1) Fia and Silvi were childhood friends but when Silvi's family became impoverished, Fia no longer wanted to be friends with her and insulted her in front of their classmates.
2) Two years later, Silvi is adopted by a wealthy family and attends the same school as Fia, Chika, Yubi and Sony. Fia's family then faces hardship and she must work to support herself.
3) Fia apologizes to Silvi and they rebuild their friendship along with Chika, Yubi and Sony, showing that true friendship can overcome difficult times.
2. Narrator : Fia and Silvi is a good friend.They had been friendssince childhood,butoneday
when the Silvis family hasimpoverished,Fia wasno longer wish to be friendswith Silvi.When Fia,
Silvi, Chika,Yubi, and Sony wascleaning theclass beforegoing to home,Silvi asking to Fia for help,
butFia insulting Silvi.
Silvi : Fi,can youhelpme to move thistable?
Fia : What? Help?Do youthinkyou are?
Silvi : What's withyou,Fi?Arentwe friends?Doyou've forgotten?
Fia : Friend?Sorry,I donthave a friendlike youwhopoor.Ijustwant to be
Sony : What's wrongwithyou two?Seemedtobe problematic.
Silvi : No,nothing.We're bothfine.YesitFia?
Fia : Fine?Thispoor kidwasaskingfor helptome.But unfortunately,Idontfriendswith
people whoare rich.wantto helppeople likehim, Eww
(Silvi also go by hearing wordssuch Fia)
Sony : Dont be like that,Fi.Insteadof youand Silvi didfriendsfromchildhood?Now that
Silvisfamilywasimpoverished,younolongerwanttobe friendshim?Insteadof atime like thisyou
can showto she, if you were herbestfriend.Ratherthanleft.
Chika : Itstrue.You shouldnowsupporther,notinsultherlike that.PitySilvi.
Yubi : Yes it.What kindof friendare you?
Fia : You thinkanyone woulddare youadvise me?Itisup to me what to do.
Yubi : We dontintendtoadvise you.Butwe dontwant yourfriendshipwith
Fia : Aargh, itsnotyour problem.Mindyourselves.Silvi endeduplike this.
(Fia immediately return)
Chika : Howcouldshe do that to Silvi.Hadnotis she whoalwaysdefended
Sony : That onlyshe knows.Butthe one thingthat finallywe know,Fiajust
Chika : Nowonder.
Yubi : Come on, dontbe discussedagain,we bettergohome.
3. Chika : Thatsright.
Sony : Let's Go!!!
Narrator : The nextday,they go backto schoolas usual,butnotwith Silvi. This also occurs for2
consecutiveweeks.In the end when the fourwere on their way to school,they accidentally met with
Silvi on the roadsidelooking forboxes.
Sony : Hey,she is notSilvi?
Chika : yes,she isSilvi.What'sshe doing?Shesnotgoingtoschool,butwhy did she playing?
(Sony wasimmediately appealing Fia theroad behind her and wasengrossed in his iPhone)
Sony : See that? What didyourfrienddo?
Fia : haha ... definitelyshe issearchingsome garbage.She isapoorguy.
Yubi : Anyway.Let'sgo there.
Sony : Sil,whatare youdoing?Why you dontgo to school for2 week?
Silvi : (a Shocked) Me?Yes,as yousee.
Fia : I told youso? Surelyshe waslookingfor garbage.Asyoudontknow the
Chika : Fia,evenso,she'sstill yourfriend.
Sony : What the hell.Sil,Whyyoudontgotoschool?
Silvi : Well,myparentsdonthave moneytopay me and my brotherforschool.Butmylittle
brotherwantgoingback to school,so I relentedjustformy little brother.Letmylittle brother's
school and I washelpingmyparentstomake endsmeet.
Yubi : Honor all your heart,Sil.
Fia : Honor what?She justwantedtofindsympathy?these guyseasilyfooledher.
Silvi : How couldyousay that to me.I know now I was poor,but I still have feelings.If you
dontwant tobe friendsagainwithme,itdoesnotmatterfor me,butdontyou despisedme with
thissaying.One again,I neverregretacquaintedwithyou.Butitwas a learningexperience forme.
Thank youFia.
(Silvi wasrunning asfastas possibleleaving the fourof them with mixed feelings)
4. Sony : How satisfiedare youhurther?remember,one dayyou will alsofeelwhatSilvi feel
Yubi&Chika:Yes itis.
Fia : What? That's not possible.Myfamilycouldnothave fallenintopoverty Silvi whenthere
isa problem? wanttobe friendswithpeoplewho are richworkof the poor.like her. Myfamilyhasa
lotof businessesthatproduce alot of money.Andwouldnotrunfor 5 generations.Haha
(Chuckling Fia any way to leave the three of them)
Yubi : Arrogant once the child.Hope herlife isfine.
Sony : yes.Indeed,sometimeswe have torealize thatthere are certainpeople whocanlive in
our hearts,butnot inour lives
Chika : yescorrect it.Andhopefullyone daywe can meetagainwithSilvi.
(Finally,threeof themto continuethejourney to school)
Narrator : After2 yearspassed,Fia,Chika,Yubi,and Sony not meet Silvi. Apparently Silvi now
adopted by a wealthy family and Silvi schooled in thesame schoolwith Chika,Yubi, and Sony. One
day when Silvi entered forthe first time at the new school,Chika,Yubi,and Sony very surprised.
Yubi : See the newstudent,herface seemedtobe familiartome.
Sony : Ehmmm,yesYub. It seemslike I've beenacquaintedwith her.
Chika : Whoare you talkingabout?
Yubi Sony : She!
Chika : haah????SHE IS SILVI!!!
Sony : yeah,yesshe isSilvi!!
Yubi : Hey!!Silvi,come here!
Silvi : you three??Youschool here?
Chika : Yes
Silvi : Well,IdontthinkI'd see youagain.WheresFia?
Yubi : We haventseenhersince 2years ago.
Sony : Yeah,it lookslike she'smovinghouse.
Chika : Come on,let'sgo to class. Your classsame withmy classright?
Silvi : Um, Yeah
5. Sony : Let's Go!!!
Narrator : At afternoon,Fia singing in frontof the Silvis house.And it turnsChika,Yubi, and Sony
wasat the Silvis house.Then thefourof themwentto Fia.
Chika : Fia,whatare youdoing?
Fia : you guys?I ...,I ... I'm workingtosupportmyself.
Yubi : Where are yourparents??Why can youwork?
Fia : My parentsdiedtwoyearsago due to an accident,andnone of their businessforward.
So all the treasuresof my parentsare gone,and I justlive alone now.
Sony : Fi,I was remindedof the wordsthatI speak2 years ago.I'm sorry, Fia
Fia : I shouldbe askingforforgiveness.Iusedtooarrogantto you,Sil.Now I feel whatyou
feel,IknowthatGod is just.I'm sorry,Sil.I'msorry.
Silvi : Nevermind,Fia.Forgetit,I've forgottenall of whatyousaidbefore.Now the fourof us
are friendsright?
Chika : Yes.Whateverhappens we willstaytogether,right?
SYS : Yeah !!
Fia : um, do youreallyforgive me?
Silvi : Of course,Fia.I'm sure bynow you've changed.
Fia : Well,thankyou friends.Apparentlyfriendshipiseverything.
Chika : How about we helpyousinging,Fi?
Silvi : Great idea!
Sony : I agree,wouldhave beenverynice.
Yubi : Come on! Where we can singing,Fia?
Fia : Emm, howabout inPurwosari market?there itcrowded?
Sony : Let's Go!!!!!!
Narrator: As of today,Fia,Silvi, Chika,Yubi,and Sony friendly.Fia appointed child foster parentSilvi.
The fourof them werealwaystogetherand always laughing together.