Dragonicum.com is an international B2B marketplace and company directory located in Slovenia that aims to connect businesses from around the world. It provides services like an online company directory, trade leads directory, trade show directory, country reports, news, forums and security features to help businesses network, find opportunities and trading partners, and market themselves internationally in a safe online environment. Dragonicum membership allows businesses to create a profile showcasing their information and directly linking to their website and contact details to improve their online visibility and international marketing efforts.
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Dragonicum Your Gateway To International Business
1. Your gateway to international business
Dragonicum.com is a new
international B2B market
place and company directory,
located in the heart of
Europe, in beautiful Slovenia, Online trading is an easy,
the natural and historical time- and cost efficient way
meeting point of cultures to manage investments.
between the East and the
West. By using internet it is
Dragonicum will service you possible for you to
directly as your strategist to research and invest in
ensure quality and business opportunities all
consistency across your over the world.
Internet marketing program.
2. Dragonicum's Developers
Dragonicum.com, the
international trade portal,
was developed between
2006-2009 in co-operation
with the Slovene
programmer, Janko Metelko,
owner of Refaktor d.o.o. Inger-Marie Wold Fabic
Owner and Developer of
Inger-Marie Wold Fabic Dragonicum.com
(Norway), owner of
Dragonicum, has more than
20 years' experience with
international affairs,
marketing and sales from
Norway, China and Slovenia.
3. Business ethics and professionalism
We are devoted to conduct client relationship intergration,
horizontally and vertically, based on business ethics and
professionalsm, business rules and efficiency.
Our vision is to be the most trusted business bridge builder
between continents on Internet.
Our goal is to create the best marketing effects and values for
our Dragonicum members.
4. Investment in business opportunities all
over the world via Internet
But it is risky, and you should take precautions to ensure that
you do not become the target or victim of scams and fraudulent
schemes. These days there is a rise of tailored Trojans aimed
at customers of banks, business portals and social networks,
and we are witnessing increasing awareness of the value of
people's identity.
Businesses are at risk because their lack of understanding
cyber security has resulted in a widespread failure to implement
the necessary preventative technology.
5. Security makes Dragonicum unique
Internet criminals are stronger than ever and seem to take
advantage of Internet's capabilities, therefore be wary when
you receive unsolicited emails, and when you search for new
products, services and partners on Internet, because anyone
can post web site information which is accessable from
anywhere in the world in order to carry out various types of
fraudulent schemes.
6. Safer trading with Dragonicum.com
Different as Dragonicum.com
is from other online business
portals is that we focus on
security from the start.
Our priority No 1 is to create
Today there are too many and maintain a safe and well lit
trade portals keeping their market place for our member
door widely open for the companies.
infiltration of scammers and
cyber criminals, with the Security makes Dragonicum.
result that they have lost com unique!
completely control over their
website's trade community.
7. Dragonicum's Security Measures
Our security center is designed to help our members in
identifying trustworthy trading partners. Some of our security
Only legitimate companies are welcome to join Dragonicum.
Member candidates must pass through an authentification and
verification process. Member candidates will not get access to
the member's area before their membership application has
been approved. Member profiles must be filled out with
comprehensive contact and company information before it gets
announced on the front page.
8. Dragonicum.com Security Center
Learn how to protect yourself and your company by being
cautious and critical to all requests that your company receives.
- Bluetooth Hacking, Bluebugging, Bluesnarfing
- Change your passwords regularly
- Cyber Crime Awareness
- Cyber Crime Prevention
- Cyber Crime Complaints
- Internet Fraud Schemes
- Protect your account
- Regular Backups
9. Efficient Internet Marketing
Your company is doing well,
but could it do even better?
Your company's two main
objectives should be to You will find Dragonicum.com
attract customers and to as a valuable Internet partner
convert the customer traffic whether you want to increase
into inquiries. business to business
contacts, generate more
Your web presence's goals sales, or enhance branding of
should be to improve the your products and services.
business as a whole and
complement your company's
offline marketing and sales
10. Dragonicum.com's Services
- Company Directory: defined for more than 13,500 services
- Trade Leads Directory; buying, selling, co-operation leads
- Trade Show Directory: worldwide trade shows and events
- Country Reports: facts & statistics, business culture, links
- Latest News, BBC News, EUobserver, Newspaper Directory
- Forum
- Topical subjects, HR, Health, Safety & Security, Environment
- Cultural pages, Business Etiquette and Protocol
- Advertising, Marketing, Translation
- Web Design & Development, Webmaster Services
11. Advanced Search Engines
Your company profile will be easy to locate, and it is simply
impossible for it to "just disappear" in the huge Company
Directory because Dragonicum is provided with Search
Enginges and Advanced Search Engines for keywords to
industry sectors, products and services, company names,
countries, export and import markets, key products and
12. Dragonicum Company Directories
Dragonicum's Company Directories are defined for more than
13,500 industries, services and products
Dragonicum members are presented with individual company
profiles containing
- Comprehensive company presentation, logo and photo
- Contact information
- Direct links to their email and website
- Business lines linked to the company directories
13. Dragonicum Trade Leads Directory
Dragonicum members can post trade leads free of charge
- Selling Leads: featured products and services
- Buying Leads: sourcing products and services
- Co-operation leads: search for partners and representatives
The latest trade leads are shown in the running banner across
the front page of Dragonicum.
14. Dragonicum Directory for Trade Shows
and Events Worldwide
Dragonicum's Trade Shows and Events directory is one of the
most comprehensive on Internet, covering Africa & Middle East,
Americas, Asia & Pacific, and Europe.
Search for trade shows and events by year, industry, region,
country or venue. Find direct links to each of the events' official
websites and contact information of the venues.
Dragonicum is a busy place, but never too busy to help you find
an event!
15. Dragonicum Country Reports
Country Report Directory for Africa & Middle East, Americas,
Asia & Pacific, and Europe.
- Facts & Statistics
- Useful links
- Official Holidays
- Society & Culture
- Business Culture, Etiquette & Protocol
16. Dragonicum News Services
Latest News from BBC News and EUobserver Brussels
Online Newspaper Directory covering Africa & Middle East,
Americas, Asia & Pacific, and Europe
Dragonicum Newsletters
17. Dragonicum Forum
Dragonicum Forum comprises everything related to Travel &
Tourism, Adventure Travel & Sports, Travel Health &
Insurance, Art & Culture, Cargo & Shipping, Business Ideas,
Marketing, Management, HR Human Resources, Internet
Security m.m.
You are welcome to share your ideas in our interactive and
open forum which is intended to serve as a resource to assist
and support our users and members.
18. Dragonicum Topical Subjects
Business Gift Guidance
Business Card Etiquette
Human Resources Guide
Occupational Health and Safety
Safe Online Trade
Security Center
Sustainable Companies
19. Dragonicum Premium Services
Marketing Assistance
Translation, professional
- Chinese, English, Italian, German, Slovene, Norwegian,
Web Design & Development
Webmaster Services
Web Hosting Services
20. Dragonicum visitors from 112 countries
Membership in Dragonicum could make a significant
difference to your business in these uncertain times.
Dragonicum suits businesses of all kinds. As a member you
will benefit domestical and international online promotion of
your company, with your own company profile incl. direct
links to your email box and website. In this way will all
inquiries concerning your company, products and services
go directly to your company, because we do not act as
21. Visit us at http://www.dragonicum.com
Dragonicum membership can
help you make more out of
your marketing strategies,
and give you a more efficient
internet marketing
Demonstrate your credibility
for customers and
competitors by joining
Dragonicum today!
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