present types of power. Gothic writers are fascinated by power struggles, but
often shock readers by reversing conventional power differences. Examples of this include the power
of rationality against religion, and the female voice and sexuality being powerful, highly
controversial topics during the Victorian era. These power struggles often reflect the writer's own
experiences and views, for example Poe frequently presents power struggles between humans and the
supernatural due to losing his loved ones, and mental illness. Similarly, in 'Dracula', Stoker portrays
the supernatural as powerful, but with strong sexual undertones,...show more content...
Carter uses sexual dominance in 'The Bloody Chamber' as a metaphor for women's social
inequality with "He in his London tailoring; she, bare as a lamb chop". The separation of the
pronoun "she" represents the isolation forced upon her by her overbearing husband. The girl is
also mentioned after the Marquis in this sentence, showing how she ranks after him and has no
control now that she's married. Women are often seen as passive as the Marquis assesses the girl
with "the eyes of a connoisseur", implying that she is an object to be owned and lusted after.
Sivyer writes "the man assumes an active and dominant role whilst his bride is positioned as
passive" . Her passivity is shown when she says "He made me put on my choker", she was forced
to do it and offered no resistance. The choker itself represents her captivity as it's similar to a
collar, implying that the Marquis is her owner, also exemplified as he calls her "my little nun". This
condescension mocks the girl for her innocence, asserting the Marquis's dominance, but also the
possessive pronoun "my" shows ownership; he believes that his wife belongs to him. Interestingly,
Dracula uses similar possessive language to assert power over another male (Jonathan), exclaiming
"This man belongs to me!" This declarative statement shows that he has decided that Jonathan is his
property, showing his desire for dominance and possession to exhibit his power. His wickedness is
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Dracula Essay
Which did you prefer: reading the book or seeing the movie made from it?
Dracula is a signet classic novel written by Bram Stoker. This novel is portrayed by an antagonist
character known as Count Dracula. He has been dead for centuries yet he may never die. He has a
peculiar power of hypnotic fascination but he is weak in god's daylight. He is immortal as long as
he is able to drink blood from the living. He can change his form into a wolf, a bat or a puff of smoke.
Dracula get in touch with Jonathan Harker through a real estate transaction. He went to Dracula's
castle through a carriage as were planned. After a few days, he felt as if he were prisoned in the
castle as his movements were restricted. Meanwhile, Harker has a fianc息e named Mina...show
more content...
After Lucy's death, Van Helsing tried to convincedQuincey Morris, Seward and Arthur Holmwood
that Lucy has turned into "Undead" by bringing them to her tomb. They eventually find a solution
by plunging a stake into Lucy's heart. They chop off her head and stuff her mouth with garlic.
After Jonathan and Mina's returning to England, they joined forces with the others. Mina helps
Van Helsing by collecting various journals and dairies to retype them. Their efforts were useless
went one of Seward's patient has let Dracula into the asylum to prey upon Mina. These men
divided forces among them tracks Dracula across land and sea. Van Helsing takes Mina with him
and he killed three female vampires by using sacred objects. Quincey and Jonathan use knives to
destroy Dracula went Dracula is about to reached his castle. In 1992, Francis Ford Coppola has
released a Dracula movie based on Bram Stoker's novel. I would prefer watching a Dracula movie
rather than reading a book because Coppola evokes the origins of Dracula before he turn into a
vampire, twisted the subplot where Mina is the reincarnation of Dracula's greatest love and the
movie ends with Dracula's soul
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Dracula, By Bram Stoker
The novel, Dracula, was written by Bram Stoker in the late eighteen hundreds. The setting of
Dracula is during the end of the nineteenth century, in England and Eastern Europe. The entirety of
the novel is based on a vampire with heinous intentions that he casts upon a group of English
citizens whom decide to rid the town of his evil. While reading the novel it is apparent that the
genre is horror and gothic and that the tone is very dark and dramatic. Bram Stoker does this in a very
intentional way. Therefore, discovering the ways Stoker implementsDracula into the criteria of the
gothic fiction genre is simple. To begin, "The term Gothic fiction refers to a style of writing that is
characterized by elements of fear, horror, death and gloom, as well as romantic elements, such as
nature, individuality, and very high emotion. These emotions can include fear and suspense.".
(Greaver, 1). This specific style of writing began in the late seventeen hundreds. Gothic fiction was
created in order to keep a narrower set of viewers or readers more intrigued and interested. "The
term Gothic actually originated as a term belittling the architecture and art of the period, which was
dark, decaying, and dismal. The settings were often old, dilapidated buildings or houses in gloomy,
lifeless, fear inducing landscapes." (Greaver, 1). Gothic literature is often explained as an illusion
that is unexplainable. "Gothic fiction hovers between the uncanny and the marvelous, offering little
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Theme Of Religion In Dracula
As we all know Dracula not only has to do with the horror, blood and vampires, but religion,
christianity and the Victorian society that play a huge role in the story. These topics all have a
reasonable amount of influence on how Dracula was written, and how the various themes in
Dracula were developed. The input of religion is seen from the start all the way to the ending no
doubt about it. In addition, there are also various examples of how the Victorian society also
mixed in with religion, like the ideas of people back then and what they thought was wrong and
right due to society's beliefs . The exploration of thoughts and ideas by all the characters regarding
what is wrong and right due to society and religion is also easily seen throughout the story. In the
novel Dracula, written by Bram Stoker, the Victorian society influenced overall in the way it was
written, and how their beliefs at this time of Christianity are being explored to these new ideas.
From the very beginning of the novel the superstition and Christian belief appear very clearly.
Countless numbers of people during the Victorian era believed in all kinds of superstitions. In the
beginning when Jonathan is leaving his hotel and about to go meet up with Dracula a woman
gives him a crucifix, "It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the
clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where
you are going, and what you are going to?"
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Dracula And Dracula Essay
CPT Formal Essay
Dracula: Lucy, Mina, and the Similarities & Differences Between Them
Dracula, a novel which had originally been written by Bram Stoker in 1897, is commonly
classified as a 'horror novel' by the majority of its readers. However, when putting the novel through
further analysis, the various symbols and themes of sexuality which the novel contains are brought
to the notice of its readers, despite them being easily overlooked by their readers the first time the
novel might be read. In addition, Dracula is a novel which often catches the eye of the majority of
the male population of its readers, due to its use of female sexuality as a symbol throughout the
majority of the novel, since the exploration of these taboo female...show more content...
First of all, Mina and Lucy are both characters which play an extremely significant role in the
novel, as they are the sole female characters, as well as narrators, which are described in great
detail by Stoker. Stoker often describes Mina and Lucy as being complete opposites of each other
throughout his novel in order to illustrate, as well as act in contrast, to the two distinctly different
categories of women which he had believed to exist in the Victorian Era  which was the society's
ideal, 'innocent' and 'submissive' women, which acted in contrast to the 'rebellious' women who
took several risks and managed to break free from the confining norms and ideals of their
prejudiced society which viewed them as being a 'danger' to the society at large. Furthermore,
despite the fact that Mina and Lucy both hold completely different views on which of the two
categories  which Stoker believed had existed during the Victorian Era  a woman should fall under,
they both manage to acknowledge the widelyaccepted belief that men are seen as being more
'dominant', as compared to women, in the eyes of their Victorian society. For instance, when Lucy
mentions to Mina in the novel, "My dear Mina, why are men so noble when we women are so
little worthy of them?" (Stoker, 86). In addition, Stoker utilizes Mina in order to illustrate his vision
of what an ideal and 'perfect' Victorian woman is like. For example, in Stoker's novel, Van
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Good Vs. Evil In Dracula By Bram Stoker
Evil never conquers because good always overcomes it. A good example of this is the book
Dracula by Bram Stoker because the author expresses the nature of good vs. evil. Dracula wants to
come to London because he wants to turn everyone into vampires. The basic background of the
book Dracula is when Jonathan Harker, a realtor who is sent to Transylvania to complete a
transaction with Dracula so he can come to England. What Harker does not know is that Dracula has
a plan for world domination. Well, while Harker is on a train to Transylvania he enters "the east, a
section of Europe whose peoples and customs will be for the most part, strange and unfamiliar" (
Dracula, 20). Harker arrives at Bistritz on the eve of St. George's Day,...show more content...
"He speaks in perfect English and welcomes Harker inside, shaking his hand with an icecold,
vicelike grip" (Dracula, 55). Dracula explains to him that he will no be able to make the trip to
London, but one of his trusted servants will be going along with Harker back to London. After
supper Jonathan analyzes Dracula and notices one very strange feature, his mouth is thick and
white; they cover sharp white teeth, which stick out over his lip. What Jonathan does not know is
that those teeth are canine teeth only found in animals. There are exceptions, for instance,
vampires have these teeth so they can puncture the human's carotid vessel in their neck and suck
their blood. The first time that Jonathan sees Dracula's cannibal teeth grow is when Harker starts
shaving. He accidentally cuts himself and Dracula leaps for his throat so he can suck his blood.
Harker touches his crucifix and Dracula's "demonic fury" vanishes. The strangest event that
Harker notices in Dracula's castle is "Dracula emerge from his room on the floor below, slither
out, head downward, in lizard fashion, with his cloak spread out around him like great wings"
(Dracula, 179). This shows that "Dracula is not a person. He is a presence, an absence that requires
concealing" (Wolf, 368). This tells Harker that something is very wrong with this man. He recalls
how the peasants behaved
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Masculinity In Dracula
Gender roles play a tremendous role in society because they help regulate behaviors and attitudes
that are socially acceptable for men and women. Aaron Devor, a University of Victoria dean and
author of the article "Gender Roles Behaviors and Attitudes," argues that men and women have clear
rules and guideline on how they should act within society. Traditionally, masculinity is defined as
being aggressive and domineering, while femininity is defined as being nurturing and passive. In the
late 19th century when Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, Victoriangender roles were very strict. However,
societal behavior and attitudes about woman began to change. The television miniseries Penny
Dreadful created by John Logan is a show about iconic literature...show more content...
Seward mirrors the character Victor Frankenstein in Penny Dreadful. Both characters do not always
portray the male characteristics associated with ego; their behaviors are more linked towards this
relationshiporientated characteristic. Typically, a man's journal entries would be more factbased
and observational of the current events, which is evident within Harker's and Van Helsing's journal
entries. In contrast to a man's journal, a woman's journal would be filled with their emotions,
concerns, fears, and thoughts about the men within their lives, which is evident within Mina's and
Lucy's journal entries. Most of Dr. Seward's journal entries talk about his pinning for Lucy
Westenra and his personal feelings about the couple. Dr. Seward is characterized as a typical
romantic, a characteristic usually reserved for woman. Stoker notes, "No man knows till he
experience it, what it is to feel his own lifeblood drawn away into the veins of the woman he loves"
which implies that he was willing has a strong affection for her and was willing to do anything to
save her( Stoker 119). This suggests to the readers that Dr. Seward's devotion the beyond physical
domain. This sort of attachment is usually assigned to being a female trait. In Penny Dreadful,
Victor Frankenstein has an emotional attachment to the creature. In the mise en scne, the creature
was recently fired from his job at the theater, he has nowhere to go, and his last resort is to go to
Victor's home. The creature gave his speech to his creator about being alone, hating himself, and
getting rejected from love. Victor contemplates on ending the creature's life but takes pity on him
instead. The director uses close up frame shots to showcase Victor hand holding the gun near the
creature's head even though the camera mostly focuses on the creature face. The music and lightning
are very dark which influences the viewers to feel sympathetic towards the creature. This scene
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Dracula Essay

  • 1. Essay On Dracula Movie review of Dracula Bela Lugosi is arguably the most classic example of an actor taking on a vampire role. However, during 1931 when the universal studio was casting the 1931's Dracula, Lugosi could only barely speak English, and therefore almost lost his chance at playing the iconic part ("Dracula (1931 EnglishLanguage Film"). Nonetheless his accents and costumes, which has become the classic look of the vampire, he himself was so typecast in his role that he was actually buried after his death in his Dracula costume. Certainly, it is Lugosi's performance that makes Tod Browning's film such an influential Hollywood picture. Overall, I will give it a 3 star out of 5, compared with the older version film of Dracula, because of the dialogues and sounds, the plot is much easier for the audiences to understand, without any editing or background music the horror of the film is not inferior to...show more content... The film started with Renfield went to Dracula's castle in Transylvania, and how he was killed by Dracula. During the scene, the film used the bats to represent he became undead. Later on, Dracula with his maids and Renfield went to London and met with Lucy, her father and her fiance in the theater. During that night, Dracula went to Lucy's room to suck her blood as a bat. Thus, she became very sick also with bad dreams every night. Meanwhile, her dad invited a professor to help Lucy, which is Dr. Van Helsing. Very soon they found out Dracula is the vampire whom suck her blood and control her mind, then they came up with a plan to kill him. At the end, they found Dracula in a coffin and killed him Lucy was safe at the end. Since the film was produced in 1931 the genre of Gothic horror was new to people, the happy will ending makes people feel Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 2. Dracula Reflection When you hear the word Dracula, what words do you associate with him? Dead, scary, vampire? For most, it would be all of the above. However, when speaking about Dracula, no one hardly utter the word man. Dracual depiction drew a fine line of him being both man and monster, but can we really say that he is of man when his able to turn into different creatures? Dracula's complex personality and human form will be discussed throughly in this essay, while also touching on the subject of his sexual needs and wants. When Stoker's character, Dracula is first described in the novel he is described as having a very stong face, thin nose, lofty forehead, massive eyebrows and a rather cruel looking mouth and moustache (22). Reading a description...show more content... Transforming into other creatures is unnatural, it is of the evil or in this case the undead for Dracula. The undead was quite prevalent in this novel because the blood sucking vampire, Dracula would feed on the living until he they finally became dead, then turing into a vampire themseleves. The fact that we have a man who seems normal on the surface is what makes the Dracual character so uncanning. He seems like an average person, despite the way he looks at first, but after understanding what he is capable of we almost feel taunted and confused because he is in fact a monster and had been the entire time. Uncanning means something that is familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time and is shown to of unnatural behavior or acts. Dracula's normal interaction with Jonathan Harker made us view him as a man, but once his revealed as sleeping in a box, climbing walls, powerful force over animals the distinction of him being relatble to us is no longer there. So to interpret Dracula from a psychoanalytical point of view, many acts of sex appears in the story. Dracula's mean of surving is a significant example. In order to live, he has to suck blood from another living being. In the story, Dracula had his attraction to the female characters to sustain off of, which once again makes him seem more like a man to have sexual interaction with the female characters. He became the wedge in many of the character relationships. Dracula came Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 3. How Does Bram Stoker Use Power In Dracula Violence and Power Within Dracula's Grasp Throughout many types of literature, violence exists to enhance the readers interest in order to add a sense of excitement or conflict to a novel. This statement withholds much truthfulness due to the fact that without violence in a piece of literature such as Dracula by Bram Stoker, the plot would not have the same impact if it was lacking violence. Dracula's power and evilness led to the violent happenings which began with the conflict of Jonathan's inner struggle, as compared to the conflict which blossomed later on with good versus evil. One case of violence that had occurred, not just for its own sake, happened in chapter seven,...show more content... As far fetched as the idea of a man being scared to death may seem, the old man most likely could have been traumatized to this extent in relation to how Mina noted in her journal about "Death", capitalizing the "D" in significance to that of some supernatural or higher power. We as readers start to believe that this "Death" the old man had seen, could very well be Dracula himself. Another example of violence transpiring for more than a sole purpose, is through the character of Jonathan Harker. Jonathan is struggling with an inner conflict, and one of the supernatural; man versus himself and man versus the supernatural. His inner conflict is due to the fact that in his mind, he is a prisoner in Castle Dracula, and there are no means of escape. Therefore, the struggle within himself is one of keeping his sanity and rational way of thinking, since he is such a rational, businessminded man. However, the most obvious conflict derives from the physical and mental struggle with Count Dracula. The novel sets a tone of good versus evil or the supernatural, which is directly related to the conflict. Accordingly, on June 29, the Count tells Jonathan that this is his last day when he stated, "Tomorrow, my friend, we must part"(pg.51). After the Count led him to the door where the wolves were howling, he Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 4. Power In Dracula 'The Gothic world is fascinated by the struggle for power'. In light of this statement, discuss the ways in which writers present types of power. Gothic writers are fascinated by power struggles, but often shock readers by reversing conventional power differences. Examples of this include the power of rationality against religion, and the female voice and sexuality being powerful, highly controversial topics during the Victorian era. These power struggles often reflect the writer's own experiences and views, for example Poe frequently presents power struggles between humans and the supernatural due to losing his loved ones, and mental illness. Similarly, in 'Dracula', Stoker portrays the supernatural as powerful, but with strong sexual undertones,...show more content... Carter uses sexual dominance in 'The Bloody Chamber' as a metaphor for women's social inequality with "He in his London tailoring; she, bare as a lamb chop". The separation of the pronoun "she" represents the isolation forced upon her by her overbearing husband. The girl is also mentioned after the Marquis in this sentence, showing how she ranks after him and has no control now that she's married. Women are often seen as passive as the Marquis assesses the girl with "the eyes of a connoisseur", implying that she is an object to be owned and lusted after. Sivyer writes "the man assumes an active and dominant role whilst his bride is positioned as passive" . Her passivity is shown when she says "He made me put on my choker", she was forced to do it and offered no resistance. The choker itself represents her captivity as it's similar to a collar, implying that the Marquis is her owner, also exemplified as he calls her "my little nun". This condescension mocks the girl for her innocence, asserting the Marquis's dominance, but also the possessive pronoun "my" shows ownership; he believes that his wife belongs to him. Interestingly, Dracula uses similar possessive language to assert power over another male (Jonathan), exclaiming "This man belongs to me!" This declarative statement shows that he has decided that Jonathan is his property, showing his desire for dominance and possession to exhibit his power. His wickedness is Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 5. Dracula Essay Which did you prefer: reading the book or seeing the movie made from it? Dracula is a signet classic novel written by Bram Stoker. This novel is portrayed by an antagonist character known as Count Dracula. He has been dead for centuries yet he may never die. He has a peculiar power of hypnotic fascination but he is weak in god's daylight. He is immortal as long as he is able to drink blood from the living. He can change his form into a wolf, a bat or a puff of smoke. Dracula get in touch with Jonathan Harker through a real estate transaction. He went to Dracula's castle through a carriage as were planned. After a few days, he felt as if he were prisoned in the castle as his movements were restricted. Meanwhile, Harker has a fianc息e named Mina...show more content... After Lucy's death, Van Helsing tried to convincedQuincey Morris, Seward and Arthur Holmwood that Lucy has turned into "Undead" by bringing them to her tomb. They eventually find a solution by plunging a stake into Lucy's heart. They chop off her head and stuff her mouth with garlic. After Jonathan and Mina's returning to England, they joined forces with the others. Mina helps Van Helsing by collecting various journals and dairies to retype them. Their efforts were useless went one of Seward's patient has let Dracula into the asylum to prey upon Mina. These men divided forces among them tracks Dracula across land and sea. Van Helsing takes Mina with him and he killed three female vampires by using sacred objects. Quincey and Jonathan use knives to destroy Dracula went Dracula is about to reached his castle. In 1992, Francis Ford Coppola has released a Dracula movie based on Bram Stoker's novel. I would prefer watching a Dracula movie rather than reading a book because Coppola evokes the origins of Dracula before he turn into a vampire, twisted the subplot where Mina is the reincarnation of Dracula's greatest love and the movie ends with Dracula's soul Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 6. Dracula, By Bram Stoker The novel, Dracula, was written by Bram Stoker in the late eighteen hundreds. The setting of Dracula is during the end of the nineteenth century, in England and Eastern Europe. The entirety of the novel is based on a vampire with heinous intentions that he casts upon a group of English citizens whom decide to rid the town of his evil. While reading the novel it is apparent that the genre is horror and gothic and that the tone is very dark and dramatic. Bram Stoker does this in a very intentional way. Therefore, discovering the ways Stoker implementsDracula into the criteria of the gothic fiction genre is simple. To begin, "The term Gothic fiction refers to a style of writing that is characterized by elements of fear, horror, death and gloom, as well as romantic elements, such as nature, individuality, and very high emotion. These emotions can include fear and suspense.". (Greaver, 1). This specific style of writing began in the late seventeen hundreds. Gothic fiction was created in order to keep a narrower set of viewers or readers more intrigued and interested. "The term Gothic actually originated as a term belittling the architecture and art of the period, which was dark, decaying, and dismal. The settings were often old, dilapidated buildings or houses in gloomy, lifeless, fear inducing landscapes." (Greaver, 1). Gothic literature is often explained as an illusion that is unexplainable. "Gothic fiction hovers between the uncanny and the marvelous, offering little Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 7. Theme Of Religion In Dracula As we all know Dracula not only has to do with the horror, blood and vampires, but religion, christianity and the Victorian society that play a huge role in the story. These topics all have a reasonable amount of influence on how Dracula was written, and how the various themes in Dracula were developed. The input of religion is seen from the start all the way to the ending no doubt about it. In addition, there are also various examples of how the Victorian society also mixed in with religion, like the ideas of people back then and what they thought was wrong and right due to society's beliefs . The exploration of thoughts and ideas by all the characters regarding what is wrong and right due to society and religion is also easily seen throughout the story. In the novel Dracula, written by Bram Stoker, the Victorian society influenced overall in the way it was written, and how their beliefs at this time of Christianity are being explored to these new ideas. From the very beginning of the novel the superstition and Christian belief appear very clearly. Countless numbers of people during the Victorian era believed in all kinds of superstitions. In the beginning when Jonathan is leaving his hotel and about to go meet up with Dracula a woman gives him a crucifix, "It is the eve of St. George's Day. Do you not know that tonight, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?" Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 8. Dracula And Dracula Essay CPT Formal Essay Dracula: Lucy, Mina, and the Similarities & Differences Between Them Dracula, a novel which had originally been written by Bram Stoker in 1897, is commonly classified as a 'horror novel' by the majority of its readers. However, when putting the novel through further analysis, the various symbols and themes of sexuality which the novel contains are brought to the notice of its readers, despite them being easily overlooked by their readers the first time the novel might be read. In addition, Dracula is a novel which often catches the eye of the majority of the male population of its readers, due to its use of female sexuality as a symbol throughout the majority of the novel, since the exploration of these taboo female...show more content... First of all, Mina and Lucy are both characters which play an extremely significant role in the novel, as they are the sole female characters, as well as narrators, which are described in great detail by Stoker. Stoker often describes Mina and Lucy as being complete opposites of each other throughout his novel in order to illustrate, as well as act in contrast, to the two distinctly different categories of women which he had believed to exist in the Victorian Era which was the society's ideal, 'innocent' and 'submissive' women, which acted in contrast to the 'rebellious' women who took several risks and managed to break free from the confining norms and ideals of their prejudiced society which viewed them as being a 'danger' to the society at large. Furthermore, despite the fact that Mina and Lucy both hold completely different views on which of the two categories which Stoker believed had existed during the Victorian Era a woman should fall under, they both manage to acknowledge the widelyaccepted belief that men are seen as being more 'dominant', as compared to women, in the eyes of their Victorian society. For instance, when Lucy mentions to Mina in the novel, "My dear Mina, why are men so noble when we women are so little worthy of them?" (Stoker, 86). In addition, Stoker utilizes Mina in order to illustrate his vision of what an ideal and 'perfect' Victorian woman is like. For example, in Stoker's novel, Van Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 9. Good Vs. Evil In Dracula By Bram Stoker Evil never conquers because good always overcomes it. A good example of this is the book Dracula by Bram Stoker because the author expresses the nature of good vs. evil. Dracula wants to come to London because he wants to turn everyone into vampires. The basic background of the book Dracula is when Jonathan Harker, a realtor who is sent to Transylvania to complete a transaction with Dracula so he can come to England. What Harker does not know is that Dracula has a plan for world domination. Well, while Harker is on a train to Transylvania he enters "the east, a section of Europe whose peoples and customs will be for the most part, strange and unfamiliar" ( Dracula, 20). Harker arrives at Bistritz on the eve of St. George's Day,...show more content... "He speaks in perfect English and welcomes Harker inside, shaking his hand with an icecold, vicelike grip" (Dracula, 55). Dracula explains to him that he will no be able to make the trip to London, but one of his trusted servants will be going along with Harker back to London. After supper Jonathan analyzes Dracula and notices one very strange feature, his mouth is thick and white; they cover sharp white teeth, which stick out over his lip. What Jonathan does not know is that those teeth are canine teeth only found in animals. There are exceptions, for instance, vampires have these teeth so they can puncture the human's carotid vessel in their neck and suck their blood. The first time that Jonathan sees Dracula's cannibal teeth grow is when Harker starts shaving. He accidentally cuts himself and Dracula leaps for his throat so he can suck his blood. Harker touches his crucifix and Dracula's "demonic fury" vanishes. The strangest event that Harker notices in Dracula's castle is "Dracula emerge from his room on the floor below, slither out, head downward, in lizard fashion, with his cloak spread out around him like great wings" (Dracula, 179). This shows that "Dracula is not a person. He is a presence, an absence that requires concealing" (Wolf, 368). This tells Harker that something is very wrong with this man. He recalls how the peasants behaved Get more content on HelpWriting.net
  • 10. Masculinity In Dracula Gender roles play a tremendous role in society because they help regulate behaviors and attitudes that are socially acceptable for men and women. Aaron Devor, a University of Victoria dean and author of the article "Gender Roles Behaviors and Attitudes," argues that men and women have clear rules and guideline on how they should act within society. Traditionally, masculinity is defined as being aggressive and domineering, while femininity is defined as being nurturing and passive. In the late 19th century when Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, Victoriangender roles were very strict. However, societal behavior and attitudes about woman began to change. The television miniseries Penny Dreadful created by John Logan is a show about iconic literature...show more content... Seward mirrors the character Victor Frankenstein in Penny Dreadful. Both characters do not always portray the male characteristics associated with ego; their behaviors are more linked towards this relationshiporientated characteristic. Typically, a man's journal entries would be more factbased and observational of the current events, which is evident within Harker's and Van Helsing's journal entries. In contrast to a man's journal, a woman's journal would be filled with their emotions, concerns, fears, and thoughts about the men within their lives, which is evident within Mina's and Lucy's journal entries. Most of Dr. Seward's journal entries talk about his pinning for Lucy Westenra and his personal feelings about the couple. Dr. Seward is characterized as a typical romantic, a characteristic usually reserved for woman. Stoker notes, "No man knows till he experience it, what it is to feel his own lifeblood drawn away into the veins of the woman he loves" which implies that he was willing has a strong affection for her and was willing to do anything to save her( Stoker 119). This suggests to the readers that Dr. Seward's devotion the beyond physical domain. This sort of attachment is usually assigned to being a female trait. In Penny Dreadful, Victor Frankenstein has an emotional attachment to the creature. In the mise en scne, the creature was recently fired from his job at the theater, he has nowhere to go, and his last resort is to go to Victor's home. The creature gave his speech to his creator about being alone, hating himself, and getting rejected from love. Victor contemplates on ending the creature's life but takes pity on him instead. The director uses close up frame shots to showcase Victor hand holding the gun near the creature's head even though the camera mostly focuses on the creature face. The music and lightning are very dark which influences the viewers to feel sympathetic towards the creature. This scene shows Get more content on HelpWriting.net