The document discusses drawing office personnel and their responsibilities. It describes the roles of the chief designer, draftsman, checker, and tracer. The chief designer ensures the design's function, reliability, accuracy, appropriate materials, manufacturability, and quantity. The draftsman converts design sketches into accurate working drawings. The checker scrutinizes drawings for completeness and accuracy. The tracer copies finalized drawings onto durable materials for distribution.
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1. Introduction
There are many different ways
of communicating ideas,
information, instruction, etc.
They can be transmitted by
signs or gestures, by words of
mouth, in writing, or
Engineering drawing is a
graphical language used by
those concerned with the
constructive arts: in the
manufacturing of machinery,
structure, ships, aircraft, and so
2. Drawing Office
Job Descriptions
Chief Designer
Whatever device is to be designed then it
will be the responsibility of the Chief
Designer to ensure:
• Function
• Life and reliability
• Accuracy
• Materials
• Methods of manufacture
• Quantity
Drawing Office Personnel
The drafting office is the starting point for all engineering work. Below is the
job description of drawing office personnel;
3. Draftsman
The work include, changing a design sketch into a
clear accurate working drawing, from which
blueprints are made for the craftsman to work from
when making the components.
The completed working drawing is passed on to the
checker who scrutinizes the drawing for
completeness and accuracy.
The completed working drawing may have to be
produced in large quantities for various stages of
manufacture. The copies need to be clear and robust.
The finalized drawing is traced onto a suitable
material from which prints are made for
Drawing Office Personnel
4. Drafting/Drawing Equipments
Set Square: 45°-45°-90°
Set Square: 30°-60°-90°
Scale Rule
Tape (masking tape)
Wooden Drawing Board
French curve
The following are essential, and should be purchased by all students of graphical
communication before commencement of study and drawing practices: