This document discusses accessories and luggage from two high fashion brands, Chanel and Givenchy. It summarizes:
1) Chanel's new luggage collection designed by Karl Lagerfeld includes functional hard-case wheelie bags and tweed carry-on bags in red, blue, and black and white combinations. The "Double Bagging" concept allows for convenient travel.
2) Givenchy's Spring/Summer 2016 jewelry and accessories collection is inspired by the "Universe Theme" and includes metallic shoes and a silver chain Pandora box. The pieces blend classic and street styles with high-end fashion.
3) Both Chanel and Givenchy designs elegantly combine street style influences with luxurious materials aimed
Este documento describe las variables aleatorias continuas, que pueden asumir valores en un rango continuo, como la estatura o peso. Tambi辿n describe las distribuciones de probabilidad continuas como uniforme, exponencial y normal. Finalmente, explica que la esperanza matem叩tica de una variable aleatoria representa el valor promedio esperado del resultado despu辿s de repetir un experimento aleatorio muchas veces.
El documento describe la estrategia de b炭squeda utilizada para encontrar informaci坦n sobre los efectos adversos de los ansiol鱈ticos y antidepresivos durante el embarazo en la base de datos CINALH. La estrategia incluy坦 marcar y exportar art鱈culos relevantes a RefWorks y crear una alerta diaria sobre el tema de b炭squeda en MI EBSCOhost despu辿s de crear una cuenta.
Prince Royce es un cantante y compositor estadounidense dominicano. Desde temprana edad se interes坦 por la m炭sica y comenz坦 a escribir poes鱈a y componer. A los 19 a単os conoci坦 a su m叩nager Andr辿s Hidalgo, quien lo present坦 al productor Sergio George, quien lo contrat坦 para su sello discogr叩fico luego de escuchar su maqueta. Royce debut坦 en 2010 con su 叩lbum hom坦nimo que inclu鱈a los 辿xitos "Stand by Me" y "Coraz坦n sin cara" los cuales alcanz
Educa a tus hijos con un poco de hambre y frioxiomiD
El documento argumenta que los padres deben educar a sus hijos con un poco de hambre y fr鱈o para prepararlos para la vida real. Cita el ejemplo triste de Pel辿, cuyo hijo fue arrestado por narcotr叩fico, y reflexiona que Pel辿 probablemente pas坦 demasiado tiempo ocupado y no se dio cuenta de los problemas de su hijo. Finalmente, sugiere que exponer a los hijos a ciertas dificultades los puede forjar como personas de bien a largo plazo, mientras que darles todo en bandeja de plata los puede
This document is a resume for Kathryn A. Wheeler that summarizes her 20+ years of administrative experience including roles as an Administrative Assistant, Administrative Manager, and Executive Assistant. She has strong computer, organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills. Her resume highlights various administrative roles and provides recommendation letters from past supervisors praising her work.
Este documento resume la neurobiolog鱈a de las adicciones. Explica c坦mo los est鱈mulos repetidos de drogas afectan las prote鱈nas y circuitos cerebrales, creando adicci坦n a trav辿s de cambios en la expresi坦n g辿nica. Describe los mecanismos de recompensa en el cerebro y c坦mo las drogas los manipulan, as鱈 como los s鱈ntomas de abstinencia y tratamientos efectivos que incluyen terapias conductuales y farmacoterapia.
La autora reflexiona sobre c坦mo a cierta edad, despu辿s de los 40 a単os, las personas se vuelven "invisibles" para el mundo, pero ella nunca se hab鱈a sentido tan consciente de su existencia y protagonista de su vida como ahora. Reconoce que ya no necesita que un pr鱈ncipe la rescate y que ha encontrado la paz al aceptarse a s鱈 misma, con sus defectos y debilidades. Finalmente, comprende que solo ella es responsable de su felicidad y que debe dejar que la vida siga su curso natural.
Ashok Kumar is a performance-driven professional with 4 years of experience in logistics, materials management, and supply chain management. He has a proven track record of establishing processes and standard operating procedures. Some of his key strengths include vendor management, commercial operations, cost reduction, and team management. Currently he works at Instakart Services handling their largest fulfillment center where he is responsible for smooth operations between different departments and maintaining zero process breaks.
The Cochrane Collaboration Colloquium: The mentoring programme of The Cochran...Cochrane.Collaboration
The document discusses training and support programs for authors in less-wealthy countries writing Cochrane reviews on HIV/AIDS. It describes a mentoring program pairing authors with experienced mentors that has supported over 20 authors in completing reviews. The program provides training materials, database searches, and library support. It has helped increase the number of reviews relevant to areas with high disease burden but limited resources for research. Continued funding and expansion of the mentoring model to additional regions is needed to further support authors globally.
The document discusses DNA.Land, a website that allows users to share and analyze their genome data to find genetic relatives and learn about their ancestry and genetic traits. It describes features of the site like ancestry reports, relative matching, and tools for genetic genealogy research. It also covers efforts to build large shared family trees by cleaning data from public profiles and validating relationships using genetic and other data. The goal is to leverage crowdsourcing and data sharing to advance medical research on conditions like longevity and rare genetic disorders.
Reward management is concerned with the formation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization.
This document is a resume for Kathryn A. Wheeler that summarizes her 20+ years of administrative experience including roles as an Administrative Assistant, Administrative Manager, and Executive Assistant. She has strong computer, organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills. Her resume highlights various administrative roles and provides recommendation letters from past supervisors praising her work.
Este documento resume la neurobiolog鱈a de las adicciones. Explica c坦mo los est鱈mulos repetidos de drogas afectan las prote鱈nas y circuitos cerebrales, creando adicci坦n a trav辿s de cambios en la expresi坦n g辿nica. Describe los mecanismos de recompensa en el cerebro y c坦mo las drogas los manipulan, as鱈 como los s鱈ntomas de abstinencia y tratamientos efectivos que incluyen terapias conductuales y farmacoterapia.
La autora reflexiona sobre c坦mo a cierta edad, despu辿s de los 40 a単os, las personas se vuelven "invisibles" para el mundo, pero ella nunca se hab鱈a sentido tan consciente de su existencia y protagonista de su vida como ahora. Reconoce que ya no necesita que un pr鱈ncipe la rescate y que ha encontrado la paz al aceptarse a s鱈 misma, con sus defectos y debilidades. Finalmente, comprende que solo ella es responsable de su felicidad y que debe dejar que la vida siga su curso natural.
Ashok Kumar is a performance-driven professional with 4 years of experience in logistics, materials management, and supply chain management. He has a proven track record of establishing processes and standard operating procedures. Some of his key strengths include vendor management, commercial operations, cost reduction, and team management. Currently he works at Instakart Services handling their largest fulfillment center where he is responsible for smooth operations between different departments and maintaining zero process breaks.
The Cochrane Collaboration Colloquium: The mentoring programme of The Cochran...Cochrane.Collaboration
The document discusses training and support programs for authors in less-wealthy countries writing Cochrane reviews on HIV/AIDS. It describes a mentoring program pairing authors with experienced mentors that has supported over 20 authors in completing reviews. The program provides training materials, database searches, and library support. It has helped increase the number of reviews relevant to areas with high disease burden but limited resources for research. Continued funding and expansion of the mentoring model to additional regions is needed to further support authors globally.
The document discusses DNA.Land, a website that allows users to share and analyze their genome data to find genetic relatives and learn about their ancestry and genetic traits. It describes features of the site like ancestry reports, relative matching, and tools for genetic genealogy research. It also covers efforts to build large shared family trees by cleaning data from public profiles and validating relationships using genetic and other data. The goal is to leverage crowdsourcing and data sharing to advance medical research on conditions like longevity and rare genetic disorders.
Reward management is concerned with the formation and implementation of strategies and policies that aim to reward people fairly, equitably and consistently in accordance with their value to the organization.