Building an enterprise level single sign-on application with the help of keycloak (Open Source Identity and Access Management). And understanding the way to secure your application; frontend & backend API¨s. Managing user federation with minimum configuration.
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Draft: building secure applications with keycloak (oidc/jwt)
2. Agenda
¢ IAAA Security factor
¢ Oauth2/OpenID
¢ Why? Keycloak
¢ OIDC/SAML - Keycloak adapters
(which & why?)
¢ Understanding Json Web Token (JWT)
¢ Integrating frontend(Angular/React)
with keycloak adapter. -
¢ Access token/refresh token
¢ JWT Validation at backend & securing
API endpoints
¢ Q & A
3. ¢ Identification: set of attributes related to an entity
(person -> attribute [name, email] )
¢ Authentication: is the process of verifying an identity (who they say they are)
¢ Authorization: is the process of verifying what someone is allowed to do
¢ Accounting: logs, user action, traceability of action
IAAA Security Factor
4. Are we using
Delegation Auth
Allow website to access my data
without providing my password?
? Authentication/Identity Level
? Authorization/Access Control
? Site needs to manage security
? Store hash password, verify the hash
against a database